Monthly Archives: March 2018

Anti-Depressant, Opioids-Induced Homicides-Diminishing metabolizing genes of the Cyp450 Family

STUDY: Cyp 450 Homicides Lucire

STUDY #2 The relevance of cytochrome P450 polymorphism in forensic medicine
and akathisia-related violence and suicide Lucire#2

Published paper by Dr. Yolande Lucire,

Dr Yolande Lucire is a forensic psychiatrist who specialises in adverse drug reactions to psychiatric drugs. Truly compassionate, a pioneer in her field, she has successfully taken people, who were considered “mentally ill”, off of their contraindicated medications.

VLA Recommendation:  RIVETING!!!  Make sure you view Table 3

STUDY: Cyp 450 Homicides Lucire

Read below excerpts of personal experience from Dr. Lucire’s published paper… for example,  of subject #1.  Those people who are non or poor metabolizers of Cyp 450 do not just have ordinary suicidal or homicidal ideation but have heinous! ideations (see below).  Hence…school shootings by young men who are taking or withdrawing from prescription drugs or street drugs.  Every child vaccinated before the age of three years old is damaged because Cyp 450 is “maturing”.  This detox liver super family of enzymes is not mature enough to metabolize the excipients in vaccines including aluminum, mercury, ethanol, formaldyde, Poly sorbate 80, etc.  All children given vaccines before Cyp 450 is mature is damaged to some extent. Many of these vaccinated individuals , especially life long genetic non metabolizers (absent the activity of cyp 450 variable…10% of Caucasians, for example) are so damaged by early vaccines that they then get subsequently mis-diagnosed as mentally ill and put on counter indicated drugs which continue to make them psychotic, Homicidal, suicidal.

Study#1:  Information on subjects’ drug regimes, CYP450 genotypes, criminal acts, and outcomes for ten of those suffering violent akathisia.

Study #2: Lucire#2 The relevance of cytochrome P450 polymorphism in forensic medicine
and akathisia-related violence and suicide

Study #1 excerpts: Twenty-six were known to be taking illicit or herbal psychoactivesubstances metabolized by CYP450 and had beentreated with antidepressants, antipsychotics, atypicals, and enforced zuclopenthixol depot injections (all also metabolizedby CYP450) and remained under psychiatric careuntil they stopped medication or committed suicide. Their treating doctors are among the 30 unresponsive to genetic information. This attitude may be related to a popular butcontested belief that cannabis accelerates the onset of mental illness. It has not been possible to follow up the fates of 26 of them. Of the tested population, 86 seemed to have been fully functioningworkers or students experiencing various degrees of
psychosocial stress, who were being treated for compensable injuries and/or stressors. Four had been diagnosed with mentalillness before they used substances, medicinal or other: two
with schizophrenia and two with bipolar disorder. At least 26were given psychiatric medications following or during theuse of illicit substances such as cannabis, amphetamines,
and ecstasy (MDMA), three had taken hypericum beforetaking antidepressants and had developed similar adversity on that. Three had received attention for anorexia nervosa,
three for the effects of sexual abuse, two for brain injuries,one for organophosphate poisoning, and one for epilepsy. The expected array of human problems was disclosed, with
overlapping alcohol overuse (2), personality disorders (6), and bereavements (4). The premedication conditions of sixcould not be reliably assessed.

Out of the 129, eight had committed homicide, three had
committed suicide and one had sleepwalked to her death. The
first author restored 16 to their previously normal personalities
by supervising a very slow and safe withdrawal of medications
in the correct order.  READ More…Cyp 450 Homicides Lucire

Subject # 1 in her own words:

My husband was drinking. I took small doses of valerian
for a month and had weird dreams and premonitions. When
I took nortriptyline, I immediately wanted to kill myself,
talked myself out of it. I’d never had thoughts like that
before. My husband was angry, shouting. I walked outside
a lot, with palpitations, trouble breathing, and became more
depressed. My smoking went up to 25 a day, no alcohol.
I didn’t sleep for two nights, dreamt, then slept maybe three
hours, felt awful. I dreamt that my daughter had dark teeth
and I saw a black halo around her head, a spear hanging over
it. I felt like a zombie. I believed I had to help my daughter,
that a bad spirit possessed her. I picked up a knife and
stabbed her and woke up. I was not myself. I was looking
on from the outside, controlled by dark forces. She said:
“Mum, what are you doing here?” I realized what I’d done.
I asked my husband to kill me. He called the police. I felt
better in the police cells without the pills, but the pills started
again and thoughts of killing myself returned.

More SSRI Stories ie. 7 year old children hanging themselves by their belts in their closets.

SSRI Stories is a riveting website and collection of drug induced homicides and suicides

Study #2: Lucire#2 The relevance of cytochrome P450 polymorphism in forensic medicine and akathisia-related violence and suicide

Excerpts: A forensic investigation combined with medication history, reports from observers, clinical records and a blood sample or a non-invasive swab from the living or dead can help elucidate the proximate, pharmacogenetic cause of death, suicide or violence. This determination can absolve persons charged with homicide (or abort the investigation), affect insurance pay-outs for suicide, provide an absolute defence of involuntary intoxication for the perpetrator of violence, and should protect a living person from getting more drugs with the same metabolic pathways as those that caused the problem.

Forensic pharmacogenomics correlates genetic variations to response to drugs.29 DNA testing can provide forensic examiners with a tool to investigate death caused by medication.30 In 2000, forensic pharmacogenetics was first used to explain the death of a nine-year-old child treated with a combination of methylphenidate, codeine and fluoxetine where the medical examiner reported fluoxetine toxicity. Finding that the child was defective in CYP2D6 capability aborted a homicide investigation of the parents by explaining the toxic level.31 Lucire and Crotty reported ten akathisia homicides (and some attempts) committed by people taking antidepressants, not for mental illness, but for distress caused by their predicaments. These individuals also had diminishing mutations in the CYP450 family of metabolizing enzymes and all were taking medicines that further decreased metabolism by inhibition.32

3. Subject 1, USA

A 39-year-old woman, with no prior history of mental illness, suicidality or violence had a difficult marriage and was prescribed zolpidem 10 mg/night for insomnia and alprazolam for fear of flying. A year later, she had divorced, moved to a new house, a parent had died, and she felt overwhelmed. Sertraline, 50 mg/day, was superimposed on long-term zolpidem use. Her mental state deteriorated. She said she had no emotions and felt like a “zombie”. She was switched to venlafaxine 150 mg/day. Throughout her treatment, she had been restless and had slept only with zolpidem, waking after few hours in an agitated state. At some point, she began believing that killing her husband and herself was the right thing to do for her children. She stopped venlafaxine abruptly and, on the following day, she ambushed her husband with a baseball bat, then stabbed him many times. Intent on committing suicide, she overdosed on zolpidem, alprazolam and alcohol, but survived and was charged with murder. The metabolic pathways of the drugs in use are presented in Table 1. Her P450 genotypes for the relevant enzymes are presented in Table 2.

Partial Excerpt from another subject: A woman:

A couple of months later, the note, “this patient does not belong in psychiatric care,” was recorded, and she was discharged. Venlafaxine was reduced to 75 mg/day, and temazepam and quetiapine were ceased. After nine months, she stopped venlafaxine without tapering but, two weeks later, she resumed her prescribed dosage. Her behaviour was described as “erratic” and “chaotic”. Without warning, she suffocated her two-year-old son with a pillow, hanged him using the cord of her bathrobe, put him in a box, woke her 7-year-old-daughter and told her that they all, including herself, had to die. She drove a car, along with her daughter, into a canal. Her daughter escaped. Charged with murder and attempted murder, she had only patchy recall of these events. Drugs and enzymes for this subject are given in Table 3. A year later, the defence team requested genetic testing for CYP450 (Table 4). 


VLA Comment:  People who are on counter indicated drugs, prescription or street drugs,  based on deminished genetic metabolism commit these homicides as if driven by some inexplicable heinous force and barely recall the event. Some defense such as Automaton and Involuntary Intoxication are used as defenses.

Opioid Crisis & Cytochrome P450

This review will focus on the effect of the CYP450 enzyme system metabolism on opioid agents codeine, fentanyl, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, methadone, morphine, oxycodone, and oxymorphone, as well as the potential effect of these opioids on the metabolism of other medications and vice versa. READ Study…





Direct Orders film: Anthrax Vaccine mandated to the Military

A BRILLIANT, award winning documentary by Scott Miller, narrated by Michael Douglas about the life changing adverse events of military men and women vaccinated with the experimental Anthrax vaccine that contained Squalene, an adjuvant recommended by the CDC.

Note Update 2017: FLUAD, a new flu shot for seniors contains Squalene.

“Ordered against their will, many of these soldiers have died and live a totally disabled life.” VLA comment: You want to dissuade a loved one from going into the military…have them watch this!








Adm. William J. Crowe Jr. It seems that back when Goerge H. W. Bush was setting up Osama Bin Laden as a Freedom fighter (A “freedom fighter” is the same thing as a terrorist, only aimed at someone you don’t like) , the good Admiral (seen right) and his buddies on the Joint Chiefs were selling American made weapons-grade Anthrax to Saddam Hussein in the hopes that he would use it on Iran (and then we wonder why the Iranian people don’t much like Americans). Who knows who else got these American-made weapons of mass destruction either from Admiral Crowe or Saddam. READ MORE…

How a company cashed in on anthrax – Daily Press

Dec 7, 2005 – But the U.S. government was not keen on letting a foreign-owned company control its anthrax vaccine. The only other bidder was also based overseas. So Fuad ElHibri played a trump card: A family friend, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. William Crowe, was made a director. Crowe put no ..



SQUALENE AND GULF WAR SYNDROME Book Vaccine A: The Covert Government Experiment That’s Killing Our Soldiers and Why GIs Are Only the First Victims By Gary Matsumoto:

Author-Gary Matsumoto
Gary Matsumoto, a journalist based in New York City, has reported from thirty-two different countries on five continents, covered two wars and five popular uprisings, and won ten journalism awards. He has been the London Bureau Manager and Chief Foreign Correspondent for NBC Radio News; a National Correspondent for NBC’s Weekend Today Show and Senior Correspondent for the Fox News Channel. As a broadcaster, he has covered events ranging from the toppling of the Communist Party in Eastern Europe to Desert Storm, the Tiananmen Square massacre to the death of Princess Diana. He has written about the anthrax letter attacks for the Washington Post and Science magazine. His 1998 article in Vanity Fair was the first to draw the connection between the anthrax vaccine and Gulf War Syndrome.


Tucker Carlson March 2018 Series: American Men in Crisis

VLA Commen

Tucker is touching on every male crisis that is would be covered by two major causal issues:

Autism rates are gender biased: Various studies, together with anecdotal evidence have come up with men/women ratios ranging from 2:1 to 16:1.

Toxic Agriculture: Atrazine, Alachlor, DDT, Round Up  MALE SPERM COUNT DOWN 50%


The hypothesis put forth in THE LANCET  suggests that males are being exposed in the womb to female sex hormones that permanently alter their sexual development, increase their risk of having undescended testicles, hypospadias, and testicular cancer, and reduce by half the average man’s ability to produce sperm.


News and resources for environmental justice.

Temporal trends in sperm count: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis

This comprehensive meta-regression analysis reports a significant decline in sperm counts (as measured by SC and TSC) between 1973 and 2011, driven by a 50–60% decline among men unselected by fertility from North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Because of the significant public health implications of these results, research on the causes of this continuing decline is urgently needed. READ STUDY…

DDT Linked to Abnormal Sperm – Scientific American

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome-Is it connected to AIDS virus? Personal story and research


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Non-HIV AIDS

Chronic Fatigue syndrome and Non-HIV AIDS


 Allied NATO Government is hiding millions of infectious NON HIV AIDS cases under the “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)” ICD-code.

* Cptn. Joyce Riley’s military show THE POWER HOUR: “…HIV-Negative AIDS cases falsely reported and treated as CFS cases may be one of the biggest cover-ups we’ve ever seen…”

* In 1992 (i.e., after Gulf War 1) “…NEWSWEEK made an even more shocking announcement: …CFS patients who had the same immune system deficiencies as the NON-HIV AIDS cases…”

America’s Biggest Cover-Up: 50 More Things Everyone Should Know About the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic And Its Link to AIDS

* Neenyah Ostrom’s book “America’s Biggest Cover-up: 50 More Things…CFS & Its Link To AIDS” cites: “Some CFS Patients May Be Non-HIV AIDS Cases.


My case goes up through the NIH, CDC, White House, WHO, to the UN.  I hope that you will spread-the-news too (e.g., post on Facebook, Twitter, add to eNews).

Trailer: Radiation from Wireless Technology

“How much more radiation penetrates your body today compared to ten years ago? Is it twice as much, three times as much? No it is a quintillion times more – that is a one with 18 zeros.” Olle Johansson, PhD

Today we encounter a hundred thousand times the level of radiation from wireless technologies than we did decades ago. Yet the safety standards set by federal regulatory agencies are outdated. GENERATION ZAPPED investigates the potential dangers of prolonged exposure to Radio Frequencies (RF) from wireless technology,
its effects on our health and well-being, as well as the health and development of our children. So how can we uncover the facts and reduce our exposure to limit the associated health risks during this technological revolution? GENERATION ZAPPED attempts to do just that.

Allergies, Diabetes, Crones Disease…Studies LINK Animal Proteins in Vaccines to Autoimmune Disease

Cancer immunology, bioinformatics and chemokine evidence link vaccines contaminated with animal proteins to autoimmune disease: a detailed look at Crohn’s disease and Vitiligo

Cancer research has demonstrated that immunization with homologous xenogeneic proteins (such as vaccines contaminated with animal proteins that resemble human proteins) results in autoimmunity. Bioinformatics analysis demonstrates that animal proteins have occasional amino acids differences compared to equivalent human proteins. So mutated human protein epitopes can be identical to animal protein derived epitopes. Low affinity self reactive T cells suited for detection of mutated human epitopes will be activated by animal derived epitopes.

CD8+ T cells involved in numerous autoimmune disorders express the CCR4 skin homing receptor. This is evidence that the site of priming was the skin. This is consistent with subcutaneous or intramuscular injection of animal protein contaminated vaccines.

Taken together, we have strong mechanistic evidence of animal protein contaminated vaccines causing numerous autoimmune disorders.  READ MORE…



Anaphylaxis is a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. It can occur within seconds or minutes of exposure to something you’re allergic to.

Using epidemiologic and mechanistic evidence, the committee developed 158 causality conclusions and assigned each relationship between a vaccine and an adverse health problem to one of four categories of causation:

  • Evidence convincingly supports a causal relationship
  • Evidence favors acceptance of a causal relationship, V
  • Evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship
  • Evidence is inadequate to accept or reject a causal relationship

The committee finds that evidence convincingly supports a causal relationship between some INvaccines and some adverse events—such as MMR, varicella zoster, influenza, hepatitis B, meningococcal, and tetanus-containing vaccines linked to anaphylaxis. READ MORE…

LED lighting & Directed Energy Weapons: Another Devastating technology being amplified


What she doesn’t mention is that the LED technology expanding to street lights is being used as an INTERNET source instead of cable.

Towards the end she mentions Senomyx…a nanotechnology fooling the senses, using fetal cells. 

See synomyx post on VLA and list of foods containing Senomyx

SENOMYX: List of FOOD companies using FETAL CELLS from aborted babies to flavor.

SENOMYX: List of FOOD companies using FETAL CELLS from aborted babies to flavor.

Many propagandists claim that fetal cells are derrived from one cell line, one fetus, decades ago.  Here is Sayerji from Green Meds research on the currency of fetal cell lines.  “BIOTECH’S DARK PROMISE!

SNOPES: Although Snopes dances around whether there are fetal cells in Pepsi…they confirm that Pepsi has a deal with Senomyx producers and that Senomyx indeed uses a technology that is derived from fetal cells.

Aborted cells are used in the development of artificial flavor enhancers by biotech company Senomyx, with which PepsiCo signed a four-year, $30 million agreement in 2010 for research and development. No Pepsi products containing Senonymx flavor enhancers should be expected until 2013.

Senomyx artificial flavor, unlabeled

The tongue of a foetus was used solel to develop a technology that could “taste” how sweet, sour, salty etc. To my understanding now, it is not in the products, but a potentially dangerous compound is.

Nestles, Kraft, Pepsi, etc invested in the development of a profound compound whose patent papers show the size of the compound being like half of a copy paper. The consideration we are having is that were there any long term studies? How senomyx (unlabeled) works is that this compound in the product affects the taste buds.


So instead of sugar, this compound is put in the product and fools your tongue to think their is sugar in the product but there is not…so no sugar calories. However, who is to say that this compound won’t destroy the taste buds with its repeated, unnnatural assault and leave our tastebuds damaged. We enjoy food and drink…we really enjoy taste so much that we overeat because though our stomach is full our mouths want some delight. What would the world seems like if we lost our tastebuds due to this ubiquitous unnatural assault? I have put in a FOIA request for a copy of their long term test that should have been done for FDA approval.


Products using synomyx, generally unlabled:

 To our knowledge, The only companies using Senomyx flavors are listed on this website:  .

Please read:

VLA Comment: Apparently, Cog for Life has done “extensive research” on the issue and is assured that there is no fetal DNA or cloned human DNA in the final products as the technology using fetal cells were just to identify the taste receptors in order to make “chemical compounds” to alter and fool our tastebuds.  Although, apparently, except for using fetal cells of healthy but aborted babies to discover the mechanism of taste receptors, the final aim was to develope chemical compounds to alter our tastebuds.  My question is how good is that for our species that we can no longer can  trust our God given senses? And moreover, are these chemical compounds poisonous, carcinogenic or ultimately destructive to the organic tastebud receptors?

Senomyx Patents

Great synopsis by Dr. Mercola


Not part of Senomyx – Neocutis Products:
This company produces anti wrinkle creams that contain cells from a 14 week gestation aborted malebaby. Following is the list of the creams, but we recommend a full boycott of all Neocutis Products.
• Bio-Gel Prevedem Journee
• Bio-Serum Lumiere
• Bio Restorative Skin Cream

Vaccines do contain HEK Cells:
MMR II (Merck)
ProQuad (MMR + Chickenpox – Merck)
Varivax (Chickenpox – Merck)
Pentacel (Polio + DTaP + HiB – Sanofi Pasteur)
Vaqta (Hepatitis-A – Merck)
Havrix (Hepatitis-A – Glaxo SmithKline)
Twinrix (Hepatitis-A and B combo – Glaxo)
Zostavax (Shingles – Merck)
Imovax (Rabies – Sanofi Pasteur)

Other medicines:
Pulmozyme (Cystic Fibrosis – Genetech)
Enbrel (Rheumatoid Arthritis – Amgen)

Moral options exist for Rabies, Polio,Rheumatoid Arthritis. Separate moral optionscurrently not available for Measles and Mumps.


VLA COMMENT: It must be over 10 years ago that VLA tried to influence the FDA regarding Senomyx when it was just getting off the ground. We did the same with GMO technology…but much of the corporate establishment knows no bounds when it comes to greed.   There is more to know.  

This bears repeating:  ASIDE FROM FETAL CELLS, These specialized molecules trick the tongue into not tasting the bitterness naturally inherent in foods such as cocoa or soy. Moreso, Senomyx is considered propriety and is not labelled. Think about the social implications of a child thinking he is tasting something sweet when it is not….it is just an affect the nano technology of synomex has on the tongue.  Truly we are in an age that no one can trust their five senses.

San Diego-based Senomyx has created novel flavors such as cold and creamy based on a rethinking of how taste buds perceive flavor. Using nanoscale assays, researchers have identified which individual cells on a given taste bud perceive a flavor. Each cell would recognize just one of the five main flavors — bitter, salty, sweet, sour and umami. Working within this conceptualization, the company has developed a library of flavors, incluing compounds called bitter blockers. These specialized molecules trick the tongue into not tasting the bitterness naturally inherent in foods such as cocoa or soy. These bitter blockers as well as Senomyx’s sweet and salty enhancers have already gotten the nod of approval from food giants such as Nestle and Coca Cola who are responding to consumer desires for packaged foods and beverages formulated with less salt and sugar. READ MORE…

VLA Comment:  Quote from Bittermyx (Senomyx) “Our scientists have identified the function of 22 bitter taste receptors responsible for sending the bitter taste signals in many API products used in OTC and prescription drugs. Leveraging this knowledge, Senomyx has developed a comprehensive bitter receptor profile to more effectively screen APIs and to identify the specific bitter receptors associated with bitter taste of a given API”.

You see, they are affecting the receptors on our tongues, basically without our knowledge or permission.