Tag Archives: England

New Study: Vaccines linked to Increase in mass school shootings and suicides

New Study: Vaccines Linked to Decline in Mental Health and Social Interaction – A Cause of Increase in Mass School Shootings?


The authors statistically analyzed insurance claims data between 2002 and 2007 for thousands of children ages 6 to 15 for any relationships between various vaccinations (influenza, tetanus & diphtheria, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, meningitis, varicella) and various subsequent psychiatric diagnoses (obsessive-compulsive disorder, anorexia nervosa, tic disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder).

The overall conclusion of this analysis implies that the onset of some psychiatric disorders may be related to some children having recently received a vaccination.


Temporal Association of Certain Neuropsychiatric Disorders Following Vaccination of Children and Adolescents: A Pilot Case–Control Study

CCHR finds Study: Association of vaccines and psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents

Referendum VOTE for Britain to leave the European Union -Stefan Molyneux

Why Brexit Must Happen | Paul Joseph Watson and Stefan Molyneux

VLA Comment: This is not getting much attention. But this vote by UK citizens to withdraw from Eu is monumental.

The European Union that binds many of the nations in Europe together under one governance is no less than a subset sample of Global governance. In this conversation by Infowar’s brilliant (and handsome) Paul Joseph Watson and most amazing Stefan Molyneux you will understand that there is what is tantamount to a non-congressional, non- elected government that rules over this collection of nations. This is what would happen if we become borderless via a North American Union. We would have an overlord government preparing us for a total takeover.

Dog Microchipping Now Legal Requirement in UK


Dog owners throughout the UK are now legally required to have their pets microchipped, or else face a fine of up to £500.

Image Credit: Dominik QN (Flickr)

All dogs in England, Scotland and Wales must have the chip by the time they are 8 weeks old. Northern Ireland has had the law in place since 2013.

If local authorities discover a dog who has not been microchipped, the owner has 21 days to comply with the law or be fined.

It is believed that one million dogs in the UK are not currently microchipped.


Microchipping dogs journal 28 Pages of information



Scientific studies involving mice and rats show that test animals have developed aggressive and lethal microchip-induced cancerous growths. Scientific reports also show that chipped zoo animals have developed microchip-associated cancerous growths.  Medical reports and scientific studies also reveal that dogs and cats have developed aggressive cancerous growths at the site of their microchip implants.