Tag Archives: NEW VIRUS

AIDS-Like Disease Mysteriously Appears Where Merck Conducted Vaccine Trials


This infection does not spread the same as AIDS does, according to Dr. Sarah Browne, scientist with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Browne led the team of researchers in Thailand and Taiwan where the disease made its first appearance. The disease appears to be directed at people of Asian descent; even those living in the US.

Browne has concluded that the new AIDS causes those infected to produce autoantibodies that block interferon-gamma, a chemical signal that assists the human body in fighting infections. The new AIDS targets this chemical and leaves the victim unable to fight off any infection – leaving the person vulnerable to developing deadly sicknesses from even the common cold.

Browne is touting this new AIDS as “adult-onset” because “we do not know what’s causing [people] to make these antibodies.”