Another Medical Kidnapping by CPS (Out of control)


On March 2nd, surgery was scheduled and despite some abnormal labs they were able to proceed and succeed. There is nothing like watching an infant no bigger than your hand go in an OR to have “brain surgery.”

Post-surgery X-rays Allegedly Reveal Fractured Ribs Caused by Abuse

That night Joshua started to vomit a bit, and after debating do we or don’t we, we decided to take him to the ER to be sure all was well before we traveled home. I was reluctant to take him to the ER after brain surgery for risk of infection, germs, but we wanted to be safe before driving home.

After deciding to do an X-ray of Joshua’s abdomen to be sure his throwing up was viral, the Doctor came in the room and we knew right away something was not right.

We knew this look as we have experienced it many times before. We basically had to beg her to spit it out but never in a million years did I expect what she said. “It appears Joshua has multiple rib fractures that could only most likely be caused by abuse. We have contacted social work, we would like to ask you some questions, get more X-rays, a cat scan and blood work.”

Everything was a blur. The day went on and we found out that Joshua only had 1 fracture and they had seen shadows and that his blood work was a little concerning so they called hematology. …It appeared that we would be discharged as they were not concerned and then after a long day they came in and told us they had to contact CPS in Michigan and they would follow up with us the next day. Read what happened then…

VLA COMMENT: No mention of vaccination which is highly implicated in Shaken Baby Syndrome (alleged abuse)

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