Medical Cannabis: Legal home delivery in all states

Medical Cannibas legal home deliveries in all states
They have organized a legal structure based on the California Compassionate Care Act and the Obama Act re: Telemedicine.  They offer appointments via Telemedicine physicians in California.  You can either be a patient, a care giver or a member or all three.  They had such an overwhelming response since being on the Gary Franchi show that they had to go on a hiatus for 2 weeks.  But they now have a more expanded telemedicine service that should be on line at the end of next week.
I am guessing that you should sign up

Marijuana may be a miracle for Autism (Israel) (USA Today)

Cannibas/Autism demonstration-Before and After Cannabis

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The above link is for your patients and friends to get an appointment for the California prescription.  There are 3000 already on the list…but they say they are going to go through pretty quickly.
They also guarantee that if a patient gets a hard time from some locale that their legal team pays for the patients lawyer and consults to win the case all based on this as a constitutional and legal operation.  Read the details on the website.

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