Monthly Archives: August 2018

Aluminum: Found in Brains of Alzheimer, MS and Autistic subjects

Aluminum in the Brain in Multiple Sclerosis: Regulatory and Funding Agencies Silent, Complicit

In a new case series study, brain tissue from 14 donors with a diagnosis of MS was studied in a case series by Mold et al (2018) using transversely heated graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. The study found high aluminum content (>10 ug/g dry weight) in all areas of the brain studied, with some areas exceeding 50 ug/g.



Elevated brain aluminium, early onset Alzheimer’s disease in an individual occupationally exposed to aluminium

While aluminum is a known neurotoxin and occupational exposure to aluminum has been implicated in neurological disease, including Alzheimer’s disease, this finding is believed to be the first record of a direct link between Alzheimer’s disease and elevated brain aluminum following occupational exposure to the metal.Feb 12, 2014 


Gentle Vaccine Detoxification for Children


Get Program….

VLA COMMENT:  L Ron Hubbard, many years ago devised a program of detoxification of drugs and medication,  In his book, ClearMind/ClearBody he states that these elements are sequestered by the fatty tissue.  Narconon, a detoxification center prescribes for adults 4 hours of sauna at 130-150 degrees while jogging and exercising beforehand to loosen up the crystals embedded in the fatty tissue.  Niacin (not Niacin Amide) is taken before the sauna and increase upward to as much as 5000 mgs.  Hubbard also includes oils and nutrition as stated in the above program…oils to replace the fat being lost.  He says running and  SWEATING is virtually the only way to remove the toxins from the fatty tissue.  I have used this technique with great success for ridding adults of drug, medication toxins.

World Health Organization (WHO): Revised reporting of Adverse Events post vaccination

Under  WHO’s revised   manual on AEFI,  only those adverse  reactions observed during  clinical trials of a vaccine,    should be  classified as   vaccine related.     All new serious adverse reactions (like the baby above) including deaths  seen during post-marketing of the vaccine   should be considered  as ‘coincidental’  or ‘unclassifiable’, and the vaccine should not be blamed. Download study Revised WHO Adverse Events

VLA COMMENT: Between Kaiser Permante data  (VSD) collection reporting fetal deaths from the flu shot 900X more than VAERS while VAERS had 0 reports, what does that say for the accuracy and reliability of independent researchers using VAERS as source. VSD is unavailable to independent researchers.  One thing President Trump might do with the Independent Vaccine Science and Safety Commision is to allow Independent researchers to access the KAISER DATA since the CDC pays for it with Taxpayer dollars.

Polio Vaccine: Paralysis due to Polio Vaccine – 50,000 persons in India

Leading doctors in two reputed hospitals report that over 49,000 persons in India developed paralysis between 2000 to 2017 because of oral polio vaccine (OPV)   Download study…Polio:non-polio Acute Flacid Paralysis

VLA Comment: Definition sof Acute Flacid Paralysis:  Consider polio in patients who have unexplained AFP. A probable case of polio is defined as an acute onset of flaccid paralysis of one or more limbs with decreased or absent tendon reflexes in the affected limbs, without other apparent cause, and without sensory or cognitive loss.


Soaring Infertility Rates Linked to Vaccines

EXCERPTS: They raised troubling questions about some vaccine ingredients’ documented impact on reproduction, cited serious deficiencies (some would say criminal negligence) in preliminary vaccine trials and concluded that further research was “urgently required….for the purposes of population health and public vaccine confidence.”

Approximately 60% of women who did not receive the HPV vaccine had been pregnant at least once compared to just 35% of women who had had an HPV shot had ever conceived.

For married women, the gap was also about 25%:  75% who did not receive the shot were found to have conceived, while only 50% who received the vaccine had ever been pregnant.

“Results suggest that females who received the HPV shot were less likely to have ever been pregnant than women in the same age group who did not receive the shot,” the study says.


TRUMPTAC & Press Release on Vaccines for Midterm Elections


Powerful Voter Block to Push Trump Aligned Candidates Over the Edge #TrumpTAC (Trump Aligned Candidates video)


The thousands of parents and families concerned about vaccine safety represent powerful voting blocks in every state. As with the 2016 election these constituents have the organizing power to push Trump aligned candidates to victory. Today, 69 vaccine doses are mandated for K-12 school attendance, some of which have not been evaluated for safety or efficacy in over a half of a century. The National Coalition of Organized Women is requesting a written statement from all Trump aligned candidates (#TrumpTAC) showing support for the President’s position on vaccines and his intention-by sponsoring a bill that creates an independent Vaccine Science and Safety Commission. The commission will investigate every mandated childhood vaccine for risks, benefits and cost-effectiveness, in light of current vaccine science.

We estimate that among our various groups nationally, that we have somewhere in the neighborhood of 500,000 parents and families who have voiced concern about the safety of vaccines. These voters are spread across the 50 states. TRUMPTACPressReleaseFinal


Post this link in facebook and send through our networks requesting that our supporters

Message: Call RNC Washington DC

Call: Ronna McDaniel:  202 863-8500  hit option #9 and then #7

Request that Ronna McDaniel, chair of RNC contact Eileen Dannemann, Director of National Coalition of Organized Women 319 855-0307 to set up and apointment

You can email as well and include  PressRelease

and Eileen Dannemann’s contact information: 319 855-0307 or

Sorted By State List of Trump TAC Candidates

TrumpTAC Candidates EMAILS, TACemails CUT AND PASTE




Orthomolecular review of Vaccines: What Else Comes Through The Needle?

Excipients in vaccines are chemicals that are not the main active ingredient, but are added to vaccines for several purposes. Preservatives are added to prevent contamination, and adjuvants are added to “killed virus” or subunit vaccines, and are designed to make the antigens more reactive and have a longer duration of action. This seems to be a good idea, but unfortunately there is a bad side, particularly to the two most popular additives: thimerosal and aluminum. Thimerosal, a preservative, is a mercury compound, added to vaccines to kill any “live viruses,” fungi, and bacteria in the vial. Aluminum (as aluminum hydroxide or aluminum phosphate) is an adjuvant in vaccines meant to boost antibody response. Both of these metals are regarded as environmental toxins.

 Read more…Dr. Ralph Campbell, MD

HPV vaccine


HPV vaccination is recommended for all girls age 11 to 12, with “catch-up” doses for girls and women from 13 to 26 who haven’t been vaccinated (there are no booster recommendation as of yet).[*]

Both vaccines are available for females. Only Gardasil is available for males (recommended ages 11-21).[*][*]

At this time, protection against cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2/3 (CIN 2/3) is 5 years for Gardasil and 8.4 years for Cervarix.[*]

If your daughter receives an HPV vaccine at the recommended age of 11, protection will have waned by age 16.

The data collected from the above agency confirms approximately 0.0% deaths from cervical cancer under age 20.[*]

What is “one less” then 0%?