Tag Archives: 25

25 year old tells in a letter what it is like to be vaccine injured growing up

Dillon speaks with difficulty as a result of his vaccine injuries suffered as an infant, and during the course of the interview he asked his mother, Elizabeth Corder, to read something he wrote about his life growing up as a vaccine-injured child.

Hi, my name is Dillon.

From day one, I’ve had physical therapy, speech therapy, and OT (occupational therapy.)

It was hard growing up. I didn’t have many friends. It was hard to make friends because of my speech problem.

When people cannot understand me they ask “what” a million times and I get frustrated.

My first memories of school are not about school. They are all about all of the therapies.

In sixth grade I started realizing things were different for me. At school they started asking me questions about why things in class were always different for me, and why I had an aide.

As I got older, I had thoughts of suicide, and I was often depressed because things in my life were taken from me.

When the other 15-year-olds were learning to drive, it was something I could not do, and still cannot do.

When I asked girls out they always said “no.”

I know it was hard because of my speech. Even if a friend or girl wanted to meet up or hang out, I had to ask my mom or my dad if they could take me or drive me, because I couldn’t drive, and it was very embarrassing.

Sometimes I am angry at my parents, because why didn’t they know?

If I could change one thing, I would ask my parents and other parents to be educated before they made this decision to give shots that can injure and kill to your perfect baby.

I know it’s not really their fault, because they just didn’t know. But it still makes me mad that they were not informed by the doctors.

Just look at the ingredient list. It’s just not worth the risk of having a child who can’t talk anymore. The ingredients alone are disgusting and dangerous.

So much has been taken from me. I’m 25 now, and I wanted to be a cop like my dad, or go in the military. I can’t do either of those things now.

How will I find a wife and have a family or kids to be happy in life?

I just want people to know to get educated before they make this decision, because if someone gets injured, it’s for lifetime.