Tag Archives: BIG MUDDY


Psychiatry Creates Disorder

The real reason we discuss this at all is because the psychiatric mental health care industry is a disorder machine. This is something you need to know.  Consider the litany of psychiatric treatments —

1. Psychiatric drugs interrupt the normal functioning of the body and mind. Drugs break into, in most cases, the routine rhythmic flows and activities of the nervous system. Sure, the suppression of unwanted pains or emotions may seem to be an improvement, but the body can only take so much. Quickly or slowly, the systems break down. Human physiology was not designed for the continuous manufacture of euphoric, tranquilizing, or antidepressant sensations. Yet it is forced into this enterprise by psychiatric drugs.

Like a car run on rocket fuel, you may be able to get it to run a thousand miles an hour, but the tires, the engine, the internal parts, were never meant for this. The machine flies apart. Bizarre things happen: addiction, exhaustion, diminished sexual desire, trembling, nightmares, hallucinations, and psychosis. Side effects are, in fact, the body’s natural response to having a chemical disrupt its normal functioning. Once the drug has worn off, the original problem remains. As a solution or cure to life’s problems, psychotropic drugs do not work. They cause disorder.

2. Electro-Convulsive Therapy (ECT), or shock therapy, interrupts the normal functioning of the brain. ECT creates a nerve–wracking convulsion of long duration. And it leaves irreversible brain damage and disorder. Why, then, is it used so frequently? There are two reasons. 1) It is lucrative, and 2) The actual purpose of shock treatment is to create brain damage. In 1942, the psychiatrist Abraham Myerson said: “The reduction of intelligence is an important factor in the curative process.” Creating disorder, ECT makes a patient for life, ensuring continued income for psychiatry.

3. Other direct assaults on the brain — psycho-surgery (cutting out part of the brain); transcranial magnetic stimulation; vagus nerve stimulation — all involve physical damage and disorder to the brain.

4. Physical restraints qualify as “assault and battery” in every respect except one; they are lawful. Psychiatry has placed itself above the law, from where it can assault and batter its unfortunate victims with a complete lack of accountability, all in the name of “treatment.” You might suppose that restraints impose order, since they limit movement, until you consider that they are enforced against one’s will. When you coerce order you get punishment, which is really order gone bad. You might call it “negative order”, because the emotional component is so unpleasant. READ MORE…