Monthly Archives: May 2013

Bible excerpts re: List of Human, monkey, pig, cow material used in Vaccines

aborted-fetus finger-monkeys-560x479 imagesCow

              “That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood and from things strangled, and from fornication:from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well”.  Read more…

Which Vaccines Might Be Produced Using Aborted Fetal Cell Lines?

Chicken pox vaccine is not the only vaccine manufactured in this way. According to Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI), the following 24 vaccines are produced using cells from aborted fetuses and/or contain DNA, proteins, or related cellular debris from cell cultures derived from aborted human fetuses:

Polio PolioVax, Pentacel, DT Polio Absorbed, Quadracel (Sanofi)
Measles, Mumps, Rubella MMR II, Meruvax II, MRVax, Biovax, ProQuad, MMR-V (Merck)
Priorix, Erolalix (GlaxoSmithKline)
Varicella (Chickenpox and Shingles) Varivax, ProQuad, MMR-V, Zostavax (Merck)
Varilix (GlaxoSmithKline)
Hepatitis A Vaqta (Merck)
Havrix, Twinrix (GlaxoSmithKine)
Avaxim, Vivaxim (Sanofi)
Epaxal (Crucell/Berna)
Rabies Imovax (Sanofi)


Catholic fetal tissue guide to vaccines  from Cog For Life 


Among the cell lines that have been used we find WI-38 derived from the lung tissue of a three-month-old girl fetus. Another cell line, MRC-5 derived from lung tissue of a 14 week old male fetus. These cell lines was derived in the 60′s and 70`s, but came into use in vaccines at a later date. The vaccines that have been cultivated on these lines is rubella (German measles), varicella (chickenpox), hepatitis A and rabies.

Virus strain used in MMR vaccine rubella-component are also taken from aborted fetal tissue. This strain is called RA 27/3 and was obtained from a fetus whose mother had rubella during pregnancy and performed an abortion because of risk of fetal damage. RA 27/3 is also grown in cell line WI-38.  Read more...Cell lines and virus strains from aborted fetuses


HPV: Angela’s story; Moshella’s story; Mickayla’s story; Nora’s Story; Amber’s story & on & one


April 14, 2011, Angie was 13 years old and in grade 8 when she received her last dose of HPV vaccine.  Read more…

MoshellaMoshella died after Gardasil vaccination, 5 April 2008, her first day on the job at Trinity Home Health Care. Shelly appeared to have died in her sleep while on the job that morning.  Read more…

Mickayla-2-2012-150x150  My daughter, Mickayla,  has lived with hives, wheals, joint pain and fatigue for the last seven months. She has to get ice packs at school to sooth the pain and itch enough to make it through the day. I wake up every day sick to my stomach, knowing that I have done this to my child. Mickayla had autoimmune urticaria. Her immune system is damaged, it was reacting to each shot and no one would believe us. The doctors said it was not connected – that she needed the last injection. I listened to them.  Read more…

Norma1-150x150 NORA from Illinois

“I am very proud of Nora and I feel very badly that I agreed to have her receive Gardasil.  She asked me the other day why we didn’t know of its potential harm….I had no good answer.”

“Nora is now taking seizure medication.  There is no family history of seizures.”

AmberAmber from Missouri: 

Written by her mother.

Amber was a perfectly healthy 16 year old girl who collapsed on her way into work, with a seizure. Then her heart stopped.

She went to school on 3 April 2008. Amber was on her way to work after school and I was on my way home. She called to let me know that the road to our house was closed due to water. That was the last time I ever talked to her. About 15 minutes later, I got a call from her work saying she had collapsed on her way into work.

I live only a few blocks from where she works. When I arrived, they were just getting ready to start CPR. Amber was taken to the hospital about 15 minutes away. They did not get a heart beat until they reached the emergency room. She was transferred to St. Louis Children’s Hospital, where she did not come off life support. Her brain had swelled and without a breathing tube, or tube feeding her, she would not be able to live. She was brain dead.  Read more…

Go to for more stories and information.



Health Canada Vaccine mandates or not?

“Unlike some countries, immunization is not mandatory in Canada; it cannot be made mandatory because of the Canadian Constitution. Only three provinces have legislation or regulations under their health-protection acts to require proof of immunization for school entrance. Ontario and New Brunswick require proof for diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella immunization. In Manitoba, only measles vaccination is covered. It must be emphasized that, in these three provinces, exceptions are permitted for medical or religious grounds and reasons of conscience; legislation and regulations must not be interpreted to imply compulsory immunization. ”


1700 kids threatened with suspension in Ontario for not being up on their shots.  Read more…

May 2013 1,700 Kids Threatened with Suspension: Get Vaccinated or Get Out!

DavidDees-VaccineYoungOver 1,700 students in Waterloo Region (Canada) have received suspension notices in which they were warned to update their immunization records or face suspension from school next week.

CBCNews 1,700 students get suspension notices over vaccination records

The Record 1,718 high school students get immunization suspension notices

Metro 1,718 high school students get suspension notices

Region of Waterloo Public Health Online Immunization Update Form

Region of Waterloo Student Vaccine Exemption Forms

Vaccine Exemption Forms

EV Youtube


Anthrax Vaccine: Soldier’s refuse…”I would rather take a bullet than the vaccine”

“Direct Order”: An Award-Winning Documentary Tells the Story of Members of the Military who were Ordered Against their Will to Take the Controversial Anthrax Vaccine.
Award winning documentary by Scott Miller, voice over Mike Douglas: View entire Direct Order on Democracy Now