Texas Vs. Pharma legal document see section on Risperdal…
Monthly Archives: March 2011
New York VLA Troopers
New York students becoming aware that vaccines are harming them and if they keep submitting to them without rebellion (civil disobedience), they will have more than 90 shots by the time they go to college. Message from VLA founder: You must seek from your school, a “religious” vaccine exemption; you must convince them that you hold a strong belief that your body/mind is perfect having emanated from Divine Source; it heals all by itself without direction; and does not need the imposition of a pathogenic substance from “matter”; You stand in that faith! Warning: You can’t get an exemption for any other reason-like there is proof that vaccines are harmful….it won’t fly! PS. the flu shot has high levels of mercury-Mad as a Hatter. The hatters in England, years ago, used to use mercury to stiffen the felt of the hats…the mercury was sucked into their fingers and they eventually went mad…hence, mad as a hatter. You are expected to get 20 flu shots with mercury directly injected into your arm by the time you reach 19 years old. Hit “contact” on the home page to contact me and be on our list. Join the Army and Facebook www.VaccineLiberationArmy.com
Join Church at large for vaccine exemptions
Join Church of Illumination. (associated with Beverly Hall Corporation, and Philosophical Publishing Company) http://www.soul.org/
‘The Church of Illumination is also by its tenets opposed to immunization for its adherents. Since it is a “Church at Large,” they are able to enroll members throughout the entire United States and would be pleased to consider any applicant who is without present church affiliation and who desires the legitimate support of others in his convictions.’ See more options….
Theosophy also declares vaccines against the tenets…
Universal Family Church (NY): We believe God intends individuals to be the ultimate authority when making health decisions for themselves (1st Corinthians19)
NOTE: IF YOU WANT A RELIGIOUS VACCINE EXEMPTION, you must stay on track and not also give medical reasons for your wish for exemption. Using this dual motion has been ruled against in court…and religious exemption plaintiff failed.
Dr.Paul G.King collection of papers on Thimerosal dangers & more
Sheriff Mack Poster
Shirley’s Wellness Animal vaccine alternatives
Shirley’s Wellness Cafe
Natural health for people and animals, with self care alternative, holistic, complimentary, integrative and preventative methods of healing.
Animal Holistic Health
Healing Your Pet Naturally with …
animal vaccinations
Wesley Clark interview (March 2007): “We plan to take out 7 countries in 5 years”
2000 babies dead from vaccines
: more than 2,000 babies died in the United States after receiving the pneumococcal and Hib vaccines . Yet, unlike Japan who banned the vaccines after four infant deaths, US authorities refuse to warn parents and halt production. Read more… The lack of informing physicians and the public is reminiscent of the 2,500% increase in VAERS reports of abortions after pregnant women were injected with the H1N1 shot in the 2009/10 flu season