Category Archives: SPANISH

Pediatrician blocks Mom from leaving office. Great story!!!

Pediatrician Blocks Exit and Mom Goes Ballistic and Puts Doctor In Her Place

Denise Marie, a California resident and mother of two children, is outspoken and vocal about her experience of being bullied and threatened by a pediatrician she was interviewing.

Watch Denise’s video…be patient through some muted passages…great video.  It is in the article


Autism Spectrum Disorders and Race, Ethnicity, and Nativity: Hispanic, Black, Asian

RESULTS: We found increased risks of being diagnosed with AD overall and specifically with comorbid mental retardation in children of foreign-born mothers who were black, Central/South American, Filipino, and Vietnamese, as well as among US-born Hispanic and African American/black mothers, compared with US-born whites. Children of US African American/black and foreign-born black, foreign-born Central/South American, and US-born Hispanic mothers were at higher risk of exhibiting an AD phenotype with both severe emotional outbursts and impaired expressive language than children of US-born whites. READ MORE…

Guatamala: Indigenous Mayans Win Stunning Repeal of Hated ‘Monsanto Law


Indigenous Mayans Win Stunning Repeal of Hated ‘Monsanto Law

The success of the Guatemalan people in defending their food sovereignty and stopping “Monsanto Law” is an inspiring example that people, when united, can overpower even the largest of corporations.  Read more…

Gobierno de EE.UU. compensa por daños de las vacunas a 83 niños autistas


Durante más de 20 años, el gobierno federal ha negado públicamente un enlace entre las vacunas y el autismo, mientras que al mismo tiempo su Programa de Compensación de Daños por Vacunas (VICP) ha estado concediendo daños por lesiones de vacunas a los niños con daño cerebral, convulsiones y autismo. Una nueva investigación, en base a datos verificables del gobierno, comienza la construcción en el debate controversial sobre las vacunas – autismo. La investigación encontró que un número considerable de niños compensados ​​por daños de las vacunas también tiene autismo y que esos casos han existido desde 1989, el año después de la VICP se formó.

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Tosferina: brotes epidémicos sin antivacunas y la mujer como vientre


En puridad y en los países desarrollados, los brotes de tosferina con sus casos de enfermedad y muerte son consecuencia de la irracionalidad de los aprendices de brujo de los “provacunas” al servicio de los intereses industriales y en contra de la mejor salud de individuos y poblaciones.

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Strictly speaking and in developed countries , outbreaks of pertussis with illness and death are the result of the irrationality of the sorcerer’s apprentices ” provacunas ” to serve industrial interests and against the better health of individuals and populations.



Columbia: 16 year old Gardasil (HPV vaccine) Death (video en espanol)


On May 22, 2015 16-year old Karen Durán-Cantor died after complications related to new onset autoimmune disorders believed to have been triggered by two injections of Gardasil, the human papillomavirus vaccine currently being given to school age girls throughout the country. Read more…

Spanish & English: HPV Colombia


#1 No se ha demostrado que las vacunas contra el VPH sean SEGURAS

  • Hay más de 80 vacunas aprobadas para su uso en los Estados Unidos. Las vacunas contra el VPH representan casi el 25% de toda la base de datos de Eventos Adversos de Vacunas (VAERS). Esto es especialmente preocupante porque el sistema VAERS se estableció en 1990 y vacunas contra el VPH no se introdujeron hasta mediados de 2006.

    • There are over 80 vaccines approved for use in the United States. HPV vaccines account for nearly 25% of the entire Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database. This is particularly disturbing because the VAERS system was established in 1990 and HPV vaccines were not introduced until mid-2006.

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