Monthly Archives: March 2013
Chemtrails and Public Law
Polio vaccine-cause of modern day cancer epidemic and connection with Lee Harvey Oswald
Dr.Tent tells the story of how the Cancer Epidemic that we see today started and the conspiracy that took place between Lee Harvey Oswald, Judyth Baker and the polio/cancer epidemic. Comment: Excellent ’til about 60 minutes
Me & Lee: How I Came to Know, Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald [Paperback]
Book Description
Publication Date: October 22, 2011
A young scientist, Judyth Vary Baker, suddenly finds herself immersed in a life of espionage in New Orleans, involving two plots: the attempted assassination of Fidel Castro, and the successful assassination of President John F. Kennedy. At the heart of the plots is the mysterious Lee Harvey Oswald, who quickly wins Judyth’s affection and love. In this true-life story, Judyth offers documentation on page after page: how she came to be a cancer expert at such a young age, how her relocation to New Orleans was engineered to involve her in the get-Castro plot, how she was manipulated to help develop a biological weapon to eliminate Castro, and how Oswald came to confide in her. Judyth’s narrative connects the dots to heretofore shadowy and hidden events in New Orleans and Dallas involving Oswald. She reveals how Oswald, ordered to hand off the biological weapon to a contact in Mexico City, found himself betrayed there. His eyes now opened, the future Patsy went on to sacrifice his life through his efforts to save Kennedy, as well as to protect those he loved from certain death. Judyth, who knew of Kennedy’s impending assassination through conversations with Oswald occurring less than two days before Kennedy was shot in Dealey Plaza, confirms that Oswald was a deep-cover intelligence agent who was framed for an assassination he was actually trying to prevent. Over 600 pages, filled with new photos and rare documents.–
Dr. Mary’s Monkey website with more videos.
Polio vaccine as cause of modern day Cancer epidemic (Lee Harvey Oswald/Kennedy assassination)
A mystery with enormous implications has stumped some of the smartest minds in cancer research. How, might a cancer-causing monkey virus, wind up in human tumors? The mystery began in 1988 with Dr. Michael Carbone. He found the SV40 virus in 60% of the human lung tumors he was studying, (SV40 stands for Simian Virus the 40th virus found). Eventually, sixty different labs confirmed the results. THE ATLANTIC.COM ARTICLE
In the same year in Boston, two researchers stumbled onto something disturbing. Dr. Robert Garcea and his assistant, Dr. John Bergsagel, were using a powerful new tool called polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, to look for a pair of common human viruses in children’s brain tumors. But a different DNA footprint kept popping up in more than half the tumors. They finally realized they were seeing SV40. For more than a decade, scientists had reported sporadic findings of SV40-like proteins in human tumors. But the earlier tests were primitive and the results suspect. PCR, however, is capable of amplifying infinitesimal fragments of DNA, which makes detections far more credible. The findings were troubling. The researchers noted in their published report that the children were too young to have received the contaminated vaccine. But somehow the virus had infected them and embedded itself in their tumors.
PCR unleashed a wave of SV40 discoveries. By the end of 1996, dozens of scientists reported finding SV40 in a variety of bone cancers and a wide range of brain cancers, which had risen 30 percent over the previous 20 years. Then, Italian researchers reported finding SV40 in 45 percent of the seminal fluid samples and 23 percent of the blood samples they had taken from healthy donors. That meant SV40 could have been spreading through sexual activity, from mother to child, or by other means, which could explain how those never inoculated with the contaminated vaccine, such as the Boston children, were being infected.
Dr.Tent tells the story of how the Cancer Epidemic that we see today started and the conspiracy that took place between Lee Harvey Oswald, Judyth Baker and the polio/cancer epidemic. Comment: Excellent ’til about 60 minutes
Me & Lee: How I Came to Know, Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald [Paperback]
Book Description
Publication Date: October 22, 2011
A young scientist, Judyth Vary Baker, suddenly finds herself immersed in a life of espionage in New Orleans, involving two plots: the attempted assassination of Fidel Castro, and the successful assassination of President John F. Kennedy. At the heart of the plots is the mysterious Lee Harvey Oswald, who quickly wins Judyth’s affection and love. In this true-life story, Judyth offers documentation on page after page: how she came to be a cancer expert at such a young age, how her relocation to New Orleans was engineered to involve her in the get-Castro plot, how she was manipulated to help develop a biological weapon to eliminate Castro, and how Oswald came to confide in her. Judyth’s narrative connects the dots to heretofore shadowy and hidden events in New Orleans and Dallas involving Oswald. She reveals how Oswald, ordered to hand off the biological weapon to a contact in Mexico City, found himself betrayed there. His eyes now opened, the future Patsy went on to sacrifice his life through his efforts to save Kennedy, as well as to protect those he loved from certain death. Judyth, who knew of Kennedy’s impending assassination through conversations with Oswald occurring less than two days before Kennedy was shot in Dealey Plaza, confirms that Oswald was a deep-cover intelligence agent who was framed for an assassination he was actually trying to prevent. Over 600 pages, filled with new photos and rare documents.–
Dr. Mary’s Monkey website with more videos
Polio vaccines, Simian Virus 40, and human cancer: the epidemiologic evidence for a causal association
Geoengineering Critics
“…could be worse than nuclear catastophe”
Bill Gates consultant:
Paraphrasing Gates consultant, a pro geo engineering psychopath says…”has bad side effects…like destroying the ozone layer You could create an ice age…But it gives us extraordinary leverage to control the planet to give us weather and climate control”.
Alex Jones interviewed by Howard Stern (Alex Jones…superview)
Rockefeller foundation
http://www. media/download/1439f964-b2a2- 4829-8c78-4264a7151212
“OpenLMIS was formed by VillageReach, JSI, and PATH with funding from The Rockefeller Foundation in part to help countries strengthen their logistics systems by providing a global commons for sharing tools, experience, and best practices. OpenLMIS presents an opportunity to rapidly move this work forward if work on common solutions can be easily shared as public goods for any country to have access to. The confluence of recent leadership changes and learning in multiple countries combined with the call by donors and stakeholders to improve the delivery of vaccines, pharmaceuticals, health commodities,” news/publications/case- developing-deploying-open- source
built in Ruby
Scientific Papers: A compilation of over 300 abstracts on adverse impact of transgenic food/crops (GMO)
Follow us on Facebookpage – GMWatchIndia
Bill Gates on vaccines-confronted by Infowars-47,500 children paralyzed by Polio vaccine
48,000 Children in India Paralyzed by Bill Gates’ Polio Vaccine; 50,000 Afrikans injured by meningitis vaccine.
Synopsis of the vaccine debate-Neil Miller/Make An Informed Decision
Make An Informed
Study shows children who have received the most vaccines were the most likely to be hospitalized and die.
“I could have also provided them with a recently published peer-reviewed study that I co-authored with Dr. Gary Goldman. We analyzed more than 38,000 official reports of infants that had adverse reactions following their vaccinations. We compared the number of vaccines each infant received to the severity of the adverse reaction. Infants who received the most vaccines were the most likely to be hospitalized and die. Our study confirms the dangerous practice of administering several vaccines simultaneously to infants. Our study also confirms the unscientific nature of the childhood immunization schedule: studies have not been conducted to determine the safety (or efficacy) of administering multiple vaccine doses in a variety of combinations as recommended by CDC guidelines. You can read our entire study here.”
International immunization schedules and infant mortality rates can be read here: