Category Archives: COVID


​Must listen…one among the greatest speeches ever in the history of the world.

TRAGEDY: Triathlon Champion – Covid Vaccine and his life is destroyed (36min)

Must watch…36min.

In addition below…Executive summary of the Congress’s current understanding of Covid Vaccine injury

Below are Insights from a vaccine-injured celebrity who went to Congress to advocate for the vaccine injured. He was able to get the meetings due to his celebrity status. Here’s what he learned:

1. There is no appetite whatsoever to remove the liability protection for vaccines. Too many members are dependent on support from the drug companies.

2. It’s unlikely they will be able to create a $15B fund for the vaccine injured. Only about 5% of the members/staff believe vaccine injured people exist and there is no budget for this. It has to be allocated using a special mechanism that is hard to access.

3. here are only 6 members of Congress where the staff members have realized that the vaccine harms > non-existent benefits. There are 425 members of the House so that’s only 1.5% who have figured it out.

4. All the rest believe the benefits far outweigh the risks, so they have no regrets about the COVID vaccination program.

5. Those members of Congress who do acknowledge the harms privately are afraid to speak out publicly about them for fear of retribution from their colleagues and the mainstream media.

6. Members of the Freedom Caucus are reluctant to speak out because they know that if they support a bill, the Democrats will vote against it on that basis alone.

7. So there you go. This explains why we have to get Trump elected in November if there is going to be any hope of change.

Heiko Sepp vaccine injury story

Heiko Sepp: But if you haven’t seen his story, go watch it now. It’s tragic.He went from world-class athlete to severely disabled within hours of his second Pfizer shot.

Tucker Carlson: Trump & Kennedy’s Medical Cabal Muses: Calley and Casey Means

Introducing the Means siblings Dr.Casey and Calley Means,  This is the team of whistleblowers who unified Trump and Kennedy in what will be a revolution in the field of health, food and medicine. AND, OF COURSE, THANK YOU TUCKER!

(Dr. Michael Yeardon) Ivermectin – Causes sterility or not?

VLA COMMENT: Dr. Yeardon…a little more than half way through the interview says that the history of the early discovery of Ivermectin by Satoshi Ōmura of Kitasato University and William Campbell of Merck in 1970, indicates that it causes infertility(according to Dr. Yeardon).
It makes some sense as Ivermectin is used a lot in 3rd world places that have a preponderance of a variety of parasites.It wouldn’t surprise me that those populations are also targeted for reduced population.

Wondering if there has been any studies on Ivermectin and sterility since its widespread use since the 20th century. (And why haven’t there been epidemiological studies considering the wide spread use of this drug a decade before Covid?)

Note: A study published in 2011 (.effects-of-ivermectin-therapy-on-the-sperm-functions-of-nigerian-onchocerciasis-patients) and widely circulated in September 2021 found that 85% of men treated with ivermectin for a tropical disease known as river blindness were found to be sterile.But it was not published in a main journal. VLA COMMENT: Well, the study could have been squashed…after all it might be hard to sell a drug that causes sterility while it help with parasites. My personal experience is this:  I have witnessed that an overdose of Ivermectin does have neurological effects (essential tremors). However, I believe and (so does Dr. Lawrence Plavetsky point to parasites from early on) that the technology that took place on Plum Island in NY to weaponize Ticks (Lyme) and mosquitos (West Nile) has to do with nanocages and parasites and its technology was used to produce the supposed Covid “virus”. Go to our Parasite protocol link

Dr. Mike Yeadon has vehemently stated publicly that “ivermectin is one of the most violent fertility toxins [he has] ever come across.”

In response, Dr. Tess Lawrie reviewed the first study included in an article that Dr. Yeadon shared with her to see if it showed proof that ivermectin caused infertility.

Independent comment: 

On Mon, Aug 19, 2024 at 12:15 PM Dr Wong <> wrote:
Citing the experience of ranchers who run their backs under the ivermectin drench they use on cattle, giving them several thousand times the human dose with zero physiologic effects, zero neurologic effects, no noted change in any body system, I call bullshit on this ‘finding’ with these folks allowing themselves to be used by those (Big Pharma because Ivermectin and Fenbendazole are not under patent anymore), wanting to suppress the use of the medicine that can kill the deadly viruses, parasites and vax toxins that Big Pharma is creating.     So could it have been the river blindness parasite that caused the sterility if their test finding were correct at all.