Category Archives: SIDS (Sudden infant Death)

How to raise unvaccinated children – WHOLISTIC PEDIATRICIAN-FREE COURSES

How To Raise Healthy Vaccine Free Children


Everything you need to know to raise healthy, vibrant, milestone busting children. Includes detailed information on why and how to go 100% vaccine free, recover a vaccine injured child and fight vaccine mandates.

Free 12 part Course

Here are some course highlights…


  • Natural immunity vs vaccination
  • The failed history of vaccination
  • Germ theory vs terrain theory
  • Injection vs ingestion
  • Vaccine ingredients overview
  • How homeopathy was used to stop outbreaks
  • The role sanitation, plumbing and refrigeration played in mortality reduction
  • An overview of polio and all of the infections there are vaccines for
  • Vaccine failure and why outbreaks happen
  • Herd immunity
  • Vaccinated vs unvaccinated studies
  • Vaccine shedding and spreading disease to others
  • Vaccine safety testing
  • Manipulated and fabricated “science”
  • The problem with aluminum and mercury in vaccines
  • Vaccine industry legal immunity
  • CDC cover-up that vaccines cause autism
  • The role of MTHFR in vaccine injury
  • Detoxification after vaccination
  • The immunocompromised population
  • Chronic illness after vaccination
  • Vaccine injury, damage and death after vaccination
  • Autism
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
  • Vaccine “science” and where it comes from
  • The mainstream media narrative
  • And dozens of other top


    • A birth plan
    • Home birth vs hospital birth
    • Vitamin K
    • Breastfeeding
    • Food, nutrition and immune building
    • Supplements for health and immunity
    • A natural home is a toxic free home
    • How to talk to your pediatrician
    • How to find a vaccine free doctor
    • Homeschooling
    • How to talk to others about your vaccine status
    • Special concerns (e.g., what about chickenpox parties?)
    • If you must vaccinate (e.g., by court order)
    • What to do when a child gets sick (extensive overview)
    • When to call your primary doctor or go to the ER
    • And dozens of other topics


  • Complete overview of therapies and resources
  • Detoxification – including zeolite
  • Mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy
  • Essential dietary changes
  • Recommended supplements
  • How to find a doctor


  • How to talk with legislators
  • Social media activism
  • Creating your activist plan



6 Days After 8 Vaccines “SIDS” Claims The Life Of Another Healthy Infant

6 Days After 8 Vaccines “SIDS” Claims The Life Of Another Healthy Infant

Raja-Nee Keys awoke to the worst nightmare a mother can imagine: finding her two and a half month old baby boy lifeless six days after he was vaccinated. When the doctors and coroners cannot explain why a healthy baby dies, they label it “SIDS” (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) – and halt the investigation there in most cases. Except we all know that perfectly healthy infants do not just suddenly die of a “mysterious” reason following vaccination READ MORE…

Sudden Infant Death (SIDS) 6 days after 2month well baby visit and 8 vaccine doses

We took Kiah to his two month well-child check up on December 10th where he weighed in at 9 pounds, 13.2 ounces and still perfectly healthy. Kiah received his two month vaccinations [Rotavirus, pentavalent (2.0ml); Pnuemococcal Conjugate (PCV 13) (0.5ml); DTAPHIBIPV (0.5ml) (it was documented three times on his online portal, but the VAERS report and his printed records state once); HepB – pediatric (0.5ml)]. Zedikiah was fussy as most infants are after vaccinations. Over the days he appeared to be fine. We noticed he slept a bit more and hadn’t pooped since the shots, but we just thought exhaustion and constipation…


Vaccine Ingredient-Potasium Chloride-used in prisoner executions by lethal injections

Why is Potassium Chloride used in infants’ vaccines?

Cardiac arrest in the pediatric population

As of 2013, Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) accounted for about one in seven infant deaths (about 3,700 annually), with about 20% thought to be related to cardiac vulnerabilities activated by exogenous stressors.

Sudden Infant Death
Causes of respiratory failure and shock leading to cardiopulmonary arrest in these age groups include trauma, sudden infant death syndrome, respiratory distress, and sepsis [1,5-8]. This is in contrast to adults, for whom the most common cause of cardiac arrest is ischemic cardiovascular disease.Nov 28, 2018
VLA Comment:  What is the difference between a lethal injection and a pediatric vaccine?


Potassium chloride is also commonly known as “Muriate of Potash”
used in medicine, scientific applications, and judicial execution through lethal injection. The majority of the potassium chloride produced is used for making fertilizer. Side effects can include gastrointestinal discomfort including nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and bleeding of the gut. Orally it is toxic in excess, high doses can cause cardiac arrest and rapid death.

Read more…

Cardiac problems described in vaccine package inserts

Children born in the U.S. are 76% more likely to die before their first birthday than infants born in 19 other wealthy nations, and sudden infant deaths are one of the top five causes.

Many vaccine package inserts list cardiac-related adverse events that have occurred either during clinical trials or during postmarketing. For example:

  • Recombivax hepatitis B vaccine: hypotension, tachycardia
  • Engerix hepatitis B vaccine: hypotension, tachycardia, heart palpitations
  • Infanrix (diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis) vaccine: sudden infant death syndrome
  • Boostrix and Adacel (tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis) vaccines: myocarditis
  • Flulaval and Fluzone (influenza) vaccines: chest pain


Study: Vaccine excipients, xenobiotics-Cause of Inflammation after vaccination?

CDC Excipient Chart

Inflammation is associated with down regulations of hepatic and extrahepatic CYP enzymes drug metabolism.

The CYP represent a superfamily of enzymes with a key role in the activation or inactivation of a plethora of therapeutic agents. CYP enzymes are involved in the metabolism of xenobiotic substances. Cytochromes present intra- or interindividual and intra- or interethnic genetic polymorphisms. Variations in the pharmacokinetic drug profile are linked to the rising toxicity following a declining metabolism, reduced efficacy of the drug, adverse drug interaction, and increasing production of toxic metabolites. The high-metabolic rate of the intestinal microbiota is due to its many enzymes which catalyze reactions in phase I and II drug metabolism. In case of a compromised intestinal barrier, there may be an increase in paracellular passive absorption.

It is evident that high-microbial abundance following intestinal disturbances, environment, aging, or food-associated diseases promotes the microbial metabolism of a drug before absorption.



Above link Includes CDC Vaccine Excipient list of xenobiotics


On March 1, 2019, Catie Clobes tragically lost her six and half month old daughter, Evee, a day and a half after receiving six vaccines at her six month doctor’s visit.


Conversation with Autopsy pathologist:


Update from Catie 3/22/19:

Me: “I know this is going to sound morbid, but it sounds like with everything you’re saying to me, my daughter basically “took one for the team”, right?”

Pathologist: “I don’t even know what to say to that.”

I just finished up a very heated, baffling phone conversation with the very “cold” doctor who performed my daughter’s autopsy. The autopsy is pretty much complete on their end, there have been no answers, it’s at a finalizing paperwork phase. My mother was in the room when this call took place, she heard this all! I’m not exaggerating a thing. After several calls this week to try and get this doctor on the phone, I sent an email today requesting the simple additional tests that I wanted done in my daughter’s autopsy. I was assured the day of my daughter’s death by that office that “every test” would be performed, that her receiving vaccinations a day and a half prior was of concern, and they’d be running “those kinds of tests”, that they took infant deaths very seriously. I believed them. These simple tests I requested would reveal if vaccinations had played any part in my daughter’s death. Well less than an hour after sending that email, I finally got that doctor to call me back! She refused to do the tests, each and every one.

Me: “My daughter was in perfect health and then received 6 vaccinations and died a day and a half later. Why wouldn’t you run ANY tests to check if vaccinations were the cause?”

Pathologist: “It’s not medically necessary, there is no medical reasoning, and it’s not medically approved.”



Will 5G happen despite killing humans, insects, plants and animals? Follow the money-Cryptocurrency needs 5G




The 5G network is aiming to do wonders for the technology field, and many bitcoin enthusiasts are asking, “What does this mean for the blockchain? Will the world of digital currency be affected in any way?”

The quick answer is “yes.” For one thing, the newest 5G network is claiming to be about 100 times faster than the current edition, meaning downloads will be a lot quicker.

According to Professor Rahim Tafazolli of the University of Surrey in the U.K., the new 5G network will run at a speed of approximately 800Gbps. That’s equivalent to about 33 high-definition films being downloaded in less than half a second. They should have called this the Superman network.

For bitcoin users, they no longer need to be left in the dark regarding the status of their funds or certain updates. Transaction confirmations are slated to be uber fast, and the entire blockchain can be downloaded in about a minute or less.

Furthermore, by 2020 about 50 billion devices are expected to be hooked up to the 5G network as part of the integration of the Internet of Things, which many believe will revolutionize data, communication and technology as a whole and bring a movie like “The Terminator” and the machine-building defense computer Skynet closer to reality.

VLA comment:  Put “5G” in our search engine for more videos of 5G, smart, meters and Green New Deal.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome….Leading cause of death…

VLA Comment:  Here is the truth about SIDS.  The establishment LIES, LIES, LIES…never put baby on back, only on tummy, could be because you smoked during pregnancy, age of the father….everything but the vaccine assault!

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: The term strikes fear into new parents, and for good reason. More than 2000 infants die of SIDS each year, and it’s the leading cause of death for babies between 1 month and 1 year of age. The loss is devastating to families who have experienced it, and the problem is compounded by the fact that there seems to be no way to predict when or who it will strike.

Sudden Infant Death is a diagnosis of exclusion, meaning that it strikes a once-healthy baby whose death can’t be explained by any type of illness, defect, accident or injury. There is simply no identifiable reason for these deaths. People often confuse SIDS with infant suffocation, because of public campaigns to remove blankets, padding, pillows and crib bumpers in an effort to lower the rate of infant deaths—but it should be noted that SIDS is not the same as suffocation and is not caused by suffocation. If a child has suffocated, their death is not recorded as being related to SIDS.

What does cause SIDS, if it’s not suffocation or an undiagnosed underlying health problem? One potential culprit is vaccines.A disproportionate number of infants die of SIDS in the days and weeks after receiving scheduled vaccines.

“Prior to contemporary vaccination programs, ‘Crib death’ was so infrequent that it was not mentioned in infant mortality statistics,” a 2011 study published in Human and Experimental Toxicology states. In the 1960s, mandatory vaccination schedules were introduced and “Shortly thereafter, in 1969, medical certifiers presented a new medical term—sudden infant death syndrome. In 1973, the National Center for Health Statistics added a new cause-of-death category—for SIDS—to the ICD.”

That’s right—SIDS was not only the most common cause of infant death before the introduction of vaccines…it was practically unheard of!

A separate study found that babies die at a rate 8 times higher than usual in the 3 days after being immunized with the DPT vaccine.

The United States continues to have a high infant mortality rate and continues to lead the world in the number of vaccines required by the age of five. Could there be a connection? The graph below shows the relationship between the number of vaccines given and the rate of sudden infant death—and the data is shocking.

By the tender age of 12 months, American children have had three times the number of vaccines that are recommended in Sweden, Japan, Iceland, and Norway. These countries rank 2ed, 3ed, 4th, and 7th respectively in their infant mortality rates, while the US comes in a dismal 34th—our babies dying at over twice the rate of those in less vaccinated countries.

Japan took action in the 1970s when they saw that cases of death and severe injury were occurring after the DPT shot. Between 1975 and 1980, they raised the age of vaccination with DPT from 3 months to 2 years—and saw an immediate 80-90 percent decrease in injury and death.
How can we continue to put our children at risk, knowing that there is a real association between the rising number of inoculations we’re bombarding them with and Sudden Infant Death?

The only people benefitting from the inflated number of recommended vaccines are the big pharmaceutical companies. Our communities are less healthy, our people suffer from higher rates of autoimmune disease, our children are experiencing neurological problems at high rates, and our infants are dying.

It’s time to take action and follow the lead of countries whose health, infant mortality rate, and life-span all beat our own. Our children are paying a very high price for Big Pharma’s greed.

Jeff Hays

Jeff Hays Films

“Movies that Make Movements”


Image Source

Human and Experimental Toxicology 2011 Study
