Monthly Archives: November 2015
Wikileaks offer 100,000 euros for copies of Trade Agreements (Must watch 11 min)
Compilation of three FBI, CIA & Dept. of Justice whistleblowers- film and interview MUST WATCH
The film Silenced and the interview of Dr. Mikovits (National Cancer Institute) may be the most important VLA posts you have ever watched-
—Eileen Dannemann, editor VLA
Available on Netflix and Itunes
For more details go to this link below:
“How One Film Gave Voice to Three Whistleblowers The US Government Tried To Silence” – Kevin Gozstola, Shadowproof
“Silenced is a compelling, suspenseful, and intelligent movie with a clear objective that it achieves: to inform the public about the harsh treatment of government whistleblowers.” – Lucy Teitler, VICE Motherboard
“Hard-hitting, alarming… James Spione’s superb Silenced describes the Obama-era prosecution of whistleblowers as leakers and even potentially terrorists.”
– Pat Aufderheide, Documentary Magazine
“Depicts the high price paid by whistle-blowers.” New York Times public editor Margaret Sullivan discusses government secrecy and the premiere of Silenced in her blog.
Interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD, 11/22/15 from Candyce Estave on Vimeo.
Interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD, 11/22/15 from Candyce Estave on Vimeo.VLA comment: Dr. Mikovits is the co author of “Plague”
This video interview, in my opinion, is the most compelling evidence of vaccine injury and contamination that I have ever seen so far. Dr. Mikovits, biochemist and former research scientist for the National Cancer Institute spills the beans, gets fired, harassed yet hold all the files on the raw data to prove that the vaccines provided and still provide the vector technology that has single handedly contaminated the population with retroviruses associated with the alteration of DNA in parents and children resulting in autism, neurological damage, MS, CFS, Cancer, Diabetes and on and on…
There is no need for theories about “implants and chips” via vaccine when this is happening. A MUST MUST MUST WATCH
SILENCED: The Documentary on three whistleblower-FBI, CIA, and Dept of Justice
Also vailable on ITunes
“How One Film Gave Voice to Three Whistleblowers The US Government Tried To Silence” – Kevin Gozstola, Shadowproof
“Silenced is a compelling, suspenseful, and intelligent movie with a clear objective that it achieves: to inform the public about the harsh treatment of government whistleblowers.” – Lucy Teitler, VICE Motherboard
“Hard-hitting, alarming… James Spione’s superb Silenced describes the Obama-era prosecution of whistleblowers as leakers and even potentially terrorists.”
– Pat Aufderheide, Documentary Magazine
“Depicts the high price paid by whistle-blowers.” New York Times public editor Margaret Sullivan discusses government secrecy and the premiere of Silenced in her blog.
When is a leak of government secrets illegal espionage or legitimate whistleblowing? Director James Spione delves deeply into the heavy personal and professional cost—emotional and financial—on three of the eight people who have been charged by the Obama administration with violating the Espionage Act of 1917.
Whistleblower US Drone Operators: Bank accounts & credit cards cancelled
The U.S. Government failed to deter them through threats of criminal prosecution, and clumsy attempts to intimidate their families. Now four former Air Force drone operators-turned-whistleblowers have had their credit cards and bank accounts frozen, according to human rights attorney Jesselyn Radack. READ MORE…
VLA comment: Bradly Manning, Julian Assange & Edward Snowden are not the only whistleblowers under fire. Watch the netflix documentary “Silenced”. Here again 4 US military drone operators have their bank accounts and credit cards cancelled for having the courage to come forward and expose the drone program for the indiscriminate murder by US commands. More and more the government is penalizing debtors by attaching debts to services, vehicle registrations, etc. I couldn’t get my vehicles (all of them) registered because I owed money for court costs to fight an unjust traffic ticket.
And here is another whistleblower who worked for 30 years at the National Cancer Institute...Watch interview of PHD, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Biochemistry, formerly of National Cancer Institute on Vaccines
This video interview, in my opinion, is the most compelling evidence of vaccine injury and contamination that I have ever seen so far. Dr. Mikovits, biochemist and former research scientist for the National Cancer Institute spills the beans, gets fired, harassed yet hold all the files on the raw data to prove that the vaccines provided and still provides the vector technology that has singlehandedly contaminated the population with retroviruses associated with the alteration of DNA in parents and children resulting in autism, neurological damage, MS, CFS, Cancer, Diabetes and on and on… A MUST MUST MUST WATCH
PHD, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Biochemistry, formerly of National Cancer Institute on Vaccines
Interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD, 11/22/15 from Candyce Estave on Vimeo.
VLA comment: Dr. Mikovits is the co author of “Plague”
This video interview, in my opinion, is the most compelling evidence of vaccine injury and contamination that I have ever seen so far. Dr. Mikovits, biochemist and former research scientist for the National Cancer Institute spills the beans, gets fired, harassed yet hold all the files on the raw data to prove that the vaccines provided and still provide the vector technology that has single handedly contaminated the population with retroviruses associated with the alteration of DNA in parents and children resulting in autism, neurological damage, MS, CFS, Cancer, Diabetes and on and on…
There is no need for theories about “implants and chips” via vaccine when this is happening. A MUST MUST MUST WATCH
Radiation Spike Hits Phoenix, AZ; Slams Coos Bay, Oregon
Radiation Spike Hits Phoenix, AZ; Slams Coos Bay, OR
An extreme spike in Beta and Gamma Radiation is affecting Phoenix, AZ today and slammed Coos Bay, OR two days ago; yet the media is silent.
According to the Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center (NETC), a sudden and dramatic spike in Beta Radiation levels in Phoenix, Arizona is taking place today and folks are speculating it may be more fallout from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant meltdown in Japan (2011), which wafts across the Pacific Ocean in plumes.
Coos Bay, OR Got Slammed
Two days ago, another radiation detector, this one in Coos Bay, Oregon, detected a staggering increase in radiation, rising from a “typical” average of thirty-four (34) Counts-per-minute (CPM) to a staggering nineteen-thousand, seven-hundred, eighty-two (19,782) CPM. This terrifying jump in radiation has not been explained and did not last long at all; a few hours at most. If accurate, it was 581 times higher than “typical.”
Families with children should take appropriate measures to make certain the children are protected; remain inside until the plume passes, wear a mask if going outside.
For both children and adults when returning indoors from the outside, remove clothing directly into a washing machine, add detergent and start the washing machine, and take a warm shower with plenty of shampoo, soap and water to wash off any radiation that may have fallen onto hair or skin. Read more…
TED TALKS: Sharyl Attkinsson ASTROTURF (corporate grassroots)
Sharyl Attkinsson, who has been the Truth talking journalist on many issues including the vaccine issue maintained her job at CBS for a long long time despite her honest stand, explains the corporate strategies to create lies and myths.
Sharyl Attkisson (born January 26, 1961)[1] is an American author and formerly an investigative correspondent in the Washington bureau for CBS News. She had also substituted as anchor for the CBS Evening News. She resigned from CBS News on March 10, 2014 after 21 years with the network. She hosts the weekly Sunday public affairs program Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson, which airs on television stations operated by the Sinclair Broadcast Group.[2] Her book Stonewalled reached number 5 on New York Times best seller list in November 2014.[3]
American Medical Association urges ban on TV drug ads (11/19/15)
The American Medical Association voted this week in favor of a ban on such direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising of prescription drugs and medical devices.
The resolution, approved by the AMA’s House of Delegates, has no immediate impact as only the Food and Drug Administration or Congress has the power to ban pharmaceutical advertising.
“Today’s vote in support of an advertising ban reflects concerns among physicians about the negative impact of commercially-driven promotions, and the role that marketing costs play in fueling escalating drug prices,” Read more…