Monthly Archives: August 2016
CDC Cover up: 4,250% increase in miscarriage reports from flu shots
- Press Release January 24, 2014 CDC (reprinted below)
- Misleads Nation’s Ob/Gyns -Covering-up Of The Most Massive Fetal Death Reports Associated With The Influenza Vaccine in the History of Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) Dr. Goldman study: study: Comparison of VAERS fetal-loss reports during three consecutive influenza seasons: was there a synergistic fetal toxicity associated with the two-vaccine 2009/2010 season?
- Goldman GS. Hum Exp Toxicol. 2013 May;32(5):464-75. doi: 10.1177/0960327112455067. Epub 2012 Sep 27.
- Official transcript CDC’s Dr. Marie McCormick denies miscarriages, Sept. 3, 2010 ACCV. See page 35.
- Influenza Vaccine Safety Monitoring (slide 20) Dr. Tom Shimabukuro (CDC) confirms NCOW data , Oct. 28, 2010 ACIP
- March of Dimes Joint CDC letter to the nation’s OB/GYNs urging them to vaccinate pregnant women the following season despite the VAERS reports of miscarriages and stillbirths associated with the flu vaccine.
- Letter to Elsevier, publisher of AJOG documenting the CDC cover up, world wide publicity campaign based on a misleading and collusive AJOG’s publishing of the Pedro Moro study.
- World Wide CDC misleading Publicity Campaign based on Pedro Moro’s misleading study in AJOG
- Published CDC Cover up article with documents by Christina England VAERS Database — Miscarriages & Stillbirths
DR. EVANS: Thank you, Dr. McCormick. I may have missed this earlier. Is there any data regarding pregnant women and adverse events associated with the vaccine? DR. MCCORMICK: Sure, there is one system that has been specifically set up for this. This is based on the congenital malformation monitoring system called VAMPS, vaccines and medical something or other in pregnant women surveillance. This system is up and running but we have seen no data from it because they are actually going to be following these people out through infancy. We did have data from the VSD, Vaccine Safety Data Network, and from PRISM, which is this new system that is set up between the immunization logs and medical records of insurance companies. They did provide data on pregnant women. We saw no adverse events, no signals in pregnant women.
VLA Comment: What the purposely avoided was their most common practice for all vaccine injuries was to report the data in VAERS which easily showed, right from the start of the program an enormous increase in miscarriages until it reached 4,250%. VAERS is the data used in all vaccine injuries, including pregnant women. Our investigation shows that the CDC was aware of the data but did not want to destroy their pregnancy program by confessing or alerting the nation’s Ob/Gyn’s. Hence they made up this story that their was another credible data source that showed no increases in miscarriages. However, the CDC had to come clean with the VAERS data after NCOW exposed them. (See Dr. Shimbakuro’s slide)
Press Release
CDC Misleads Nations Ob/Gyns -Covering-up Of The Most Massive Fetal Death Reports Associated With The Influenza Vaccine in the History of Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) Dr. Gary Goldman’s study on the 4,250% spike in fetal death reports during the 2009/10 H1N1 “pandemic” originally rejected by the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology (AJOG), who is charged by the National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW) as complicit in a massive cover-up and manipulation of data associated with the 2009/10 flu season fetal deaths is now available free to the public. Subsequently published in the Human & Experimental Toxicology Journal (HET), as a Sage choice study, the Goldman study is now listed in Pub med as a free PMC article. Comparison of VAERS fetal-loss reports during three consecutive influenza seasons: was there a synergistic fetal toxicity associated with the two-vaccine 2009/2010 season? Goldman GS. Hum Exp Toxicol. 2013 May;32(5):464-75. Despite an apparent trail of documented collusion and misconduct amongst the CDC, AJOG (Elsevier) and 9 non-profits including the March of Dimes, this alarmingly poor outcome of the 2009/10 H1N1vaccine experiment on the fetuses of pregnant women was successfully covered up by the CDC until Goldman exposed the statistics, documenting the harm in his recent publication. Ob/Gyns, who, uninformed, continued to double-dose their pregnant patients with the fetal-fatal flu shots that collectively delivered up to 50 micrograms of mercury. Due to the success of this well-orchestrated cover up and the complicity of the non profits and AJOG, pregnant women are now pressured to get 4 vaccine doses, (Flu, TDaP) and thereafter are mandated to give up to 49 vaccine doses to their surviving children in order for them to attend school. Beyond Junk Science. Continue to read cover up
California kids start school…but not if you are not FULLY vaccinated: Gary Franchi show
Nigel Farage (Brexit) speaks at TRUMP RALLY in Mississippi “WOW”
Tornado Carries Mobile Home 130 Miles, Family inside Unharmed
Wichita:| A family from Tulsa, Oklahoma, underwent the scariest experience of their life yesterday, when their mobile home was carried over 130 miles by a tornado, landing in a rural Kansas area. Five members of the same family were inside the building during its “flight”, and all of them have miraculously survived without injuries.
A few locals have witnessed the landing, like Michael Johnson, a 63-year old neighboring farmer, who describes an incredibly spectacular scene.
“I saw something in the sky that looked like a plane without wings” says Mr. Johnson. “I seemed to be flying clumsily towards the ground, as if it was trying to land. It was probably 300 feet from me when I finally understood the i was a mobile home, and I freaked out. It landed directly on my neighbor’s, which partially collapsed from the shock, but still rolled for almost 100 feet after the impact. It made an incredibly loud, crashing sound, and debris was flying everywhere. I thought I was going to die.”
Homeschool parents: Must sign that they are endangering their children to get religious waiver
The Home School Legal Defense Association, the HSLDA explains, demanding that parents “affirm that by exempting their child from immunizations they are endangering the life and health of that child … is at odds with some parents’ personal and/or religion beliefs.”
“Requiring a person to affirm a viewpoint which violates his religious or personal beliefs in a violation of the United States Constitution,” the petition informs the state. “The Supreme Court has clearly established that ‘just as the First Amendment may prevent the government from prohibiting speech, [it] may prevent the government from compelling individuals to express certain views.’”
Explained HSLDA about Colorado’s plan, “The mandatory forms require that parents affirm that by exempting their child from immunizations they are endangering the life and health of that child.
Breitbart-Trump/Carson questions vaccines
Trump said, “Autism has become an epidemic. 25 years ago, 35 years ago, you look at the statistics, not even close. It has gotten totally out of control. I am totally in favor of vaccines. But I want smaller doses over a longer period of time. Because you take a baby in, and I’ve seen it, and I’ve seen it, and I had my children taken care of, over a long period of time, over a two or three year period of time, same exact amount, but you take this little beautiful baby, and you pump — I mean, it looks just like it’s meant for a horse, not for a child, and we’ve had so many instances, people that work for me, just the other day, two-years-old, two-and-a-half-years-old, a child, a beautiful child went to have the vaccine, and came back, and a week later got a tremendous fever, got very, very sick, now is autistic.”
Harvard Scientists create new life form resistant to all viruses
A new breakthrough by researchers at Harvard Medical School in Boston proves that humans are getting eerily close to playing God.
After making more than 62,000 changes to the genome of an E. coli bacterium, the researchers have essentially invented an entirely new form of life. This new supermicrobe will be so different from the natural tree of life that it will be resistant to all known viruses on Earth and will be capable of producing proteins unlike any found in nature, reports New Scientist. Read more…
VLA Comment: Another step towards Transhumanism. Check out our series of posts on Transhumanism
12 year old rape case…Hillary Clinton (must see…VERY WELL DONE)
Add this to the vast amount of alleged suicides and murders related to Bill Clinton and his brother, cocaine addicts, drug smuggling, money laundering. It is easy for the Clintons to whack their enemies with their life long association with gangster drug pins. Sure Hillary protect women and children… Here is one of her first offenses…and then there is the women Bill Clinton raped in the Whitehouse of which she defamed.