Category Archives: Personal Stories Vaccine Injuries


OPEN LETTER by Founder VLA: Have you ever seen Andy Wakefield’s first documentary..WHO KILLED ALEX SPOURADALAKIS. It is exactly what is happening to those who were given poisons via vaccination and then further poisoned by psyche drug medication having the genetic inability to metabolize. It is the most amazing documentary I have ever seen.

To Whom It May Concern”

I am again…explaining this is common terms as the field of Pharmacogenetics is difficult to understand…so difficult that people in our vaccine/autism orbit have not yet grocked.  Just a few…but it hasn’t taken off yet. (Andy Wakefield, Dr. Goldman, Dr. Pulyiyel, Dr. Lucire and the late Dr. Bark).  It has been 20 years now that I have done the research, had the personal experience, and have tried to push this out into the open…lots of resistance due to the difficulty to understand it…but it answers the question of why some people are injured significantly and others not.It depends on the persistence of poisoning and the liver enzymes ability to methylate  the poison out of the body.

Yes, they poison us from birth to death.  The liver, which is actually a system of  a Super Family of Detox Enzymes, is…

#1 not mature in neonates and children under three.  Therefore ALL babies are harmed to more or less extent.  Moreover,
#2 Although there is a general commonality of Liver Enzymes in all human beings that rise up and detox the various poisons (and are very specific to each poison), the effectiveness of this natural intelligent design process depends on the “normal, rapid or slow metabolism” of the individual… established by family genetics and ethnicity.
#3 In my case, my family is “polymorphic” Cytochrome P450 2D6 which means there is no activity of that specific enzyme which metabolizes much of the hallucinogens and modern pharma drugs.
I found this out when my son, in college, started to take Adderall for studying and dabbling with Cannabis,  LSD and magic mushrooms, all of which need the liver enzyme Cytochrome P450 2D6 to get the poison out of the body via the liver.  He went psychotic, got labeled,  and was locked up in various psyche ward on and off for years.  There they gave him Haldol and Respirdol  which also needs to be metabolized by 2D6 which, as I point out,  he doesn’t have.  So, he became more and more crazy the more they poisoned him with drugs he could not metabolize. He spent many years being homeless.

#4  I was able to save him because a psychiatrist from Australia who was in my orbit told me about Pharmacogenetics and the super family of Cytochrome P450 enzymes.  She did a study of homicide prisoners, tested them for the condition of their liver enzymes…found they were taking medication that they could not metabolize.  So some people commit suicide and some homicides depending on if they blame themselves or others. David tried suicide, but fortunately I was aware enough to save him,  (BTW he is doing great since he has stopped poisoning himself).  He was never vaccinated so I had a leg up on the situation.  If he were vaccinated he probably would have been Autistic or worse.

David restored (and me)

#5 This field of Pharmacogenetics is difficult to understand but it all comes down to the fact that the babies, children, youth, adults are being poisoned and can’t get it out of their system if they don’t have the right complement of enzymes as they are being poisoned by the same excipients and adjuvants at every well baby visit.  And because of this relentless medical mafia mandated, illegal protocol they are damaged irreversibly in so many cases.

As Dr. Haider says…all disease is either due to lack of nutrition or due to toxicity!

Have you ever seen Andy Wakefield’s first documentary..WHO KILLED ALEX SPOURADALAKIS.  It is exactly what is happening to those who were given poisons via vaccination and then further poisoned by psyche drug medication having the genetic inability to metabolize.  It is the most amazing documentary I have ever seen.

BTW…there is a DNA swab test to check the slow, normal, rapid and absent enzymes.  I did that and then compared that to the drugs David was given and found out that between the hallucinogens and the pharma psyche drugs he was constantly being poisoned, acting bizarre and then being picked up and sent to various psyche wards.  …. like Alex  whose mother had to killed him…he was in unbearable distress. (but fortunately for me David had a running chance…no vaccines and the Psychiatrist from Australia who educated me in time).
If you have the time and inclination…here is the link to my White Paper” on the homicides and suicides due to this.  Dr. Lucire’s paper is in that link also.

Here is my Final to Siri &Aug.24 Pharmacogeneticsfor another whack at La Pinada

32 Documentaries Exposing the malignancies and fatalities of Vaccinations

1. Vaccination – The Silent Epidemic –
4. Vaccination The Hidden Truth –
6. Vaccination – The Truth About Vaccines –
8. Bought – Vaccine Industry –
10. Autism – Made in the USA –
13. Why We Don’t Vaccinate –
15. The Vaccinated Girls – Sick and Betrayed –
20. Dtap – Vaccine Roulette –
21. Truthstream News: About All Those Vaccines –
23. Cervical Cancer Vaccine – Is It Safe? –
24. It’s a Zionist controlled Pharmaceutical industry —
28. Manufactured Crisis: HPV, Hype & Horror –
30. Healing from Vaccines  –
31. Vaccines Are Militarized Bio Weapons – Author Patrick Jordan –
32. Vaxxed II – The People’s Story –

Embalmer pulling out vaccine induced rubbery CLOT from Jugular vein

I cannot embed this video.  To see the video click the link below for the article and for the one minute video of the embalmer pulling out the clots caused by the Covid vaccine.



Circa 2000 athletic cardiac arrests

In less than 2.5 years there have been 1,884 athlete cardiac arrests or serious issues with 1,310 of them dead

Since January 2022, Crispin Miller has been recording “died suddenly” cases worldwide that are reported in corporate media in a particular week. In his latest compilation, he recorded 57 New Zealanders who were reported as unexpectedly or suddenly losing their lives between 19 and 26 June.

Read more..

13 Canadian Doctor die after getting vaxxed-7 below died same time… mid July 2022

Dr. Makis MD has tracked THIRTEEN Canadian doctors that have suddenly died :

UPDATE on Canadian doctors “dying suddenly”


VAERS DATA on the Covid 19 shot for babies 6 months to 5 years of age

  • Everyone 6 months of age and older is now eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccination.
  • If getting a vaccine for a child under 5, check eligibility with the vaccination location before visiting.

                 WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!!!????

9-Year-Old With No Pre-existing Conditions Died 2 Weeks After Pfizer Shot, Latest VAERS Data Show

VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show 1,357,940 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 29,790 deaths and 247,686 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and July 22, 2022.

VLA COMMENT:  CHECK OUT THE VAERS REPORTS…remember VAERS reporting is historical only 1%,  Although Doctors are required by law to report an adverse event that is temporally connected, they do not because it requires a lot of time to report the details.  As well, there is no “penalty” in the law, so the medical professionals just don’t bother especially since they gave the offending shot and usually declare “Oh it can’t be the vaccine”


Baby Drowns in 3″ of water after Mom faints from AstraZeneca vaccine

Dorset, England: Louise Atkinson, a lawyer, passed out while bathing her nine-month-old baby girl, Eleanor, a day after receiving her first dose of the AstraZeneca COVID jab. Atkinson’s husband returned hone from a dentist appointment and found his unresponsive wife on the floor while the baby was lying face down and turning blue in the shallow bath


Beloved Gorilla fully vaccinate with Covid Vaccine dies suddenly

“Upon necropsy, we found that she had multiple organ abnormalities, which, in turn, created a life-ending cascade,” said Dr. Tom deMaar, the Zoo’s Senior Veterinarian. “The cascade began with fibrosing heart disease, which led to renal failure.”

VLA COMMENT: All the symptoms of a covid vaccine injury. READ ARTICLE