The working principle behind HandEnergy is that of a two-axis rotor gyroscope. “You may be familiar with the wrist-training device called the Powerball, which is a powerful handheld gyroscope,” HandEnergy co-founder Alex Novik told Digital Trends. “We came up with the idea of putting a battery, metal coil and magnets inside a similar device for generating electricity. We spent a year developing it, trying to find the best materials we could. After around a dozen prototypes, we finally arrived at one that we were happy with.” Read more…
Monthly Archives: December 2016
MORINGA PLANT: An Angel in a plant
What happened to our children?
Read original Steiner lecture..
“I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclinations towards spirituality out of people’s souls when they are very young.” – Dr. Rudolf Steiner
Should I get a flu shot by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (12/8/16)
Numerous peer-reviewed scientific studies have shown that the flu vaccine is not effective either at reducing the flu or reducing flu-related deaths.
- When a team of researchers at the National Institutes of Health compared flu vaccine rates with influenza-related illness over a 19-year period, from 1980 to 1999, they found that deaths from the flu increased as vaccination rates increased. “In conclusion, the increase in elderly influenza vaccination coverage in the U.S. after 1980 was not accompanied by a decline in influenza-related mortality,” the researchers concluded.
- A study, led by a researcher at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine, found that increasing vaccination coverage did not correlate with declining mortality and the decline in influenza-related mortality could not be attributed to the flu vaccine but was rather the result of naturally acquired immunity. Observational studies crediting the flu vaccine with contributing to decreased deaths from the flu, “substantially overestimate vaccination benefit,” these researchers concluded.
- A study published in the American Journal of Perinatology of vaccine effectiveness in pregnant women in Northern California across five flu seasons found that women who received flu vaccines during pregnancy had the same risk for influenza-like illness as unvaccinated women, and infants born to women who received flu vaccines also had the same risks for influenza or pneumonia as infants born to unvaccinated women. In other words, vaccine status made no difference to whether or not pregnant women or their offspring got the flu.
- A study published in Pediatrics International of Japanese children ages 6 months to 2 years who were vaccinated against the flu found that the influenza vaccine did not reduce the rate of influenza A infections in children under two.
VICTORY: European Union Bans Amalgam Fillings
List of Censored Activist Websites
Video-James Corbet (on list)
Truth is the new Hate Speech: List of 200 Forbidden Websites that Tell the Truth
Some of my favorites:
VLA Comment: Funny that Breitbart News, Nesara is not on the list
Natural News
Activist Post
The Corbett Report
Infowars (Alex Jones)
Before Its News
The Drudge Report
Lew Rockwell
Zero Hedge
Truth Dig
TruNews (Russell Brand)
Waking Times
We Are Change
Conservative Daily Post
Ron Paul Institute
RT (Russia Today)
Investment Watch
Prison Planet
Hungary: 2013 Free from IMF Bankers and debt UPDATE 2016
• IMF told to vacate country; nation now issuing debt-free money
By Ronald L. Ray
Hungary is making history of the first order.
Not since the 1930s in Germany has a major European country dared to escape from the clutches of the Rothschild-controlled international banking cartels. This is stupendous news that should encourage nationalist patriots worldwide to increase the fight for freedom from financial tyranny. READ MORE…
UPDATE 2016 strong economic growth has returned!
Recommended Website “Health Wrapped In Better Health”
Laura, part of our anti-vaccine community has 2 special needs children. She supports her family with these organic products for weight loss & nutrition. Check it out!
Products can be purchased from Laura here…
Laura also has “HopeWrappedinBetterHealth, a closed Facebook you can join where she shares a little more there for what I do with It Works! and our products. She has 152 members and does a raffle about once a month with special give aways.
Autism rates in California jumps 17% in Kindergarten’s since new mandatory vaccine laws
Autism Rates in California Schools Jumped As Much as 17% Among Kindergartners Since Mandatory Vaccine Bill Was Signed
When SB 277 (no shots, no school in California) went into effect, many parents with young children who were behind the vaccination schedule or did not start vaccinating yet, were forced to catch up or they could longer go to a public school. As a result, many children received a high amount of vaccines in a very short period of time.
In total, a jump of nearly 300 extra cases was seen between the ’14-15 school year and the ’15-’16 one, after SB277 took effect.
Because vaccines have mercury, aluminum, and many toxins in them, it is becoming more frequent for kids to experience severe adverse reactions, including many symptoms that are identical to those on the autism spectrum.
While nationwide, 1 out of 68 kids are autistic, the number is now more than 1 out of 65 kindergarten kids in California public school. Read more…