VLA Comment: Parasites have a frequency higher than the slower frequency of the cells of the human body. This is the focus of this lecture and clinic in Romania.
PARASITE CLEANSE CANCER CURE: https://vaccineliberationarmy.com/parasites/parasites-everyone-has-parasite-parasites-are-the-cause-of-cancer-plus/
Beck stands with what he says are the vast majority of Orthodox Jews who strongly oppose Israel. Their reason: The Jewish religious principle that Jews need to live in exile until the “peaceful” arrival of the Messiah. And because of the “oppression” and “brutality” that Israel is built upon is against Jewish Law.
VLA Comment: Secular, political leaders, heralding the glory of a Jewish State, are not real Jews.. A true Jew follows the Torah. He/she believes “with all his heart” in G_D’s promise of Unity with Hashem and the manifestation of the Messiah. They are preparing for the second coming (some having missed the first, according to Jews for Jesus).
Authentic Jews are deeply and consistently devoted, truly devoted, to G_D and the Torah. They wait in humble exile. Zionist leaders, who misdirect true devotion into a nationalistic ideology, have, by deceptive practices, ignited anti antisemitism to the highest level in human history.
Zionist ideology has captured the minds and emotions of all persons who self identify as Jewish but in Truth are not real Jews. Real Jews, real Christians, real Muslims are the True ISRAEL that the bible speaks of. At their simple common root they are devoted to G_D and are the real chosen people. ISRAEL is not a place foremost. It is a Spiritual Condition. As the Jewish leader Saul who became Paul said in Romans..”For not all who are descended from Israel are Israel”
I believe that the True Jews who are devoted to Hashem at the altar of their heart are in exile over the world to function as nodes of Knowledge. Being herded to one secular, political land and national identity removes the important and necessary nodes of Knowledge from the wide world.
New West Virginia Governor Issues Executive Order Restoring Vaccine Religious Exemptions
West Virginia has a new governor, and he wasted no time granting parents the freedom to claim a religious vaccine exemption to opt their children out of required school vaccinations.
Just 24 hours after his inauguration, Republican Governor Patrick Morrisey signed an Executive Order that allows parents to claim religious or moral exemptions for their students to attend state schools and state-regulated childcare centers—a monumental shift for a state historically known for having some of the strictest vaccine mandates in the country. READ MORE…
If you think The Real Dr. Fauci documentary was good, this will slay you!
VLA COMMENT: The only thing I noticed that they failed to mention was the gain of function research in North Carolina
implicating America’s hand in creating the virus.