Category Archives: Poisoned Dental Fillings (mercury)


Boyd Haley, Ph.D., is a chemist specializing in the development of chemicals to chelate toxic metals, both from the environment and the human body. I had the opportunity to interview Haley (above) at the 2018 Academy of Comprehensive Integrative Medicine (ACIM) conference in Orlando.

Haley has a Ph.D. in chemistry and biochemistry and conducted research funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for 25 years at the University of Wyoming and at the University of Kentucky. Early in his career, he developed a biochemical detection system called nucleotide photoaffinity labeling and has published studies on its usage.1 Haley explains:


Will 5G happen despite killing humans, insects, plants and animals? Follow the money-Cryptocurrency needs 5G




The 5G network is aiming to do wonders for the technology field, and many bitcoin enthusiasts are asking, “What does this mean for the blockchain? Will the world of digital currency be affected in any way?”

The quick answer is “yes.” For one thing, the newest 5G network is claiming to be about 100 times faster than the current edition, meaning downloads will be a lot quicker.

According to Professor Rahim Tafazolli of the University of Surrey in the U.K., the new 5G network will run at a speed of approximately 800Gbps. That’s equivalent to about 33 high-definition films being downloaded in less than half a second. They should have called this the Superman network.

For bitcoin users, they no longer need to be left in the dark regarding the status of their funds or certain updates. Transaction confirmations are slated to be uber fast, and the entire blockchain can be downloaded in about a minute or less.

Furthermore, by 2020 about 50 billion devices are expected to be hooked up to the 5G network as part of the integration of the Internet of Things, which many believe will revolutionize data, communication and technology as a whole and bring a movie like “The Terminator” and the machine-building defense computer Skynet closer to reality.

VLA comment:  Put “5G” in our search engine for more videos of 5G, smart, meters and Green New Deal.

DAMS: Dental Truth Newsletter 2018

DAMS Dental Truth 2018 March(1)

Hidden Epidemic, by Thomas Levy, MD, JD, is the author’s newest book. It presents evidence that dead teeth, whether root canaled or not, are the major causes of cancer and heart attacks.

Boyd Haley, PhD, has presented evidence that DMPS and DMSA, longtime used for mercury detoxification, are not actually chelators. They are unable to hold onto the mercury.

Del Bigtree (VAXXED) A coalition of 56 American
health groups has sent a notice to the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) citing concerns that its health agencies most responsible
for assuring the safety of childhood vaccines have failed to fulfill their
responsibilities to protect the children.

More...Firstenberg’s Invisible Rainbow A Portrait of How EMFs Can Harm
Aluminum, Dr. Russell Blaylock, Sherry TenpennyPrimal Dentistry
By Carol Vander Stoep RDH

How Safe Are Root Canals?

Almost 60 million root canals are performed a year (1), on individuals who are mistakenly informed that it is a safe and harmless procedure. While your teeth may look and feel fine after the procedure, the reality is that it is impossible for all of the bacteria to be removed from the tooth. After a root canal, the healthy bacteria changes to highly toxic anaerobic bacteria that will continue to thrive inside and around the tooth, jawbone and periodontal ligament causing numerous potentially long term health problems. (1)


Titanium Implants and in food: Is it poisoning us?

Green Med:Titanium in food

Titanium, zirconium, ceraroot implants

Most important on the Titanium, zirconium, ceraroot implants notice in the bibliographical references, footnote # 4

Ultrafine titanium dioxide particles in the absence of photoactivation can induce oxidative damage to human bronchial epithelial cells Toxicology 2005

97% of Terminal Cancer Patients Previously Had This Dental Procedure…



When a dentist performs a root canal, he or she hollows out the tooth, then fills the hollow chamber with a substance (called guttapercha), which cuts off the tooth from its blood supply, so fluid can no longer circulate through the tooth. But the maze of tiny tubules remains. And bacteria, cut off from their food supply, hide out in these tunnels where they are remarkably safe from antibiotics and your own body’s immune defenses.Microscopic organisms regularly move in and around these tubules, like gophers in underground tunnels.  Read more…

VLA Comment: Not only does this occur for root canals but also for extracted teeth. Ordinary uneducated dentists do not clean out the ligaments causing these “cavitations”.  I myself, am currently having multiply surgeries with a biological dentist to remove the decaying bacteria from the bone as seen above.

Dr. Thomas Levy-The Doctor to go to!

VLA Comment: Get to his lecture on “teeth”. A collaborator with Hal Huggins, he emphasizes how teeth can be the cause of a myriad of chronic illnesses, like MS, Parkinson. He talks about root canals and “cavitations” which are secretly present in anyone who has had his tooth pulled. Because dentists do not remove the tooth’s ligament bed, infections begin to eat the bone. Currently I am have several cavitations cleaned out which involves surgery by special biological specialists like Dr.Michael Margolis in Mesa Arizona. My cavitation over a pulled tooth has caused a subtle infection that is blinding my right eye as it formed a cellophane tent over the fovea in an attempt to protect my eye. Dr. Margolis has removed the infection material. In analyizing the infected material on just this one cavitation, I have 2 bacterial pathogens and an overgrowth of candidas that was causing the eye problem of which I will have to have epi retinal surgery to remove the membrane. I plan on making a visit to him in Colorado soon.

If you have any sickness, illness or health problem, you must watch this lecture on cause of illness and Lyposomal Vitamin C.

Mercury toxicity: Genetic susceptibility and synergistic effects

thimerosal_infantsMercury toxicity and intoxication (poisoning) are realities that every American needs to face. Both the Environmental Protection Agency and National Academy of Science state that between 8 to 10% of American women have mercury levels that would render any child they gave birth to neurological disorders. One of six children in the USA have a neurodevelopmental disorder according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In summary, it appears as if autistics represent a subset of the population that are more susceptible to the toxic effects of mercury and thimerosal because they are not efficient excretors

of these toxic materials. PDF study by Dr. Boyd Haley