Category Archives: Corruption

Brain Death…is a lie to harvest organs (they can’t get an organ from a cadaver)

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Brain death was a strategy invented by a medical committee to justify harvesting organs.
Paralytic agents are administrated to brain dead patients (and Euthanasia clients) so that they don’t “squirm” while they are harvesting the organs..

VLA Comment: In the case of Euthanasia, I heard that the client who is give a paralyzing agent and then another agent to complete the procedure, actually can experience hours of drownning that they are not able to communicate.

A response I received from a reader of this link:

I wonder how much the Zelensky team is making on the side via the red cross harvesting organs like crazy from dead Ukrainians?
I heard they are all over the front cutting open people that are dead…or dying.
heart is worth around $1 million in the US. Livers come in second, worth about $557,000 and kidneys cost about $262,000 each. Not to speak about human skin ($10/inch), stomach ($500), and eyeballs ($1,500 each).
just as a example a kidney is worth $262,000
and there have been 100 thousand soldiers ‘harvested
26.2 billion alone just for kidneys
557 billion for livers
1 trillion for hearts



REALLY  GREAT ARTICLE ABOUT HEARTBEAT, RESPIRATION, BRAIN DEAD…BOTTOMLINE...Apparently the person being harvested has to be alive…think about it!!!

VLA COMMENT: According to most spiritual paths, a person who has died should not be touched, refrigerated, moved in any way for at least 3 days whereas the soul is withdrawing from the body,  It can be a very painful exit.  It certainly would be painful, I imagine, if they begin cutting out your organs while you are barely alive.

TRIBULATION of True Israel vs Ethnic Israel and true Vatican vs Malignant Pope

Both the Orthodox Jews and the Orthodox Christians are, in tandem, being infiltrated and degraded for years by the Elites, Vatican Pope and Vatican II Council, Free Masons and Satanic forces to usher in a one universal religion to efficiently control humanity.

 WAKE UP, CHRISTIANS!                                         WAKE UP, Oh ISRAEL!   

Jew and Christians Must watch –  to see that you are both in the same boat. Truly Amazing!

VLA Founder- Open Letter : Ethnic Israel vs.True Israel: I heard once that the Jews (Zionists) have had a state within Ukraine for a long time. The course is to first demolish Ukraine and its inhabitants, finance and build back Ukraine (think Blackrock), and settle there. (Much richer territory). They are to demolish GAZA, expand the State of Israel, build the Ben Gurion Canal, ship the offshore oil that belongs to GAZA.

There is no end to greed, fear and false identification. The Zionists (never in the name of the Torah) have desecrated the Holy Land and turned the Holy Israel, the true devoted, orthodox people of the Torah, the foundation principles of Christianity, into a secular, immoral, Babylonian ethnic nationality.

Won’t they who have been deceived be surprised to find out who really are the chosen people when the Gog/Magog event hits.

PAUL, THE APOSTLE (Παῦλος, G4263, Roman. name meaning little; also called Saul, שָׁא֑וּל, Heb. name meaning asked for). A leading figure in the Early Church whose ministry was principally to the Gentiles.

Who was the Apostle Paul?

A Jew of the tribe of Benjamin (Phil 3:5), Saul, “who is also called Paul” (Acts 13:9), was given the name of that tribe’s most illustrious member—Israel’s first    


                            Ethnic Israel vs True Israel

ROMANS: First, in verse 6B Paul says, “For they are not all Israel who are descended from Israel.” In other words, Paul’s argument is that the promises of God always hold true for the true Israel, the spiritual Israel, but not all ethnic Israel is true Israel. That’s his first statement of the argument: “They are not all Israel who are descended from Israel.” The assumption is: there is a true Israel, representing all those whether, Jews, Muslims, Christians, etc…qualities of a deep love of God, Truth, Wisdom, goodness, Love. God’s saving promises are made to them; and these promises have never failed. Apostle Paul:

“Babylon” (as a nation), in the spiritual meaning, represents evil acts or archetypal quality for sin and debauchery…a nation in moral decline. Babylon, today, describes the qualities of the United States, the State of Israel (the West) at this time in spiritual and literal history.

According to Emanuel Swedenborg (18th century), who was commissioned by the Logos to reveal the structure of heaven and hell, the Bible (the Word) has dual meaning…the literal and the spiritual…the exterior and the interior sense. in the spiritual sense, the name “ISRAEL” represents, “all those who belong to the Lord’s spiritual kingdom”. And moreover, “ISRAEL, according to the Apostle Paul, “not all who are descended from Israel are Israel”. The Zionist who have the qualities of Babylon do not represent the “qualities” of ISRAEL, spoken of in the Bible, as analyzed in the Spiritual sense by Paul and Swedenborg. The genocide in GAZA, for example, by the Zionists, who claim inheritance of the land of ISRAEL, apparently does not comport with the spiritual name ISRAEL, but with the name Babylon.

As with Swedenborg and the inner meaning “Word”, Logos, the primary text of Kabbalah is the Zohar, compiled by Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and his disciples in the 2nd century BCE. Kabbalah is concerned with the inner meaning and function of our Divine service on a cosmic scale, using metaphysical metaphors and concepts.

                                                   This is the True Israel!

A personal note: If Jews continue to believe that the Messiah is yet to come…”yet to come” never comes.

BOMBSHELL: All levels of Govt. conspiring to oust Homeowners across the USA

VLA COMMENT:In a nutshell (and so much more…must watch until the end):

The new Fraud: Counties across the country (now 47 states are involved) are raising reassessing homes, increasing their valuation, in order to raise property taxes to meet their budgets.
How they do this…is that the yearly budget is given to the Tax Assessor’s office and told to figure out how to meet the budget. The Assessor then artificially reassesses the homes in the area (by alot) in order to raise the taxes to comport with the budget. The homeowners who can barely pay their mortgages and credit card debt not only can not afford the property tax but the insurance on their house goes up as well. Then the house goes into foreclosure and the sharks attack! “You will own nothing and be happy”

Tucker Carlson: Trump & Kennedy’s Medical Cabal Muses: Calley and Casey Means

Introducing the Means siblings Dr.Casey and Calley Means,  This is the team of whistleblowers who unified Trump and Kennedy in what will be a revolution in the field of health, food and medicine. AND, OF COURSE, THANK YOU TUCKER!