Category Archives: Strategy Room

Majorie Taylor Green: Dems 3.5 Trillion dollar bill – China will own our Electric Vehicles AND US!

.VLA Comment: This is a must watch…While the United States has about 4% of the Rare Earth mineral market, China has upward of 80% of the world market and thus dominates battery production, micro chips and components. Marjorie Taylor Green explains, very clearly, that China dominates the world’s rare minerals and thus batteries for electric vehicles. In this bill the Democrats are spending billions of dollars for excess charging stations across the United States to force electric cars and trucks on the population. While the United States has about 4% of the Rare Earth mineral market and thus battery components, China has upward of 80% of the world market.

China will own the United States if these bills are passed. As we know, China has more intelligence on the corruption of the Biden family than anyone in the world…and apparently, using this leverage as one prong of their strategy, they are poised to overtake the US…as corrupt as it has become on its own.

As the United States is forced to leave “ever renewable” (due to the natural cycles of birth and death) fossil fuels behind by this Climate Change, New Green Deal legislation and thus become reliant on high tech chips and such technological materials that depend on rare earth minerals whose market is absolutely dominated by China, these self driving electric trucks and robots will eventually replace American workers and workers world wide.

Trans-humanism, a bizarre “POST humanity”, is imminent, where non biological systems are merged with human biology, such as been  “strategically sneaked into reality”  by the Covid-19 MRNA vaccines concomitant with the FDA approving Elon Musk’s Neural Link experiments chiseling a hole in the forehead to connect the human brain with the computerized and virtual world of Ahriman and Lucifer. If this is not the mark of the Beast…nothing is.

The good news is that because of the Covid Plandemic, it seems much of the world is taking Ivermectin…killing parasites. The evil Archons, manifesting as parasites for decades, are actually being eliminated. This is a positive side effect of this treachery for those who have not submitted to the vaccine.

Halloween Vaccine Stickers for Kids

Halloween in October
Inline image 2Inline image 3Inline image 1

Go to SHOP

Get a roll of 250 high quality stickers and change the world from bottom – up!

 1) Thousands of the student Vaccine Liberation Army Stickers were given out and received as “awesome” by all the neighborhood kids.

2) Or ….Give the roll to your son or daughter to distribute on Halloween at school makes them the most popular kid for the day. Every kid collects stickers!

3) My personal experience of standing on the corner of a HS or middle school when kids are being let out of school is overwhelming…like a bird frenzy...the kids want as many as I can give them. And I do give them as many as they want… I ask them to share with their friends ( infiltrate).  It takes just one hour and all the stickers are gone..gone..gone…and you have no feelings of rejection.  It is a blast!

4) Remember kids don’t want to be vaccinated with a needle.  They are the future. Let’s educate them and they will resist the darkening of the light and they will teach their parents.

We love these stickers…on skateboards, on bikes and books (and face)?
Best regards,

Eileen Dannemann
Director, National Coalition of Organized Women

FOX-Breaking News: Oregon & Washington State Legislation seek to end exemptions

Fox new video

Oregon officials announce parents must provide proof that their child is vaccinated to attend school.

VLA Comment:  They are trying to spin the measles epidemic so as to blame someone from the Philippines so that the finger isn’t pointed to a vaccinated individual who got the vaccine and is “shedding”.

Their lame excuse (I can’t believe the television audience is stupid enough to believe this kind of propaganda) is that the same virus is also found in the Phillipines.



VLA COMMENT: The mantra of this hearing “VACCINES SAVE LIVES” “Vaccine save lives”



Hot-Coffee-DVD-FIn the world of “vaccine” journals – we have journals that serve the government propaganda. Agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is above science & morality as they align with their use as wheels in the Totalitarian machine. Journals such as the Elsevier Journals-American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynogology, Pediatrics, have been caught in their complicity with assisting in spreading government agendas.

Along that line of manipulation, I just saw a GREAT documentary, Hot Coffee. It starts with the story of the McDonald lawsuit involving the spilling of hot coffee and the more than 2 million dollar (supposed) settlement to the consumer/Planitiff. It is on Netflix. However, the documentary evolves and peers into the political arena where the “industry” by the name of US Chamber of Commerce, started by Karl Rove, is using the event to put “caps” on corporate settlement … great stuff and real examples. It opens are eyes to another corporate play or prey on the working man….Halburton The documentary follows the 19 year old girl who whlileworking for Haliburton’s subsidiary was gang raped by co men employees in Iraq and how she is prevented to have her day in court… because of the forced “Arbitration? clause in her employment contract and how she is fighting back. So this movie is about the loss the people’s right for judicial regress. It discuss how industry is working closely with the administration via the “US Chamber of Commerce” to freely fund State campaign’s of State justices that will lean to the side of Industry instead of the consumer. I encourage you to watch this documentary. IT IS ALSO ON NETFLIX!

School Based Health Clinics: VACCINES & DRUGS: Accessing Public School Health Records?

Read article…The Obama Healthcare bill funds School Based Health Clinics for public schools nationwide.  The purpose: Track the emerging adult population; maximum vaccinate adolescents upwards of 80 vaccinations by 19 years old; screen for mental illness; facilitate the prescribing of prescription drugs based on mental screening and school behavior; obfuscate the cause of ADD, ADHD, depression (toxic vaccines-45 by the time the child is 6 years old..20 of which has high levels of mercury); propaganda for pre-school and school age kids

…’In 2007, a study performed by RAND Corporation, funded by Sanofi Pasteur, investigated the most efficient way to vaccinate (…) low-income adolescents. Nicole Lurie,(…) one authors of the white paper, is now an adviser to Kathleen Sebelius, the Secretary of Human Health Services (HHS). Mrs. Lurie has a long history of traversing the revolving door between private industry, government duties, and academic appointments (there is no difference from the former head of the CDC, Julie Gerberding, (…) becoming President of Merck Pharmaceuticals Vaccine Division).

Powerpoint presentation- SSRIs: Do They Cause Suicide?

Download this presentation as a tool to present at your town library

Do not stop taking an antidepressant without medical supervision.
Complications occur on starting, stopping and with irregular dosing. Withdrawal can start up to four weeks after stopping the drug and can go on for three months. Complications include agitation, mania, psychosis and self harm and suicide and  violence and homicide.

SSRIs  (the Accused)
Aropax  Prothiaden
Efexor  Sinequan

Yolande Lucire
School of Rural Health, Albury NSW
Forensic Psychiatrist. Woollahra Sydney

