Monthly Archives: October 2019

Meningitis College Vaccine Causes Seizures and Then Death

Meningitis College Vaccine Causes Seizures and Then Death

We lost our precious and vibrant daughter – Haleigh Golden – to a pediatrician recommended vaccine in preparation for college. All of our lives, we unfortunately blindly trusted what we have been told and thought we were protecting our children. Little did we know these neurotoxic vaccines have been continually harming our girls. READ MORE…

FORBES: The Privacy Delusion of Gene Testing

ANNE WOJCICKI above sitting next to Facebook founder & CEO who now owns youtube.

Susan and Anne Wojcicki are sisters. Susan, 50, is the CEO of YouTube and has long worked for Google. Anne, 45, co-founded and serves as CEO of the genetic testing website 23andMe. Anne married Sergey Brin, a Google co founder, with whom she has kids. But the two split in 2013 (which means that, yes, her sister works under her ex).

Gene testing promises a revolution in healthcare. With just a few swabs of saliva, diagnostics can provide an unprecedented look into a person’s family history and potential health risks. Within a decade, global sales of genetic tests are expected to hit $10 billion. Direct-to-consumer companies such as 23andMe and Genos have proven particularly popular, with tens of thousands of people purchasing at-home testing kits every year.

But the industry’s rapid growth rests on a dangerous delusion: that genetic data is kept private. Most people assume this sensitive information simply sits in a secure database, protected from hacks and misuse.

Is your DNA genetic testing information SAFE?

Far from it. Genetic-testing companies cannot guarantee privacy. And many are actively selling user data to outside parties.

The problem starts with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), a 1996 federal law that allows medical companies to share and sell patient data if it has been “anonymized,” or scrubbed of any obvious identifying characteristics.

For instance, 23andMe has sold access to its database to at least 13 outside pharmaceutical firms. One buyer, Genentech, ponied up a cool $10 million for the genetic profiles of people suffering from Parkinson’s. AncestryDNA, another popular personal genetics company, recently announced a lucrative data-sharing partnership with the biotech company Calico.

Customers are wrong to think their information is safely locked away. It’s not; it’s getting sold far and wide.  READ MORE…


Is the government involved, as the relationship between DARPA and Facebook shows. The DARPA program, LifeLog, closed down on the very day that FaceBook began – February 4, 2004. Then there is the relationship to Internet collection sites, like Google and YouTube. They are not just business partners, they are family and marital partners! How close is close!

Apparently DARPA transferred its “LifeLog” project mission to collect DNA on everyone to Facebook in 2004

REGINA DUGAN 19th Director of DARPA

Worked for: Facebook, Google, RedXDefense, NASA

VLA COMMENT: It is very important to get a DNA test prior to be prescribed drugs.  Many individuals do not have the ability (via genetics) to metabolize specific drugs.  These individuals are, because they are not being tested, are commonly given contraindicated drugs which render them more and more psychotic, suicidal and homicidal with heinous ideations, beyond the comprehension of normal human beings. However, you might ask your doctor if the company that is doing the testing will keep you information safe including privacy of not redacting you name and selling the DNA.  Best it would be if, AS IT SHOULD BE, that genetic testing be covered by HIPPAA law.

Scientists Find Chronic Brain Inflammation in Children With Autism

Scientists Find Chronic Brain Inflammation in Children With Autism

The concept that chronic inflammation is one of the hallmarks of ASD is not new. In 2013, the Journal of Neuroinflammation published an article stated that, “Increasing evidence indicates that brain inflammation is involved in the pathogenesis of neuropsychiatric diseases,” including ASD.​

Pointing out that many children with ASD “regress at about age 3 years, often after a specific event such as reaction to vaccination, infection, trauma, toxic exposures, or stress,” the authors of that article go on to discuss increasing evidence of immune dysfunction/inflammation in ASD and to detail multiple markers of inflammation in the brains and cerebral spinal fluid of children with ASD.


6 Days After 8 Vaccines “SIDS” Claims The Life Of Another Healthy Infant

6 Days After 8 Vaccines “SIDS” Claims The Life Of Another Healthy Infant

Raja-Nee Keys awoke to the worst nightmare a mother can imagine: finding her two and a half month old baby boy lifeless six days after he was vaccinated. When the doctors and coroners cannot explain why a healthy baby dies, they label it “SIDS” (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) – and halt the investigation there in most cases. Except we all know that perfectly healthy infants do not just suddenly die of a “mysterious” reason following vaccination READ MORE…

The Animals are now in trouble too: Five Dangerous Dog Vaccine Ingredients

Five Dangerous Dog Vaccine Ingredients

Why did the vets advocate a three year recommendation when the data showed vaccines lasted for at least seven years?

“Profits are what vaccine critics believe is at the root of the profession’s resistance to update its protocols. Without the lure of vaccines, clients are less inclined to make yearly veterinary visits. Vaccines add up to 14 percent of the average practice’s income, AAHA reports, and veterinarians stand to lose big. I suspect some are ignoring my work,” says Schultz, who claims some distemper vaccines last as long as 15 years. “Tying vaccinations into the annual visit became prominent in the 1980s and a way of practicing in the 1990s. Now veterinarians don’t want to give it up.”


VLA COMMENT: The food and the vaccines for animals who used to thrive by eating the left overs and not being vaccinated…like unvaccinated, healthy, organic kids…lived long and happy.  (with the exception, perhaps, from incestual breeding)

RFK Jr Kicked out of Church: Vaccine Censorship Rolls on

RFK Jr.  Kicked out of Church:  Vaccine Censorship Rolls On

RFK Jr.’s Curtailed Speech

By the time Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., stepped up to the podium it was 3:40 pm. A fifteen-minute break, combined with too many speakers, had robbed him of his time to speak, the information that the people of Harlem and elsewhere had come to hear.

As he was explaining how he transformed from an environmental activist to health advocacy and vaccines, Curtis Cost slipped Kennedy a sheet of paper. RFK read the note aloud: “One minute! I have one minute left to speak?”

As confusion and a furious discussion set in, the church’s (micro-) manager came forward and told them the forum was over and that they had to leave. People booed and shouted. Kennedy tried to negotiate, stating he would pay the church for the extra time.



PHARMACIDE: THE AUTOMATISM DEFENSE-virtual links to white paper by Eileen Dannemann


                             Automatism Defense

                Mental illness, Suicides, Homicides, Mass shootings

                          A white paper by Eileen Dannemann

                        Director, National Coalition of Organized Women


                                 1.  Outline compilation FINAL

                                  2. Discussion and Purpose

       photos shooters, suicides….THE EYES…



                                      3. Mass Shooters Images and text

   Preface and Summary of homicidal/suicidal events

                                       4.   SSRI STORIES #2

  Excerpts of 6,000 homicides/suicides on prescription drugs

                                       5. The Automatism Defense

                                       6. Case Series and Review#1..Dr. Lucire

Antidepressant-induced akathisia-related homicides associated with diminishing mutations in metabolizing genes of the CYP 450 family

                                       7. Review#2…Dr. Brogan

A literature Review of Neuropsychiatric Adverse Reaction for Antidepressant and Neuroleptic Psychiatric Drugs and General Medications

                                       8. SUICIDE AND MURDER…Dr. Mercola

                                       9. Cost Analysis#1

…of hospitalization and treatments: Psychiatry meets pharmacogenetics for the treatment of revolving door patients with psychiatric disorders

                                       10. Cost Analysis#2

Pharmacogenetic testing among patients with mood and anxiety disorders is associated with decreased utilization and cost

 This is me (founder VLA)…the Layman’s version for Dummies

North Carolina Criminal Law article:  All You Need to Know about Automatism

Excerpt: State v. Smith, 59 N.C. App. 227 (1982) “Under the law of this State, unconsciousness, or automatism, can be a complete defense to a criminal charge”. Automatism is the “absence of consciousness [which] not only precludes the existence of any specific mental state, but also excludes the possibility of a voluntary act without which there can be no criminal liability.” State v. Fields, 324 N.C. 204 (1989). So automatism appears to be a complete defense to all crimes