In the pre-vaccine era, when the natural measles virus infected the entire population, measles — “typically a benign childhood illness,” as Clinical Pediatrics described it — was welcomed for providing lifetime immunity, thus avoiding dangerous adult infections. In today’s vaccine era, adults have accounted for one quarter to one half of measles cases; most of them involve pneumonia, one-quarter of them hospitalization. Read more…
Monthly Archives: April 2014
Pentavalent Vaccine Killing children world wide
The pentavalent vaccine (a combination vaccine for protection against five childhood diseases- diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus, hepatitis B and pneumonia and meningitis (caused by Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib)), seeks to replace the traditional DPT vaccine given to infants at 6, 10 and 14 weeks of age.At present the vaccines are procured from WHO pre-qualified manufacturers, by the UNICEF, through part funding from the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations, more commonly known as the GAVI alliance (GAVI is a public private initiative that provides financial support to developing country governments to purchase vaccines for their immunization programmes). The use of the vaccine has been associated with adverse events following immunization (AEFI) and deaths. The fact that globally at least 63 deaths of infants have been recorded post-pentavalent inoculation, and that even in India the number of recorded deaths have climbed to 54 since 2011, calls for some serious re-assessment of the decision to introduce pentavalent vaccine in the universal immunization programme in India. Read more…
CDC: 1 out of 13 American children are on psyche medications
Data from the Centers for Disease Control reveal that there continues to be a significant increase in the number of school-age children on psychiatric medications to treat emotional or behavioral problems. A new health study shows that 7.5 percent of children between the ages of 6 and 17 are on psych meds based on data collected from interviews between 2011 and 2012 with parents of over 17,000 children. Read more…
VLA comment: That is about 3 children in every classroom.
Bombshell: 1 in 13 U.S. children take psychiatric drugs
A shocking new study facilitated by the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics reveals that 1 in 13, or 7.5 percent of US children, are now on some type of psychiatric drug. Read more…
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Excerpt: When you take a broad-spectrum antibiotic, which is the kind most commonly prescribed, it may be that rare microbes occasionally get wiped out entirely. And once the population hits zero, there is no bouncing back. For your body, that species is now extinct. My worry is that some of these critical residential organisms — what I consider “contingency” species — may disappear altogether.
Why might it matter? Those puny species may not be so inconsequential. Microbes multiply. Any small population of, say, 50 cells can explode into a billion or more in one week. The trigger for their massive bloom could be a food you’ve eaten for the first time, which only they have the enzymes to digest. In the presence of this food, the rare microbe goes into overdrive, doubling every 12 or 20 minutes, multiplying by a million percent or more. Read more….
WEED “1” (Sanjay Gupta, CNN), WEED “2”
NYC Health Dept. Denies Legal Pediatric prescribed Medical vaccine exemptions
There is a growing movement afoot across the United States to remove the ability of parents to opt out of vaccinations for their children or even delay them through an alternative vaccination schedule as determined by their pediatrician. dictate?), breaking the law in a variety of ways – denying parents waivers for valid medical and religious exemptions, due process, translators, first amendment freedoms and the list goes on according to New York City parent advocate Rita Palma of
Heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are virtually non-existent in Amish villages. Equally non-existent are our modern, chemically-engineered medicines, enhanced (chemically engineered) foods, G.M.O. (genetically engineered) foods, and of course, vaccines. How is it that those who are without the so-called “miracles” of orthodox medicine are healthier? The truth about health, medicine, and how they both relate to the Amish has become an embarrassment to some rather powerful people. There have been 3 (yes three) verified cases of autism in the Amish, and two of those children were vaccinated. No information is available for the third child, who was likely vaccinated himself. READ MORE…
Breaking News: Former Merck physician-GARDASIL-The greatest medical scandal of all time
Merck’s Former Doctor Predicts that Gardasil will Become the Greatest Medical Scandal of All Time April 24, 2014
Gardasil is useless and costs a fortune! In addition, decision-makers at all levels are aware of it! Cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome, paralysis of the lower limbs, vaccine-induced MS and vaccine-induced encephalitis can be found, whatever the vaccine.
I predict that Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all times because at some point in time, the evidence will add up to prove that this vaccine, technical and scientific feat that it may be, has absolutely no effect on cervical cancer and that all the very many adverse effects which destroy lives and even kill, serve no other purpose than to generate profit for the manufacturers. There is far too much financial interest for these medicines to be withdrawn. Read more…
Cannabis: Parkinson’s Disease and the Endocannabinoid System
There is evidence that cannabinoids play a neuroprotective role in stroke, traumatic brain injury, and several neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis and even Parkinson’s disease. Cannabinoids appear to produce this protection through various mechanisms. Read more…
Although starting in South Africa, the Ubuntu movement, merging with New Earth Nation is fast becoming a world wide movement of consciousness resulting in political and economic change heralding the precipitation of a significant first initiation phase of the Master plan concerning the race humanity.
In his UBUNTU Party Press Release, published on March 18, 2014, Tellinger provided the outline for The UBUNTU Party’s Platform, which will (miraculously) participate in the South African Elections on 7 May 2014 …
“UBUNTU Believes that the country belongs to its people – that the mineral wealth and the energy creation belongs to its people – and that the government is appointed as the servant of the people, by the people – to serve the needs of the people on every level of our human endeavour.
Based on these simple principles we plan to do the following.
1. Restructure the entire banking system to serve the people and not enslave the people.
2. Create a PEOPLE’s BANK that creates money for the people by the people, tax-free and interest-free, with 100% employment, and stop the financial enslavement of our people by the privately owned RESERVE BANK.
3. Let our scientists and inventors deliver a renewable source of Free Energy for every South African.
4. Support our traditional healers and research scientists in finding alternative cures for all disease and prevent the drug cartels from hiding such cures from the people.
5. Support our farmers on every level to escape the grips of Monsanto to grow organic food and plant gardens across the nation to ensure that no South African ever goes hungry again.
6. Decentralise the government so that people can govern themselves in their own communities – taking care of their own needs immediately, supported by the new People’s Bank every step of the way.
7. Restructure the judiciary and the legal system, to be written by the people for the people, unlike the unjust legal system we face in our courts today, which holds the rights of corporations above those of living breathing human beings. The path to economic freedom is an exciting new era in human history, which is linked to the age of information, where corrupt corporations can no longer hide their crimes against humanity from the people.
VLA comment: It is clear to me that the merger of the New Earth Nation and the Ubuntu movement host 2 of our most articulate leaders of the politico-economic consciousness movement soulfully informed by Source!
UBUNTU CONTRIBUTIONISM (THE BOOK) Free Delivery Worldwide Buy now
“The path that brought us here as a species is not only filled with lies and deception of unimaginable proportion, but also with continuous manipulation of the human race that goes back thousands of years all controlled by money. Michael Tellinger has come full circle since his epic Slave Species of god in 2006, by proposing a blueprint for the emancipation of the slave species called humanity. The world, and everything in it, has been incorporated, including every single human being, without their knowledge. But how do we use the knowledge of the past effectively, to benefit all of humanity into the future? Tellinger makes a strong case, that if we do not understand our human origins, we cannot come to terms with why the world is so utterly confusing and messed up in the 21st century. He demonstrates that our current situation presents us with a unique opportunity to change the course of our destiny. Michael Tellinger describes how the ancient African philosophy of UBUNTU will allow us to seamlessly move from a divided, money-driven society, to prosper in united communities driven by people, their God-given talents and their passion for life. Coming to terms with our enslavement as a species by the global financial system, is critical to discovering the path to full enlightenment.