Monthly Archives: July 2019

Refusing to be silent: Parents’ stories on how their children died from vaccines

From: Amber Powers – CPS Threatened to take my twins at birth – shortly after being pressured to receive Tdap and Flu vaccine both twins died before birth.

From: Isabelle Stevens – Two of my children suffered severe neurological injuries, seizures, posturing and ultimately died five days after vaccination in 2012

From: Jessica Taylor – Doctor said his death was a side effect of one of the many vaccines he received that day but said he can’t go on record stating it was because of the vaccines

From: Brandi Nolan – unborn baby died after flu shot

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Beer Tested: Most contain cancer-causing Glyphosate

To find out, we tested 26 popular beers in our mass spec laboratory, using LC-MS-MS instrumentation that’s sensitive below 1 ppb. The findings may surprise you, because they contradict what the media is dishonestly reporting about glyphosate in beer. (See full chart of results and video below…)

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MAD IN AMERICA: Electroshock therapy for children….a mad story

Electroshocking Children-Why It Should Be Stopped

John Breeding

In 1947, psychiatrist Lauretta Bender.…In 1955, she reported on how she had administered 20 shock treatments to a child under three years old, who was on the children’s ward at New York’s Bellevue Hospital.(3)  Bender eventually administered this “treatment” to more than 500 children, and enjoyed a career as one of the most honored psychiatrists of her time. She is still on the govt. payroll today and exalted as a leading psychiatrist of our time.

One of the children she shocked was Ted Chabasinski, when he was a six-year-old foster child. His description of that experience stands in stark contrast to Bender’s:

I was six years old [in 1944]. My mother had been locked up in a mental hospital just before I was born, and I was a ward of the state. A psychiatrist at Bellevue Hospital in New York, Dr. Lauretta Bender, had just begun her infamous series of experiments with shock treatment on children, and she needed more subjects. So I was diagnosed as a “childhood schizophrenic,” torn away from my foster parents, and given 20 shock treatments….18 I was dragged down the hallway crying, a handkerchief stuffed in my mouth so I wouldn’t bite off my tongue. And I woke [after the shock treatment] not knowing where I was or who I was, but feeling as if I had undergone the experience of death. After four months of this. I was returned to my foster home. Shock treatment had changed me from a shy little boy who liked to sit in a corner and read to a terrified child who would only cling to his foster mother and cry. I couldn’t remember my teachers. I couldn’t remember the little boy I was told had been my best friend. I couldn’t even find my way around my own neighborhood. The social worker who visited every month told my foster parents that my memory loss was a symptom of my mental illness. A few months later, I was shipped to a state hospital to spend the next 10 years of my life.





Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Study “done”

Fully Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated — A Summary of the Research

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has repeatedly asked CDC to create studies which explain,

“How do child health outcomes compare between fully vaccinated and unvaccinated children?”

During a November 2012 Congressional hearing on autism before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Dr. Coleen Boyle, the Director of the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, gave evasive answers to lawmakers pressing her on this point. After considerable badgering, she finally stated,

“We have not studied vaccinated versus unvaccinated [children].”

That was perjury.

Boyle knew that CDC had commissioned an in-house researcher, Thomas Verstraeten to perform vaccinated/unvaccinated study on CDC’s giant Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) in 1999 (I summarize Verstraeten’s secret findings on slide 2).

Verstraeten found a dramatic link between mercury-containing hepatitis B vaccines and several neurological injuries including autism and prepared the study for publication. CDC shared Verstraeten’s analysis with the then four vaccine makers but kept it secret from the American public.

The data in CDC’s 1999 Verstraeten study clearly inculpated thimerosal as the principle culprit behind the autism epidemic.


CCHR: More About Psychiatric Drugs Causing Violence and Suicide

  “Antidepressant-induced akathisia-related homicides associated with diminishing mutations in metabolizing genes of the CYP450 family
  by Yolande Lucire and Christopher Crotty
  Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine, 1 August 2011

This research paper details patients who had been referred to Dr. Lucire’s practice for expert opinion or treatment. More than 120 subjects were diagnosed with akathisia [a neurotoxic psychosis often characterized by a feeling of inner restlessness and inability to stay still] or serotonin toxicity [extremely high levels of serotonin causing toxic and potentially fatal effects] after taking psychiatric drugs that had been prescribed for psychosocial distress. Akathisia has been known to be associated with suicide since the 1950s and with homicide since 1985.

They were tested for variant alleles in cytochrome P450 (CYP450) genes, which play a major role in the metabolism of all antidepressant and many other drugs, indicating ultrarapid metabolism due to allele duplications. This seems to be strongly associated with a large number of deaths from intoxication and suicide. High or fast-changing levels of psychotropic substances can cause unpredictable toxicity leading to violent behavioral effects, including akathisia. [An allele is one of two or more alternative forms of a gene that arise by mutation and are found at the same place on a chromosome.]


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Medical/Legal: Pharmacogenetics-THE AUTOMATON DEFENSE

With the exception of liability without fault, which requires only actus reus, a crime requires two elements, actus reus and mens rea. While most criminal defenses attempt to excuse, justify or exculpate the defendant’s criminal guilt by addressing mens rea, the automatism defense is different in that it attempts to prove that the defendant did not actually commit actus reus. Automatism can therefor apply to both conventional cases and cases of strict liability & vicarious liability. If the defendant is found to have been acting as an automaton (“a machine that moves”) when the crime was committed, that is, totally unconsciously and involuntarily, then he cannot be said to have been “acting” at all, in a legal sense. And without actus reus, the defendant cannot be held criminally liable for his actions.


VLA COMMENT:  The rise of information about pharmacogenetics (see room on right side list on this site) citing the inability of individuals to metabolize the popular pharmacueticals leading to mass shootings, suicides will give the legal professional plenty of business for those who have ears to hear!

We are at the cutting edge of its exposure right now in 2019/20.  Attorney’s get educated and open up several bank accounts in different  banks.

Suicides & homicides on pharma drugs

Dr. Lucire’s study:  Having gained access through many attorneys of clients who were convicted of homicide, Dr. Lucire, an Australian Psychiatrist and researcher into pharmacogenetics, shares her study of men and women, finally, taken off their prescription drugs, who relate heinous (emphasis added) homicidal ideations that led them to kill their loved ones.


Subject 1, in her own words:

My husband was drinking. I took small doses of valerian for a month and had weird dreams and premonitions. When I took nortriptyline, I immediately wanted to kill myself, talked myself out of it. I’d never had thoughts like that before. My husband was angry, shouting. I walked outside a lot, with palpitations, trouble breathing, and became more depressed. My smoking went up to 25 a day, no alcohol. I didn’t sleep for two nights, dreamt, then slept maybe three hours, felt awful. I dreamt that my daughter had dark teeth and I saw a black halo around her head, a spear hanging over it. I felt like a zombie. I believed I had to help my daughter, that a bad spirit possessed her. I picked up a knife and stabbed her and woke up. I was not myself. I was looking on from the outside, controlled by dark forces. She said: “Mum, what are you doing here?” I realized what I’d done. I asked my husband to kill me. He called the police. I felt better in the police cells without the pills, but the pills started again and thoughts of killing myself returned.


Healthy 4 Month Old Dies of “Natural Causes” One Week After 7 Vaccines

Healthy 4 Month Old Dies of “Natural Causes” A Week After 7 Vaccines

Abigael Portillo is embarking on a journey no mother or parent should ever endure. She’s at the beginning stages of investigating and learning why her healthy four-month old baby girl died within a week of receiving seven vaccines. Vida’s death certificate shows the manner of death is “Natural” and the autopsy findings show “adenovirus with coinciding rhinovirus infection.” (Rhinovirus is also known as the common cold.) However, according to Abigael, Vida “wasn’t even sick. No fever no running nose, no cough, – a normal healthy baby.” Abigael: I took my precious Vida to her 4 month well check and she received Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), Polio (IPV), Pneumococcal (PCV13), Rotavirus (RV), Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis (DTaP). That is 7 shots. Never did I question what they are for. Are they all necessary at such a young age (only 17 lbs) or even all at once? What are the side effects? What should I look for if she has a reaction? Instead, I just held my baby down while all kinds of chemicals, aluminum, mercury, monkey cells (yes, monkey cells) the list goes on…as they were injected into my baby girl’s body.