Monthly Archives: September 2022

STUDY-Oral Zinc Sulfate for HPV: Disappearance of all warts

One month after the conclusion of treatment, a dermatologist reevaluated the patients. Response to treatment was defined as disappearance of all warts without residual scarring. All patients were followed for recurrence for 6 months after the completion of the treatment. P < .05 was considered statistically significant.



THE RAND CORPORATION: The USA planned the Ukraine War

Shocking Disputed Document Claims the US Planned the War and Energy Crisis in Europe

A Swedish news agency revealed a document signed RAND Corporation, a think tank linked to the US Department of Defense, outlines a strategy for “Weakening Germany, strengthening the U.S.” It says there is an “urgent need” for an influx of resources from outside to maintain the American economy, “especially the banking system”. A key objective is to destroy the cooperation between Germany and Russia which is seen as the greatest economic and political threat to the United States. Their plan was to draw both Russia and Europe into war with a primary goal of destroying the German economy.



EU state to seize guns from Russians

Nationals of Russia or Belarus living in Estonia who own firearms will be given a deadline to surrender them voluntarily, or have them seized by police as security threats, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas said on Monday.


THE GREAT RESET: Pushing ultra-processed foods, insects and fake meats by 2030

Why Promoters of Great Reset Are Pushing Ultra-Processed Foods

According to promoters of The Great Reset, a traditional whole food diet is not only “unsustainable” but “environmentally destructive” and must be replaced with GMOs and protein alternatives made from insects, plants and synthetic biology.


Story at-a-glance:

  • According to promoters of The Great Reset, a traditional whole food diet is not only “unsustainable” but “environmentally destructive” and must be replaced with GMOs and protein alternatives made from insects, plants and synthetic biology. Life on earth cannot be sustained, they say, unless we transition to what amounts to an ultra-processed and highly unnatural diet.
  • A scientific review throws The Great Reset’s talking points in the proverbial trash, as ultra-processed foods are “fundamentally unsustainable” and nutritionally nonessential. As such, the environmental impacts of ultra-processed foods are indefensible, as they are wholly avoidable.
  • Ultra-processed foods account for 17% to 39% of total diet-related energy use; 36% to 45% of total diet-related biodiversity loss; up to one-third of total diet-related greenhouse gas emissions, land use and food waste; and up to one-quarter of total diet-related water-use among adults in high-income countries.
  • The EAT Forum, cofounded by the Wellcome Trust and the Stockholm Resilience Centre in 2014, has developed a “Planetary Health Diet,” intended to be applied to the entire global population. It entails cutting meat and dairy intake by up to 90%, and working with biotech and fake meat companies to replace whole foods with lab-created alternatives — all in the name of climate change prevention and “sustainability.”
  • Once corporations have a monopoly on meat, dairy, cereals and oils, they will be the ones profiting from and controlling the food supply. The companies that control the food supply will also end up controlling countries and entire populations. READ MORE

Silver Mountain Mining: BRICS-Putin and XI meeting this week

VLA Comment: Nixon took us out of the Brentwood deal. The Brettonwood deal was 44 nations getting together after World war II and agreeing that all the nations would be on the gold standard…to avoid the possibility of WWIII over economics and trade.

The Bretton Woods Conference, formally known as the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, was the gathering of 730 delegates from all 44 Allied nations at the Mount Washington Hotel, situated in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, United States, to regulate the international monetary and financial order after the conclusion of World War II.[1]

The conference was held from July 1 to 22, 1944. Agreements were signed that, after legislative ratification by member governments, established the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD, later part of the World Bank group) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This led to what was called the Bretton Woods system for international commercial and financial relations.

It must be noted that the Putin/Xi conference on BRICS would base currency on actual resources which Charlie Walters of Acres USA (organic sustainable) and NORM support the idea for decades…

Charles Walters Jr. (June 18, 1926 – January 14, 2009) was an economist, journalist, publisher, editor, author, entrepreneur, and family farm advocate. A tireless advocate for “peoples capitalism”, Walters was a president of the National Organization for Raw Materials (NORM), a long-time executive board member, and founder and editor of Acres USA, the North American voice of eco-agriculture, organic farming, and the family farm.

Raw material economics is based upon a simple idea: that raw materials income from its farms, ranches, timberlands, oceans, mines, wells, and recycling centers governs national income unless the latter is expanded by debt; since agriculture is the largest producer of new raw materials each year, it is the largest annual source of raw materials income.

The health, robustness, and sustainability of the American economy is directly tied to the production of raw materials and the price at which those raw materials first enter into commercial channels. When raw materials enter trade channels at prices in balance with the prices of labor and capital, the economy operates on an earned-income basis with no buildup of public and private debt. Conversely, when raw materials enter trade channels at less-than-parity prices with labor and capital, the economy lacks sufficient earned dollars to operate on a debt-free basis; therefore, public and private debt accumulates.

How Dick Cheney and Bush created Anthony Fauci

With the stroke of Cheney’s pen, all United States biodefence efforts, classified or unclassified, were placed under the aegis of Anthony Fauci. So important was this new command structure that a representative from the office of Scooter Libby, Cheney’s powerful chief of staff, was physically placed in NIAID headquarters in Washington during the transition to function as “a kind of political commissar” from the vice president’s office. This gave Fauci unparalleled access to not just Cheney, but President Bush, to whom he had an open channel.


Embalmers Finding long fibrous clots…not blood clots in the Vaccinated

Embalmers Have Been Finding Numerous Long, Fibrous Clots That Lack Post-Mortem Characteristics

The string-like structures differ in size, but the longest can be as long as a human leg and the thickest can be as thick as a pinky finger.

Excerpt: “I had a 49-year-old, was totally healthy getting ready for work, collapses dead. Next thing you know, I’m embalming him, and guess what I’m pulling out of him? The same stuff. Same stuff! He was totally fine, totally healthy. Shocked everybody. Find out, oh, yeah. Not only was he vaccinated, he was boosted,” Hirschman recalled


Power Company Seizes Control Of Thermostats In Colorado During Heatwave

We have warned about and posted dozens of stories since the inception of Smart Meter rollout and the resulting Smart Grid under the Obama Administration. Many people laughed. Twenty-two thousand people in Colorado aren’t laughing anymore as their utility company has hijacked their smart meters to control their thermostats.

Control over energy is a key requirement for Technocracy. Smart meters open the door to outside control of every major appliance in your home, including your air conditioner.