Category Archives: Pharmacogenetics


OPEN LETTER by Founder VLA: Have you ever seen Andy Wakefield’s first documentary..WHO KILLED ALEX SPOURADALAKIS. It is exactly what is happening to those who were given poisons via vaccination and then further poisoned by psyche drug medication having the genetic inability to metabolize. It is the most amazing documentary I have ever seen.

To Whom It May Concern”

I am again…explaining this is common terms as the field of Pharmacogenetics is difficult to understand…so difficult that people in our vaccine/autism orbit have not yet grocked.  Just a few…but it hasn’t taken off yet. (Andy Wakefield, Dr. Goldman, Dr. Pulyiyel, Dr. Lucire and the late Dr. Bark).  It has been 20 years now that I have done the research, had the personal experience, and have tried to push this out into the open…lots of resistance due to the difficulty to understand it…but it answers the question of why some people are injured significantly and others not.It depends on the persistence of poisoning and the liver enzymes ability to methylate  the poison out of the body.

Yes, they poison us from birth to death.  The liver, which is actually a system of  a Super Family of Detox Enzymes, is…

#1 not mature in neonates and children under three.  Therefore ALL babies are harmed to more or less extent.  Moreover,
#2 Although there is a general commonality of Liver Enzymes in all human beings that rise up and detox the various poisons (and are very specific to each poison), the effectiveness of this natural intelligent design process depends on the “normal, rapid or slow metabolism” of the individual… established by family genetics and ethnicity.
#3 In my case, my family is “polymorphic” Cytochrome P450 2D6 which means there is no activity of that specific enzyme which metabolizes much of the hallucinogens and modern pharma drugs.
I found this out when my son, in college, started to take Adderall for studying and dabbling with Cannabis,  LSD and magic mushrooms, all of which need the liver enzyme Cytochrome P450 2D6 to get the poison out of the body via the liver.  He went psychotic, got labeled,  and was locked up in various psyche ward on and off for years.  There they gave him Haldol and Respirdol  which also needs to be metabolized by 2D6 which, as I point out,  he doesn’t have.  So, he became more and more crazy the more they poisoned him with drugs he could not metabolize. He spent many years being homeless.

#4  I was able to save him because a psychiatrist from Australia who was in my orbit told me about Pharmacogenetics and the super family of Cytochrome P450 enzymes.  She did a study of homicide prisoners, tested them for the condition of their liver enzymes…found they were taking medication that they could not metabolize.  So some people commit suicide and some homicides depending on if they blame themselves or others. David tried suicide, but fortunately I was aware enough to save him,  (BTW he is doing great since he has stopped poisoning himself).  He was never vaccinated so I had a leg up on the situation.  If he were vaccinated he probably would have been Autistic or worse.

David restored (and me)

#5 This field of Pharmacogenetics is difficult to understand but it all comes down to the fact that the babies, children, youth, adults are being poisoned and can’t get it out of their system if they don’t have the right complement of enzymes as they are being poisoned by the same excipients and adjuvants at every well baby visit.  And because of this relentless medical mafia mandated, illegal protocol they are damaged irreversibly in so many cases.

As Dr. Haider says…all disease is either due to lack of nutrition or due to toxicity!

Have you ever seen Andy Wakefield’s first documentary..WHO KILLED ALEX SPOURADALAKIS.  It is exactly what is happening to those who were given poisons via vaccination and then further poisoned by psyche drug medication having the genetic inability to metabolize.  It is the most amazing documentary I have ever seen.

BTW…there is a DNA swab test to check the slow, normal, rapid and absent enzymes.  I did that and then compared that to the drugs David was given and found out that between the hallucinogens and the pharma psyche drugs he was constantly being poisoned, acting bizarre and then being picked up and sent to various psyche wards.  …. like Alex  whose mother had to killed him…he was in unbearable distress. (but fortunately for me David had a running chance…no vaccines and the Psychiatrist from Australia who educated me in time).
If you have the time and inclination…here is the link to my White Paper” on the homicides and suicides due to this.  Dr. Lucire’s paper is in that link also.

Here is my Final to Siri &Aug.24 Pharmacogeneticsfor another whack at La Pinada

Mayo Study: Vaccines and Pharmacogenetics

The field of pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics provides a promising science base for vaccineresearch and development. A broad range of phenotype/genotype data combined with high through put genetic sequencing and bioinformatics are increasingly being integrated into this emerging field of vaccinomics. This paper discusses the hypothesis of the ‘immune response gene network’ and genetic (and bioinformatic) strategies to study associations between immune response gene polymorphisms and variations in humoral and cellular immune responses to prophylactic viral vaccines, such as measles–mumps–rubella, influenza, HIV, hepatitis B and smallpox. Immunogenetic studies reveal promising new vaccine targets by providing a better understanding of the mechanisms by which gene polymorphisms may influence innate and adaptive immune responses to vaccines, including vaccine failure and vaccine-associated adverse events. Additional benefits from vaccinomic studies include the development of personalized vaccines, the development of novel vaccines and the development of novel vaccine adjuvants.

pharmacogenomics_to_vacci-1 MAYO CLINIC STUDY

School shooting/Automatism Defense

Go to Link

Suicides and Homicides: SSRI Stories

“Suicidal ideations, homicidal ideations, mental health issues,” Trey Gowdy said on Fox News. “The overwhelming majority of mass killers suffer from that.

VLA Comment:  Unfortunately,  he mistakenly thinks that the solution is red flag gun laws.  the solution has been discovered by organizations and hospitals like the Mayo Clinic, St. Jude’s, Sloan Kettering.  “No one should be given medications unless they take the Pharmacogenetic test (genesight labs)”  Homicides and suicides are caused by Doctors giving these young adults medications for ADHD, BiPolar,etc that they are lacking the liver enzyme (Cytochrome P450 super group) that would metabolize it out of the body.  Instead, without the corresponding enzyme that body accumulates the drug and poisons the patient to a point of hallucinations, homicidal ideations and suicidal ideations and events.  Read the Automatism Defense

97.8 Percent of Mass Shootings Are Linked to This by Joseph Mercola

EPOCH TIMES 97.8 Percent of Mass Shootings Are Linked to This

VLA Comment: To go deeper into the cause of these mass shootings you need to know why there are suicidal (homicidal) warnings on anti depressants and psyche drugs.  It is because some people can not metabolize the drugs they are being prescribed.  The pathway to metabolize these drugs is in the Liver.  The liver is comprised of a  superenzymes whose purpose is to detox the metabolize out of the body… poisons and drugs.

Different cultures and genetic make ups have more or less ability to metabolize certain individual drugs.  Those teens who have been given drugs for ADHD, OCD, Bipolar, etc who commit heinous crimes are missing certain enzymes that should be metabolizing the drugs they are using.  If they can’t metabolize the drugs they are taking, the drugs accumulate day by day, month by month in the body/mind eventually causing compelling ideations of suicide (if they blame themselves) or homicide (if they blame others).

Here is my layman’s talk on “pharmacogenetics” for the common man.

Read our White Paper which includes a legal defense;


PHARMACOGENOMICS and Vaccines (2009)

Vaccine Application_of_pharmacogenomics_to_vaccines

This paper discusses the hypothesis of the ‘immune response gene network’ and genetic (and bioinformatic) strategies to study associations between immune responsegene polymorphisms and variations in humoral and cellular immune responses to prophylactic viralvaccines, such as measles–mumps–rubella, influenza, HIV, hepatitis B and smallpox.Immunogenetic studies reveal promising new vaccine targets by providing a better understanding of the mechanisms by which gene polymorphisms may influence innate and adaptive immune responses to vaccines, including vaccine failure and vaccine-associated adverse events.

The goal of pharmacogenomics and vaccinomics is to identify genetic variants that predict adverse responses to vaccines, predict aberrant immune responses, contribute to personalized therapy and that predict susceptibility to diseases and response to vaccines.

VLA Comment.

It is hard to believe that the establishment has known this relationship between polymorphism (the presence of genetic variation within a population) that will cause an adverse reaction from vaccines since 2009.  And we just keep destroying all the emerging generations of mankind (and animals)  What is not expressed in this paper is that ALL neonates and children not have the mature systems that address this assault.

Pharmacogenomics — the key to developing personalised medicines 2013


Vaccines are a class of medicines that are being viewed under the pharmacogenomic microscope. Variations in genes involved in virus binding and cell entry, antigen recognition, processing and presentation, immune effector cell function and immunoregulation are all crucial in an individual’s ability to propagate a co-ordinated attack against an invading pathogen. Associations in response with genotype or phenotype have been recognised with vaccines against measles, mumps and rubella, influenza, HIV, Hepatitis B and smallpox.4

STUDY-Vaccine Adjuvants: Systemic immunotoxicity reaction induced by adjuvanted vaccines


Adjuvants – Systemic_immunotoxicity_reactions_induced by adjuvanted vaccines

6.4. Modification of drug hepatic metabolism (cyp450)

Reports of patients developing phenytoin, warfarin or theophylline
toxicity, following acute infections [118,119] and anti-influenza vaccination,
have been published [119–128]. In one study, toxic elevations
in the levels of the concurrent medicines were reported to occur up to
28 days after vaccination [124]. Other vaccines such as Bacillus Calmette
Guerin (BCG), and immunostimulators such as interferons and various
cytokines are able to produce the same effect [129–131]. The effect of
immunostimulation on drug metabolismwas demonstrated several decades
ago in laboratory animals, using several vaccines and adjuvants,
with the demonstration that cytochrome P450 hepatic enzyme inhibition
as a consequence immunostimulation is involved, leading to
reduced clearance of the concurrently administered medicines
[132–135]. Years later, Renton reported that the release of cytokines,
such as IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, TNF, TGF-β and IFNs, is involved in modulating
the expression of several P450 isoforms [130]. Reversible changes in
the pharmacokinetic parameters of theophylline, and decreased expression
of CYP1A, 2B1/2, and 3A subfamily, have also been reported in rats
after intravenous injection of lipopolysaccharide (endotoxin) derived
from Klebsiella pneumoniae [136] and a similar effect was observed
after application of FCA to mice (used as a positive control), for comparison
with a non-toxic intranasal adjuvant called AFCo1 [97].
On the other hand, Prandota have shown the rapid decrease in the
total CYP450 liver content of FCA-treated rats and the selective downregulation
of specific CYP isoforms through a direct reduction in
mRNA levels (CYP2B, CYP2CI1, CYP3A1, and CYP2E1), protein content
(CYP2B, CYP2C11, and CYP2E1) and catalytic activity (CYP2C6,
CYP2C11, and CYP2E1). Thus, Prandota has highlighted that polymorphisms
of drug-metabolizing enzymes and cytokines may contribute
markedly to drug-induced hepatotoxicity and drug pharmacokinetic
disturbances, affecting genetically predisposed subjects [137].

Vaccines Excipients: PHARMACOGENETICS: Inability of infants and children to metabolize vaccine xenobiotic excipients (cyp 450)

FORBES: The Privacy Delusion of Gene Testing

ANNE WOJCICKI above sitting next to Facebook founder & CEO who now owns youtube.

Susan and Anne Wojcicki are sisters. Susan, 50, is the CEO of YouTube and has long worked for Google. Anne, 45, co-founded and serves as CEO of the genetic testing website 23andMe. Anne married Sergey Brin, a Google co founder, with whom she has kids. But the two split in 2013 (which means that, yes, her sister works under her ex).

Gene testing promises a revolution in healthcare. With just a few swabs of saliva, diagnostics can provide an unprecedented look into a person’s family history and potential health risks. Within a decade, global sales of genetic tests are expected to hit $10 billion. Direct-to-consumer companies such as 23andMe and Genos have proven particularly popular, with tens of thousands of people purchasing at-home testing kits every year.

But the industry’s rapid growth rests on a dangerous delusion: that genetic data is kept private. Most people assume this sensitive information simply sits in a secure database, protected from hacks and misuse.

Is your DNA genetic testing information SAFE?

Far from it. Genetic-testing companies cannot guarantee privacy. And many are actively selling user data to outside parties.

The problem starts with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), a 1996 federal law that allows medical companies to share and sell patient data if it has been “anonymized,” or scrubbed of any obvious identifying characteristics.

For instance, 23andMe has sold access to its database to at least 13 outside pharmaceutical firms. One buyer, Genentech, ponied up a cool $10 million for the genetic profiles of people suffering from Parkinson’s. AncestryDNA, another popular personal genetics company, recently announced a lucrative data-sharing partnership with the biotech company Calico.

Customers are wrong to think their information is safely locked away. It’s not; it’s getting sold far and wide.  READ MORE…


Is the government involved, as the relationship between DARPA and Facebook shows. The DARPA program, LifeLog, closed down on the very day that FaceBook began – February 4, 2004. Then there is the relationship to Internet collection sites, like Google and YouTube. They are not just business partners, they are family and marital partners! How close is close!

Apparently DARPA transferred its “LifeLog” project mission to collect DNA on everyone to Facebook in 2004

REGINA DUGAN 19th Director of DARPA

Worked for: Facebook, Google, RedXDefense, NASA

VLA COMMENT: It is very important to get a DNA test prior to be prescribed drugs.  Many individuals do not have the ability (via genetics) to metabolize specific drugs.  These individuals are, because they are not being tested, are commonly given contraindicated drugs which render them more and more psychotic, suicidal and homicidal with heinous ideations, beyond the comprehension of normal human beings. However, you might ask your doctor if the company that is doing the testing will keep you information safe including privacy of not redacting you name and selling the DNA.  Best it would be if, AS IT SHOULD BE, that genetic testing be covered by HIPPAA law.

PHARMACIDE: THE AUTOMATISM DEFENSE-virtual links to white paper by Eileen Dannemann


                             Automatism Defense

                Mental illness, Suicides, Homicides, Mass shootings

                          A white paper by Eileen Dannemann

                        Director, National Coalition of Organized Women


                                 1.  Outline compilation FINAL

                                  2. Discussion and Purpose

       photos shooters, suicides….THE EYES…



                                      3. Mass Shooters Images and text

   Preface and Summary of homicidal/suicidal events

                                       4.   SSRI STORIES #2

  Excerpts of 6,000 homicides/suicides on prescription drugs

                                       5. The Automatism Defense

                                       6. Case Series and Review#1..Dr. Lucire

Antidepressant-induced akathisia-related homicides associated with diminishing mutations in metabolizing genes of the CYP 450 family

                                       7. Review#2…Dr. Brogan

A literature Review of Neuropsychiatric Adverse Reaction for Antidepressant and Neuroleptic Psychiatric Drugs and General Medications

                                       8. SUICIDE AND MURDER…Dr. Mercola

                                       9. Cost Analysis#1

…of hospitalization and treatments: Psychiatry meets pharmacogenetics for the treatment of revolving door patients with psychiatric disorders

                                       10. Cost Analysis#2

Pharmacogenetic testing among patients with mood and anxiety disorders is associated with decreased utilization and cost

 This is me (founder VLA)…the Layman’s version for Dummies

North Carolina Criminal Law article:  All You Need to Know about Automatism

Excerpt: State v. Smith, 59 N.C. App. 227 (1982) “Under the law of this State, unconsciousness, or automatism, can be a complete defense to a criminal charge”. Automatism is the “absence of consciousness [which] not only precludes the existence of any specific mental state, but also excludes the possibility of a voluntary act without which there can be no criminal liability.” State v. Fields, 324 N.C. 204 (1989). So automatism appears to be a complete defense to all crimes

Who KIlled Alex ? Mother who killed her autistic son released from prison

RIVER GROVE, Ill. (WLS) — Two women charged with killing a teenager with severe autism were released from prison on Wednesday afternoon.

Alex Spourdalakis, 16, was fatally stabbed in 2013 in a River Grove apartment by his mother, Dorothy Spourdalakis, and the boy’s godmother, Agatha Skrodzka.

An absolutely riveting documentary on Amazon.