Monthly Archives: September 2018
HPV (Gardisal/Cervarix) Vaccine: Documentary “Sacrificial Virgins” MUST WATCH!!!
PRESS RELEASE FORD-Kavanaugh 10-3-18
National Coalition of Organized Women Press Release: Reconciling the disparity between Ford and Kavanaugh
Dr. Ford had the unique opportunity to effortlessly “ transpose and substitute” the two victimizers in her adolescent real-life event. It would be a lie, an alteration to an adolescent event, that could save the melting snowflake nation from a Trump appointed, anti-abortion, Christian, Supreme Court Judge. After all, who would know the difference, but her! How was her testimony so compelling? It is simply because Dr. Ford genuinely had had an authentic and personal experience. This enabled her to give details of such an event so convincingly. That is how the disparity can be resolved!
City forced to abolish civil asset forfeiture
Philadelphia, PA – (TFTP) The city that has gained a reputation for the egregious civil asset forfeiture practices committed by its police department, will now be forced to dismantle the program altogether, as a result of a lawsuit filed by a family who had their home seized by police after their son was accused of a minor drug crime.
Residents who have been harmed by the Philadelphia Police department’s civil asset forfeiture practices could also receive part of $3 million in compensation. Markela and Chris Sourovelis initially filed a lawsuit in 2014 after their son was caught trying to sell $40 in heroin on the street.
The parents complied with the judge and took their son to a court-ordered rehabilitation treatment. But when they returned home, they found that police had locked them out of their house.
The Sourovelis family’s home was seized by police even though there was no evidence that the parents had any knowledge of their son’s attempt to sell drugs, and there was no evidence that the parents or any other family members had engaged in any kind of drug-related activity deemed “illegal” by the state.
Read article…
VLA COMMENT: More than a local policy of forfeiture…this is happening in every state. Police take courses in how to succeed in Forfeiture. Here is an example:
A 64-year-old put his life savings in his carry-on. U.S. Customs took it without charging him with a crime.
A 64-year-old Cleveland man is suing U.S. Customs and Border Protection after agents strip-searched him at an airport in October and took more than $58,000 in cash from him without charging him with any crime, according to a federal lawsuit filed this week in Ohio.
Customs agents seized the money through a process known as civil asset forfeiture, a law enforcement technique that allows authorities to take cash and property from people who are never convicted or even charged with a crime. The practice is widespread at the federal level. In 2017, federal authorities seized more than $2 billion in assets from people, a net loss similar in size to annual losses from residential burglaries in the United States.
The Clear Legal Basis that Vaccines Cause Autism ***** five stars on this one!!!
VLA COMMENT: I may be showing my ignorance with all the great books on Autism and science, but this is perhaps the best damn article I have read on the history of the fraudulent Vaccine Court to the detriment of thousand and thousands of children and families in distress taking care of their Autistic children without compensation and help.
Quite a story!!! Must read!
Crisis Music video Tribute to our whistleblowers and spotlight on FBI, CIA, Vaccine Corruption
Study:Toxic Metals and Autism Spectrum Diagnosis
READ STUDY . Toxic metal pollution and ASD. Environmental Research 2018
Either by oral ingestion as salt or as an adjuvant, Al exposure may
induce the dysfunction or activation of glial cells that are important in
maintaining the homeostasis of the CNS and in neurodevelopment
(Morris et al., 2017). Furthermore, Al can induce the activation of
microglia to produce TNF-α, IL-6, iNOS, NOS-2, neuroinflammatory
PICs and ROS (Zaky et al., 2013). The microglia may govern the regulation
of neurogenesis and neurodevelopmental factors and interfere
with synaptic pruning and with the proliferation of neurons, which in
turn, may lead to the development of ASD (Kettenmann et al., 2013;
Edmonson et al., 2016; Hoeijmakers et al., 2016).
Must Watch: Generation Zapped!
Background: Although the association of the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine
with autism spectrum disorder has been convincingly disproven, the onset of certain
brain-related autoimmune and inflammatory disorders has been found to be temporally
associated with the antecedent administration of various vaccines. This study examines
whether antecedent vaccinations are associated with increased incidence of obsessive–
compulsive disorder (OCD), anorexia nervosa (AN), anxiety disorder, chronic tic disorder,
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, major depressive disorder, and bipolar disorder ina national sample of privately insured children.
READ STUDY Vaccines- temporal_association_neuropsychiatric_disorders_vaccines_2017