Category Archives: Recommended Websites

Dr. Mc Collough PROTOCAL to remove spike protein from Covid RNA vaccines

Every Vax-Injured Person Needs to See This: Recovery Insights from Dr. Peter McCullough

“If we don’t address the spike protein, it’s not going to get better.”


Dr. McCullough recommends three key substances for those seeking recovery after the shots.

1.) Nattokinase. Why? It degrades spike proteins, as suggested by preclinical studies.

• Take 2000 units twice a day.

2.) Bromelain. Why? Similar to nattokinase, it also breaks down spike proteins.

• Take 500 milligrams once a day

3.) Curcumin. Why? Reduces inflammation and spike protein damage.

• Take 500 milligrams twice a day and combine with 5 or 10 mg of piperine to enhance its absorption.

That summarizes Dr. McCullough’s “Base Spike Detoxification” protocol.


Hydroxychloroquine: Added if there are signs of autoimmunity.

Ivermectin: Included if there are signs of persistent infection.

Colchicine: Used if there are significant signs of pleuropericardial problems (involving the membrane around the heart and lungs).

Nicotine Patch or Oral Aciclovir: These are considered if there are neurological symptoms like brain fog.

Low-dose Naltrexone: Used to enhance the body’s natural painkilling response and reduce inflammation.

Please save this post and share it with every vax-injured person you know.

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How to raise unvaccinated children – WHOLISTIC PEDIATRICIAN-FREE COURSES

How To Raise Healthy Vaccine Free Children


Everything you need to know to raise healthy, vibrant, milestone busting children. Includes detailed information on why and how to go 100% vaccine free, recover a vaccine injured child and fight vaccine mandates.

Free 12 part Course

Here are some course highlights…


  • Natural immunity vs vaccination
  • The failed history of vaccination
  • Germ theory vs terrain theory
  • Injection vs ingestion
  • Vaccine ingredients overview
  • How homeopathy was used to stop outbreaks
  • The role sanitation, plumbing and refrigeration played in mortality reduction
  • An overview of polio and all of the infections there are vaccines for
  • Vaccine failure and why outbreaks happen
  • Herd immunity
  • Vaccinated vs unvaccinated studies
  • Vaccine shedding and spreading disease to others
  • Vaccine safety testing
  • Manipulated and fabricated “science”
  • The problem with aluminum and mercury in vaccines
  • Vaccine industry legal immunity
  • CDC cover-up that vaccines cause autism
  • The role of MTHFR in vaccine injury
  • Detoxification after vaccination
  • The immunocompromised population
  • Chronic illness after vaccination
  • Vaccine injury, damage and death after vaccination
  • Autism
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
  • Vaccine “science” and where it comes from
  • The mainstream media narrative
  • And dozens of other top


    • A birth plan
    • Home birth vs hospital birth
    • Vitamin K
    • Breastfeeding
    • Food, nutrition and immune building
    • Supplements for health and immunity
    • A natural home is a toxic free home
    • How to talk to your pediatrician
    • How to find a vaccine free doctor
    • Homeschooling
    • How to talk to others about your vaccine status
    • Special concerns (e.g., what about chickenpox parties?)
    • If you must vaccinate (e.g., by court order)
    • What to do when a child gets sick (extensive overview)
    • When to call your primary doctor or go to the ER
    • And dozens of other topics


  • Complete overview of therapies and resources
  • Detoxification – including zeolite
  • Mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy
  • Essential dietary changes
  • Recommended supplements
  • How to find a doctor


  • How to talk with legislators
  • Social media activism
  • Creating your activist plan





VLA COMMENT:   Halfway through David articulates exactly what is going on. Best articulation of the plots and subplots I have heard to date. Artificial Intelligence has gotten a hold on this timeline…But when we gaze beyond this witnessing of the cooperative alien/human artificial intelligence specter do we not see the coherence of Absolute Intelligence at work and find a peace that surpasses understanding due to our connection to Absolute Source, established in
knowingness – that we are an out-picturing of that which cannot be limited and thus we play our part as “Being in limitation”, in the apparency of this drama.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.- Children’s Health Defense: Altering Human Genetics Through Vaccination

Altering Human Genetics Through Vaccination

Instead of injecting a piece of a virus into a person, in order to stimulate the immune system, synthesized genes would be shot into the body. This isn’t traditional vaccination anymore. It’s gene therapy.

In any such method, where genes are edited, deleted, added, no matter what the pros say, there are always “unintended consequences,” to use their polite phrase. The ripple effects scramble the genetic structure in numerous unknown ways.

This is genetic roulette with a loaded gun. Anyone and everyone on Earth injected with a DNA vaccine will undergo permanent and unknown genetic changes…

Here is the inconvenient truth about DNA vaccines—

They will permanently alter your DNA. READ MORE…

Elder Recommendations


The Checklist for Aging in Place

Moving an Aging or Disabled Parent Into Your Home: 4 Things You Should

Emergency Preparedness Guide for the Elderly and Disabled

Home Modifications Increase Senior Safety

Assistive Technology Buying Guide for Seniors and their Caregivers

Peaceful Passing: How to Make a Loved One’s Final Days at Home

Substance Abuse and Caregiving: When to Ask for Help for Your Own
Health and Well-Being

Tips to Declutter and Organize Your Home for Seniors

Elmer George
the Contrarian Librarian
Aging at Home Activist


Be prepared. Don’t wait until the event is upon your family and friends

VLA COMMENT: Here in Fairfield, Iowa, the Spiritual Capital of the United States where thousands of people are pracrticing Transcendental Meditation our view on “transition” comes from a deep spiritual perspective:  

From Taoist Master HuaChing Ni:

“At such an important time the transforming person should stay in a quiet [familiar] place without using medicine or anything else which might interfere with his natural system. All interference will trouble the process of natural transformation, no matter what level of spiritual achievement. The body should not be put in a refrigerator or burned for seven days, because the consciousness of the person is not totally gone yet. Such things, either heat or cold or a strange touch, all make the body suffer in its last days. Some spiritual people work their whole life to form their inner spiritual being, but at the time of their transformation to another realm of life, an unnecessaary interference or disturbance will continue to keep them suffering or lingering here…”Taoist Master HuaChing Ni

The Chalice in Repose Odorless, leak proof  “Repose Envelopes”

             Basic Repose Envelope $50.00   Delux Kit $80.00

 Contact: Eileen Dannemann  319 855-0307

VLA Note:  The new Elderly flu vaccine (FLUAD) contains an adjuvant that is alleged to have caused the Gulf War syndrome. CDC: Some adverse events (which are also reported after regular flu vaccines) were reported more frequently after vaccination with FLUAD™”. Watch Direct Order:






”The Great Transformation“ 2020-2030 (hold on to your horses)

”The Great Transformation“

The 2021 Jupiter-Uranus and Saturn-Uranus Squares
~ Disruptive Technologies & the emergence of an entirely new
Sociopolitical-Economic Paradigm ~

VLA COMMENT: The article is very astrologically intense, but there are graphs of the crisis time lines and if you skim the article you can get the gist.  Put WETWARE in our search engine and honker down on the details of the Disruptive Technologies & the emergence of an entirely new Sociopolitical-Economic Paradigm ~