Monthly Archives: July 2023

Supreme Court Decision 9-0 Religious Freedom

If you don’t think this is significant, consider that virtually every large company in the United States is mandating that its employees take part in some sort of “Pride Month” event.

As long as the accommodation does not significantly increase the employer’s costs, employees should not worry about being forced to violate their religious belief.

The fact that this is a unanimous ruling is also a seriously big deal.

The Supreme Court’s unanimous decision in Groff v. DeJoy reinforced the First Amendment’s protections for religious liberty, making clear that no employer may discriminate on the basis of an employee’s religion.

For many years, businesses were free to refuse employees’ requests for religious accommodations or even fire them if doing so would result in more than a minimal, or “de minimis,” financial burden.

Christians who observe the Sabbath have found themselves unemployed as a result.

The Supreme Court just ruled last week that businesses can’t refuse to make reasonable accommodations because of the small cost or inconvenience to the business.

The Supreme Court found that employers must make reasonable religious accommodations under Title VII of the United States Constitution unless doing so would “result in substantial increased costs in relation to the conduct of its particular business.”

VLA COMMENT:  I wonder if colleges are in this same boat!

Circa 2000 athletic cardiac arrests

In less than 2.5 years there have been 1,884 athlete cardiac arrests or serious issues with 1,310 of them dead

Since January 2022, Crispin Miller has been recording “died suddenly” cases worldwide that are reported in corporate media in a particular week. In his latest compilation, he recorded 57 New Zealanders who were reported as unexpectedly or suddenly losing their lives between 19 and 26 June.

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