Category Archives: NATURAL REMEDIES

Malaria, Vaccines & Artemisia Annua

The Health Ranger recently reported on a study published in the journal Phytomedicine, which describes how the Artemisia annua plant saved 18 patients in the Congo who were suffering from drug-resistant malaria that was totally unresponsive to any western medical treatment. When the patients failed to respond to ACTs, doctors tried the dried leaves of the Artemisia annua plant in a final bid to save their patients’ lives. After only five days of treatment, all 18 patients were 100 percent recovered, and blood tests revealed absolutely no remaining parasites in their blood.  READ MORE…

National Institute of Health: Honey-an anti-cancer drug

Recently, there are many studies focusing on the use of natural products for cancer prevention and treatment. Of these natural products, honey has been extensively researched. The mechanism of the anti-cancer activity of honey as chemopreventive and therapeutic agent has not been completely understood. The possible mechanisms are due to its apoptotic, antiproliferative, antitumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF), antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, estrogenic and immunomodulatory activities. We collate the findings of several studies published in the literature in order to understand the mechanism of its action. READ MORE…

VLA COMMENT:  There is some scuttle lately that “sour honey” is the ticket.  Sour honey is actually honey that has high moisture content and apparently “goes bad”.  Sometimes it is used to feed the bees but mostly it is thrown away. However, I must say in my visits to the jungles of foreign lands that fermented fruits are the most curative.

A Comparison Between Medical Grade Honey and Table Honeys in Relation to Antimicrobial Efficacy  Read more…

Drinking honey and cinnamon in lukewarm water results in them moving through the bladder and cleansing it, as well as clearing infections there.  READ MORE…