Thousands of US soldiers are going into battle fueled by all sorts of prescription medications, be they amphetamines, antidepressants, sedatives or others. Largely unmonitored consumption of drugs can lead to aberrant behavior and mental disorders. ­Over 110,000 American service personnel took prescribed medications in 2011 to battle through everyday military routine. The Times recently disclosed […]

Suicide Soldiers: More suicides than war deaths

In the aftermath of Vietnam War, 150,000 veterans from that war committed suicide, meaning more soldiers died after the war than from the actual war itself, say experts. A growing number of soldier advocates, mostly parents of deceased soldiers, have tried to tell the military and Congress what may be behind today’s suicide surge. Some […]

Michigan Mom’s victory over Child Protective Service invasion

Detroit— Two judges in different Wayne County courtrooms sided Monday with a mother who resisted police forcing their way into her home last March to take her teenage daughter during a dispute with a Child Protective Services worker over medications. Acting on a call from Wayne County Child Protective Services worker Mia Wenk — who […]

Pregnant women on psyche drugs are having deformed babies

The Obamacare bill funds further research into the epidemic of babies being born to mothers who are on psyche drugs.  In the 1980-2004 kids were getting a maximum amount of vaccines, at least 15 containing the neurotoxin, mercury (Thimerosal).These girls were misdiagnosed as ADD, ADHD, OCD, BiPolar, depressed and put on drugs like Ritalin and […]

Psyche Drugs Forced on Youths in Jail

A ground-breaking, year-long investigation by Youth Today has uncovered ample evidence that many youths incarcerated in American juvenile facilities are getting potent anti-psychotic drugs intended for bipolar or schizophrenic patients, even when they have not been diagnosed with either disorder. Kids are being forced to take drugs at local jails without being seen by a […]

Army Suicide Report Ignores Suicide-causing Drugs

Army Suicide Report Ignores Suicide-Causing Drugs By Martha Rosenberg Why are troops killing themselves? The long awaited Army report, “Health Promotion, Risk Reduction, Suicide Prevention” barely considers is the suicide-inked antidepressants, antipsychotics and antiseizure drugs whose use exactly parallels the increase in US troop suicides since 2005. In the report Chief of Staff General Peter […]

Psychiatric Drugs cause worsening depression and psychosis

Psychiatric drugs including antidepressants, antipsychotics and stimulants have serious, life threatening side effects and patient’s are rarely warned about the full risks of these drugs. International drug regulatory agencies including the U.S. FDA warn that commonly prescribed psychiatric drugs can and do cause worsening depression, mania, aggression, psychosis, depersonalization, diabetes, hallucinations, suicidal and homicidal thoughts, […]