Tag Archives: Global Education

UN Adopts Global common core education to ensure their vision of global TOTALITARIANISM


Education for global citizenship!

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The UN Agenda 21, a world wide program that has been executed bottom up and top down for many years is now executing a plan of Global education to further push its false “sustainable” program to protect the world’s common wealth.  Aside from the trade agreements to ensure world homogeneity, It is one of the prongs to ensure the manifestation of a One World Government. “However, globalists and the UN know that to achieve their vision of global totalitarianism, the minds of the young must be captured via “education.”


The UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO, is at the center of the UN’s global “education” machinations. In addition to a partnership signed with Common Core-financier Bill Gates, UNESCO has been hard at work in its efforts to standardize and dumb-down education around the world. Among other schemes, it runs global programs on “Education for Sustainable Development,” “Educational for Global Citizenship,” and much more. It also has a “World Core Curriculum,” dedicated to and inspired by influential occultist Alice Bailey, that it hopes will guide schooling around the world in the years to come.

Excerpt:  A United Nations summit in Korea this week adopted a global “action plan” demanding a planetary “education” regime to transform children around the world into social-justice warriors and sustainability-minded “global citizens.” Among other elements, that means the UN-directed global education must promote “integrated development” of the “whole person,” including the formation of their ethics, values, and spirituality, the final document declared. The global-citizenship programs, with definitions to be incorporated in curricula worldwide, should also indoctrinate children so that they understand their responsibilities to “protect the planet,” and promote what the UN and its member governments consider to be the “common good.”    READ MORE…