Monthly Archives: October 2021

Dave Hodges: Janet Yellen will take your House!


“Let’s suppose you have a young widow with three children, she never remarries,” Kennedy said. “She goes and buys a $150,000 home to raise her kids and she raises her kids in the home. She’s not rich, she works. But her main asset, her only asset is her home. Fifty years later, she dies.”

“As a result of inflation and appreciation over 50 years, her $150,000 home is now worth $1.75 million. She leaves her home to her kids,” he continued. “Under current law, her kids would not have to pay any income tax. On that home that they didn’t sell the property. They wouldn’t have to pay any inheritance tax either. But that’s a separate issue. But under the Biden-Yellen rule, those kids would automatically be taxed on the full value of the home whether they sold it or not. Now it’s a little more complex than that, but the point is, those kids are not going to have the money to pay the taxes.”

Vaccine Deaths: CDC Denies Vaccine deaths-German Autopsies prove CDC is lying

Dr. Madej & Stew Peter’s show: Lab shows Lucifiric contents of Moderna and JJ shots

School Boards have accepted funds and MUST COMPLY

School districts throughout the country have been given funds because of Covid. You can find information about it here:

The reality is that billions of dollars were distributed with a criteria that each district submits a ‘plan’ for use of the money and implementation of certain policies. You can read about that here:

The gist is within 6 months of receipt of funds,  a plan must be submitted, and the plan MUST include certain things, like universal and correct wearing of masks, contact tracing, isolation and quarantine , vaccine encouragement, social distancing, etc.


What’s happened is these districts and boards are between a rock and a hard place: they’ve accepted the funds (Santa Barbara got $35 million) and now must comply with the plan to keep it. So, no matter what you say to these folks, it sill be ignored.

VLA Comment: It is not about liberty. Its about greed.  Its about disallowing sovereignty and right action and submit to control…for the money!