Interesting to note that vaccines cause diabetes. (see Gardasill video... ex NIH researcher Dr. Bart Classen reveals that vaccines cause diabetes and obesity)
GlaxoSmithKline the drug giants, UK’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency said that GlaxoSmithKline, the drug giant’s diabetes treatment Avandia should be pulled from sale, over concerns that it can lead to heart attacks in some patients. Pandemrix, their vaccine for the swine flu, is currently also under the magnifying glass, having been suspended by Finland, Sweden, Poland and Nepal, due to a growing number of reports of adverse reactions.
Thank you for one other good posting, I always enjoy reading through what we need to state regardless of whether I wouldn’t always agree. It’s not at all exactly the same we have found Parts of Asia. The natives might be notice it just a little in different ways. Which i like to look for an Western girl’s view.