Int’l Vaccine News: Italy mandantes, Germany fines, Sweden rejects mandates

Vaccine Injury Awareness Day /

Italy Mandates / Germany Considers Fines / Sweden Rejects Mandates

Secretary European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance (EFVV)
London, United Kingdom

May 27, 2017 — Saturday the 3rd of June 2017 is International Vaccine Injury Awareness Day. Demonstrations are being organized in cities all over Europe. To see the list and take part in a protest near you, please visit the official ‘Light a Candle’ website:, and while you are there, make sure to light the virtual candle by simply clicking on it. Many will also light real candles in their homes or in public places in sympathy and support for all victims of vaccination. Please make an effort to join us in this powerful event. Here’s why it is so important:

Just as Jackson State University in Mississippi USA published a study this month revealing that the unvaccinated have much lower rates of chronic illness than the vaccinated (, the Italian government voted a law making vaccines mandatory for school attendance and exams ( a shocking breach of fundamental human rights! The law is not yet applicable but will be soon, so now is the time to protest vehemently.

The Germans are also clamping down on parents, not as severely as Italy but parents there may be fined for not seeking advice on vaccination for their children and daycare centres will be responsible for reporting parents who fail to seek vaccination advice, to the Ministry of Health:

The Swedes on the other hand have recently rejected 7 motions that would have promoted forced vaccinations. The Swedish Parliament decided forced vaccination policies are contrary to their citizens’ constitutional rights:

So: well done to Sweden and it’s a sad day for Democracy and Freedom of Choice in Italy and Germany! Let’s hope the Italian people can make their government withdraw this outrage before too many children become the victims of unnecessary harm, and the German government will decide against imposing fines and mandates.

Please attend a ‘Light a Candle’ event in your country!


International Vaccine Injury Awareness Day

1 thought on “Int’l Vaccine News: Italy mandantes, Germany fines, Sweden rejects mandates

  1. Pingback: V-Actions Worldwide on 6/3/17! – brightfuture83

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