Category Archives: CENSORSHIP

Grants Reveal Feds censoring free speech with AI

Originally used as a marketing tool for businesses to track discussions about their brands and products and to track competitors, the DOD and other federal agencies are now paying for-profit public relations and communications firms to convert their technology into tools for the government to monitor speech on the internet.

The areas of the internet the companies monitor differ somewhat, and each business offers its own unique AI and ML proprietary technology, but the underlying approach and goals remain identical: The technology under development will “mine” large portions of the internet and identify conversations deemed indicative of an emerging harmful narrative, to allow the government to track those “threats” and adopt countermeasures before the messages go viral.

For example:

PeakMetrics, the recipient of a $1.5 million award, tracks millions of news sites, blogs, global social platforms, podcasts, TV and radio, and email newsletters.

Omelas Inc., which received more than $1 million in taxpayer money, culls data from “the most influential newspapers, TV channels, government offices, militant groups, and more across a dozen social networks and messaging apps, thousands of websites, and thousands of RSS feeds.”

Alethea Group, which received a Phase I award of nearly $50,000 to develop a “machine learning tool for proactive disinformation/misinformation detection, assessment, and mitigation,” boasts it covers data sources including mainstream and “fringe” social media platforms, peer-to-peer messaging platforms, blogs and forums, state-affiliated media sites, “gray” propaganda sites, and the dark web.

Newsguard, awarded $750,000 by the DOD.


AI: ChatGPT is being curated to adhere to woke ideology

ChatGPT, the almighty AI, is a neoliberal college graduate

The artificial intelligence chatbot’s learning abilities are being strictly curated to adhere to woke ideology

The concern is that its creators’ insistence on restricting its responses and training its data on woke sources could severely limit its potential as a tool for content creation or worse, that its dogmatic insistence on sticking to woke talking points could be dangerous for humanity in the long run.

For example:

Those playing with the tool discovered that ChatGPT offered neutered responses when queried about sensitive topics like transgenderism, race, and politics. Of particular note, the model refused to create a poem admiring Donald Trump, but had no problem creating one admiring Joe Biden – it was one of many instances where ChatGPT’s political bias was exposed.


80 Canadian MDs boosted and dead!

Though many doctors have maintained their income by complying with and participating in the criminal injection campaign; they are still required to roll up their sleeves and take their turns in this sick game of Russian roulette. In 2022 we now see dramatically increased death rates among young injected Canadian physicians .

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