Category Archives: Eugenocide/Population Control

Pepe Escobar: Emerging Multipolar, Multinodal, Polycentric Harmonic World

VLA Comment: The entire broadcast interview of Pepe Escobar is filled with the behind the scenes meeting in St.Petersberg with most of the world countries with the exception of the NATO EUROPEAN WEST and the United States who self excluded. Apparently a harmonic world philosophy of Tao and Confucius permeated the convention ending in a powerpacked speech by Putin.

Half way through this amazing behind the scenes interview of what went on in St. Petersberg Pepe and Danny brought up the Israel/Gaza genocide. It saddens us all to reveal that with all this positive motion for a new Multipolar, Multinodal, Polycentric Harmonic world based on traditional philosophical principles that there is a black hole obstruction to the unfolding of this new world…Israel/US GAZA genocide. Pepe was SAD to reveal that all the countries of the world are paralysed, even impotent to take action against Israel/US due to the fact that Israel and the US are insanely aggressive to the point that the world powers that are unifying think that Israel/US would strike with Nuclear weapon in a heartbeat as they watch NATO/and US provoke Russia. This is an interview for the real thinkers.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek’s Speech at CPAC Hungary

Let’s take Amsterdam, the capital. Amsterdam currently consists of 56 per cent migrants. The Hague, 58 per cent migrants.

Rotterdam, almost 60 per cent migrants. And, of course, most of these immigrants come from non-Christian, non-Western, African and Middle Eastern countries. Conclusion, the Dutch population is already outnumbered in the majority of our cities.

But let’s look onwards. London, 54 per cent migrants. Again, conclusion, native population outnumbered.

Brussels, colour me shocked, 70 per cent migrants.

Dr. Mc Collough PROTOCAL to remove spike protein from Covid RNA vaccines

Every Vax-Injured Person Needs to See This: Recovery Insights from Dr. Peter McCullough

“If we don’t address the spike protein, it’s not going to get better.”


Dr. McCullough recommends three key substances for those seeking recovery after the shots.

1.) Nattokinase. Why? It degrades spike proteins, as suggested by preclinical studies.

• Take 2000 units twice a day.

2.) Bromelain. Why? Similar to nattokinase, it also breaks down spike proteins.

• Take 500 milligrams once a day

3.) Curcumin. Why? Reduces inflammation and spike protein damage.

• Take 500 milligrams twice a day and combine with 5 or 10 mg of piperine to enhance its absorption.

That summarizes Dr. McCullough’s “Base Spike Detoxification” protocol.


Hydroxychloroquine: Added if there are signs of autoimmunity.

Ivermectin: Included if there are signs of persistent infection.

Colchicine: Used if there are significant signs of pleuropericardial problems (involving the membrane around the heart and lungs).

Nicotine Patch or Oral Aciclovir: These are considered if there are neurological symptoms like brain fog.

Low-dose Naltrexone: Used to enhance the body’s natural painkilling response and reduce inflammation.

Please save this post and share it with every vax-injured person you know.

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Dr. David Martin: Speech to the EU Parliament on the proof of racketeering WHO

Dr. David Martin gives a speech to the EU parliament concerning the WHO from Keith Coley on Vimeo.

If anyone is in touch with Tucker Carlson…he must interview Dr.David Martin