Category Archives: Genetically Engineered Food

WHO Report Author changes “probable carcinogen” to “Glyphosate is definitely genotoxic


RE: International death knoll about Monsanto’s Round Up and GMO agriculture

Glyphosate is “definitely genotoxic”, says Prof Chris Portier, a co-author of the report by the World Health Organization’s cancer agency, which classed glyphosate as a probable carcinogen. 

Prof Christopher Portier, one of the co-authors of the recent report by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which determined that glyphosate is a “probable” carcinogen, said at a scientific briefing today, “Glyphosate is definitely genotoxic. There is no doubt in my mind.”

“Genotoxic” means it damages DNA. At a briefing, Dr Robin Mesnage of the Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics at Kings College in London presented data showing Roundup is 1,000 times more toxic than glyphosate alone!  Read more…

Russia: “Our Aim is Clean Foods” No GMO imports or growing


The future of agriculture in Russia won’t involve genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), says the country’s Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich. In order to preserve the quality and integrity of its food supply, Russia plans to stick with growing methods that protect the soil and boost yields naturally, a move that Dvorkovich says will make his country’s food among the “cleanest in the world.”

Russia does not import GMOs like most of Europe currently does, nor does it grow them.

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Bill Gates: Islamic Bank gets $500 million for Vaccine, Virtual Education, Agriculture Agenda

                               GATES’ REACH

Creating Global Governance step by step…follow the money!

Vaccines, Virtual Education (core curriculum) and GMO agriculture


Maputo (IINA) – The Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have launched $500-million worth fund, called “Life and Living Fund,” to fight poverty and diseases. The decision was taken by Dr. Ahmad Muhammad Ali, president of IDB, and Bill Gates during the 40th annual meeting of the IDB, being held in Maputo, Mozambique, on Wednesday.The new fund aims to tackle poverty and disease in 56 IDB member countries, through support for health-care programs, small agricultural holdings and basic rural infrastructure.
Dr. Ali said that the fund will enable the Bank, through a combination of funding from donors and mobilized resources from the market, to provide additional funding of up to $ 2 billion, over five years, to fight poverty and disease in the member countries, especially the least developed member countries. The IDB president expressed hope that the fund would start operations in early 2016 thanks to the generous donations from the Gates Foundation and the Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development.

For his part, Bill Gates said that some member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has achieved remarkable economic growth and stability, pointing out that more than one billion people in the world live in abject poverty, 400 million of whom live in the Muslim world.

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Bill Gates & world financing for his agenda

Gates’ latest plan is to try to end world hunger by growing more genetically modified (GM) crops. He’s already invested $27 million into Monsanto Company

Bill Gates: Food security (GMO)

ISLAMIC DEVELOPMENT BANK recent press releases

Operations led a Bank-wide team to engineer an innovative “Triple-win” financing mechanism after months of negotiations and interactions with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (Gates Foundation). This new and innovative financing mechanism, that is compliant with the Islamic modes of financing, holds promise for millions of people as more concessionary financing is made available to developing countries in Africa and Asia. Also, the Gates Foundation and the IsDB have declared their support for the eradication of polio in Nigeria and Afghanistan and then to extend the use of the financing mechanism to tackling the eradication of Malaria and overcoming Food Insecurity. Read more…

The Gates Foundation is pushing chemically based agriculture and GMOs into Africa.

AGRA is part of a global trend that is being driven by big agritech that seeks to eradicate the small farmer and undermine local economies and food sovereignty by subjecting countries to the vagaries of rigged global markets.[5,6]

Giant agritech corporations like Monsanto with their patented seeds and associated chemical inputs are working to ensure a shift away from diversified agriculture that guarantees balanced local food production, the protection of people’s livelihoods and environmental sustainability.

The Gates Foundation has substantial shares in Monsanto.[14] With Monsanto’s active backing from the US State Department [15] and the Gates Foundation’s links with USAID [16], together they comprise a formidable geopolitical strategic force.

Those against the genetically engineering based industrialization Africa says “We stand together against the corporate control of our food systems, the lack of accountability of global institutions like the G8 New Alliance For Food Security and Nutrition, the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP), the United States (US) government’s Feed the Future Initiative, the Grow Africa Partnership, the Gates Foundation and its Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), and others, that are forcing their policies and institutions upon the farmers of the world to open up markets and create spaces for multinationals to secure profits; against the monopolization of our seeds that criminalizes the historical farm practices of saving, sharing, selling and exchanging seeds; against the displacement and dispossession of small-scale farm producers and workers from their lands; against the new Green Revolution, the global Free Trade Agreements, “climate-smart agriculture” and “sustainable intensification”.

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GLOBAL VIRTUAL EDUCATION (core curriculum driven)


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VLA comment: Lot of blah, blah, blah about women’s right to education. Bill Gate agenda sound altruistic at first blush…but if the virtual education is tied to the common core curriculum agenda then the whole world will be programmed the same-unfortunately programmed by the Corporate interests and the World govt. agenda as backed by Gates.

MOOC (Massively open online courses):  Learn about and explore tools to incorporate Common Core literacy standards into your content area. In this course you will explore Literacy Design Collaborative resources, and develop a plan to use one of those resources within your context.

One Man’s Money: Bill Gates,

Common Core was developed at the behest of two private Washington, D.C. lobbying organizations, the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). Gates doesn’t address concerns that Achieve, Inc., the group that the NGA and the CCSSO assigned to develop the standards, did not include educators or child development specialists; that development was done behind closed doors; that the standards adopted in most states of the nation were never piloted, anywhere, by anyone; and that the federal government requires personally identifiable student information from schools as an integral part of Common Core.  Education, and Common CoreWhat is common core? 

 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has granted over $2 billion to Common Core development and implementation. Recent research by Jack Hassard, Professor Emeritus at Georgia State University, indicates that the Gateses have to date spent $2.3 billion on Common Core. (, 3-18-14).

Gates is “a promoter of global sameness of education as defined by UNESCO and the United Nations.” (, 3-28-13) Gates is certainly active within the United Nations and has expressed agreement with UN policies such as Agenda 21 is a UN-sponsored action plan that promotes “sustainable development” and global governance at the expense of private properties, individual liberty, and national sovereignty. Some Common Core concepts align with Agenda 21’s education goals.


Lima, Peru:  Bill Gates starting to get his hands on INNOVA

La empresa Innova Quality recibió de la Fundación Bill y Melinda Gates US$100.000. Sin embargo, esta es solo la cuota inicial de un premio mayor: US$1 millón que podría recibir para fortalecer la investigación en nuevos materiales y empaques con el objetivo de desarrollar el que Bill Gates catalogaría como el mejor condón del planeta.

TRANSLATION: Innova Quality received from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation $ 100,000 . However, this is only a down payment on a bigger prize : $ 1 million could receive to strengthen research on new materials and packaging in order to develop…IN SPANISH  GATES DONATES TO INNOVA.


Sri Lanka Bans Round up. New President’s orders

Monday, June 08, 2015 by: J. D. Heyes


(NaturalNews) In one of his first official acts, Sri Lanka’s newly elected president, Maithripala Sirisena, announced that his country’s importation of the world’s most used herbicide, glyphosate, was to be banned immediately and that the release of stocks already in the country was to be halted as well.

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Oregon GMO Victory: Judge rules, no GMO in Jackson County, Oregon


A federal court just handed the people a huge VICTORY in upholding an Oregon county’s ban on GE farming!

US Magistrate Judge Mark Clarke has found the Jackson County Oregon GMO ban is not pre-empted by the state’s “right to farm” law, thereby allowing the ordinance to become effective. It becomes law on June 5

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Breaking News: Monsanto’s early EPA”Trade Secrets” Glysophate & cancer

From Tony Mitra– Citizen Journalist

Dr. Anthony Samsel got hold of Glyphosate safety tests conducted by Monsanto in order to register it is a herbicide with EPA, and sealed as “Trade Secret” in 1981 so nobody could see it. EPA has passed these thousands of pages of documents to Dr. Samsel with a legal clause that he cannot show those documents to anybody. He can of course study them, and talk about his opinion on them.
Anthony spoke with me for an hour on this issue. Here is the first part, just over 19 minutes.

Wyoming law: Criminalizes citizen’s for collecting data on Agriculture

Tourists walk beside a hot spring and the partially frozen Yellowstone Lake at the West Thumb Geyser Basin in the Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, June 2011.

Tourists walk beside a hot spring and the partially frozen Yellowstone Lake at the West Thumb Geyser Basin in the Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, June 2011.

Wyoming doesn’t, of course, care about pictures of geysers or photo competitions. But photos are a type of data, and the new law makes it a crime to gather data about the condition of the environment across most of the state if you plan to share that data with the state or federal government.

Why the desire for ignorance rather than informed discussion? The reason is pure politics. The source of E. coli is clear. It comes from cows spending too much time in and next to streams. Acknowledging that fact could result in rules requiring ranchers who graze their cows on public lands to better manage their herds. The ranching community in Wyoming wields considerable political power and has no interest in such obligations, so the state is trying to stop the flow of information rather than forthrightly address the problem. READ MORE…

VLA Comment:  The United States has been designated by the One World Government Elites to be the source of 2 products as their contribution to one world government trade laws.  As early as  1969 Dr. Richard Day (member of the Fabien Society) gave a lecture in New York explaining the international arrangement that would facilitate the one world government.  Each country was designated a product so that no country would remain self sufficient.  The product designated to the United States is AGRICULTURE and IT.  See David Icke – Connect-the-Dots #4.

Furthermore, the fast tracking Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement is a diversion. Already in Fairfield, Iowa (home to Pigs on Ex lax), TPP is already being infrastructured with a 24 million bushel capacity GMO grain elevator attached to Warren Buffet’s BNSF railway to ship GMO grain (feed) to Texas, Mexico and the Asian Pacific Rim.