Category Archives: Vaccine Injection Room

New Study: Rotavirus Vaccine – Dangereous for Infants

New Study by CHD’s Brian Hooker and Jacob Puliyel, M.D. Raises Safety Concerns Over Infant Rotavirus Vaccine in India Washington, D.C. –

A study published yesterday in the peer-reviewed journal The International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine found that Rotavac, the rotavirus vaccine used in India 

increases the risk of…intussusception in infants

Intussusception is a condition where the intestine telescopes into itself and can lead to gangrene of the bowel or death if not treated immediately.

The number of babies developing intussusceptions was highest within a month after vaccination, with risks tapering off over time. They found 93 cases of intussusception in the first 30 days compared to 63 in the next 30 days.

“The first symptom of intussusception is typically the passage of blood and mucus in the stools,” said Dr. Hooker. “Parents can easily mistake this for infectious dysentery, which is more common. Intussusception often requires surgery to prevent death, so parents need to be informed and vigilant.”


25 Ways the US is being destroyed in 2 minutes (MUST WATCH AND SAVE)

VLA Comment: Number #26 Artificial Intelligence Number #27 Terraforming the planet (geoengineering, climate change agenda, carbon recapturing, blocking the sun, etc)
Number #28 Gain of Function bioweapon research and production

Embalmer pulling out vaccine induced rubbery CLOT from Jugular vein

I cannot embed this video.  To see the video click the link below for the article and for the one minute video of the embalmer pulling out the clots caused by the Covid vaccine.



Dr. David Martin: Speech to the EU Parliament on the proof of racketeering WHO

Dr. David Martin gives a speech to the EU parliament concerning the WHO from Keith Coley on Vimeo.

If anyone is in touch with Tucker Carlson…he must interview Dr.David Martin