Join Church at large for vaccine exemptions

Join Church of Illumination. (associated with Beverly Hall Corporation, and Philosophical Publishing Company)
‘The Church of Illumination is also by its tenets opposed to immunization for its adherents. Since it is a “Church at Large,” they are able to enroll members throughout the entire United States and would be pleased to consider any applicant who is without present church affiliation and who desires the legitimate support of others in his convictions.’  See more options….

Theosophy also declares vaccines against the tenets…

Universal Family Church (NY):  We believe God intends individuals to be the ultimate authority when making health decisions for themselves (1st Corinthians19)

NOTE:  IF YOU WANT A RELIGIOUS VACCINE EXEMPTION, you must stay on track and not also give medical reasons for your wish for exemption.  Using this dual motion has been ruled against in court…and religious exemption plaintiff failed.

Legislative arguments for Vaccine philosophical exemptions: A moral and ethical imperative

(Natural News)  The arguments are presented below. They are not comprehensive – books have been written on some of these topics – but the goal with legislatures is to make strong, concise arguments with credible support. Their time is often limited, and their ability to hear alternative points of view potentially limited as well. The question is not so much “What is the whole truth?” as it is “What will get the job done?” The actual letter is available at… and revisions to the arguments may appear in the future on the Vaccine Rights website as well.  Learn more: Read and present the arguments for philosophical exemption to your legislature.  Vaccine Injury leads to use of psyche drugs.  Bewared of psyche drug funding through legislation.

Gillick Law: Underage students can opt out of vaccines against parents’ wishes

A child of twelve was charged with ‘threatening behaviour’ at his school in Bowmanville, East of Toronto last week. The arrest happened when the boy (who cannot be named for legal reasons) threw a tantrum refusing the Hepatitis B vaccine.  Read more…

GILLICK LAW…the court held that ‘parental rights’ did not exist, other than to safeguard the best interests of a minor. The majority held that in some circumstances a minor could consent to treatment, and that in these circumstances a parent had no power to veto treatment.

GILLICK LAW…cited on When referring to the phrase Gillick competence, commentators are normally discussing the ability of a minor to make his or her own choices and have such choices upheld by the law. Most commonly, discussion relates to medical treatment and stems from the case of Gillick v W Norfolk and Wisbech AHA. Essentially, it is necessary to examine how the courts have handled the issues relating to children as decision makers, balancing such choices to the views of the parents or guardians and ultimately whether such views can overrule those of the child.

Vaccine Laws and Exemptions by State

Go to vaccine information, John Hopkins School of Heath

Pink: Religious Exemptions  Green: Philosophical or personal beliefs

Michigan law on vaccine exemptions, for example:

According to the National Vaccine Information Center, the relevant law is MCL § 333.9215 (2007):

§ 333.9215. Exemption of child; immunization detrimental to health or not appropriate, physician certificate; religious convictions or other objections, parent’s written statement.

Sec. 9215.

(1) A child is exempt from the requirements of this part as to a specific immunization for any period of time as to which a physician certifies that a specific immunization is or may be detrimental to the child’s health or is not appropriate.

(2) A child is exempt from this part if a parent, guardian, or person in loco parentis of the child presents a written statement to the administrator of the child’s school or operator of the group program to the effect that the requirements of this part cannot be met because of religious convictions or other objection to immunization.

Healthcare Workers-Forced vaccinations: Consitutional arguments

Charles Griffin, attorney, has asked the court for an in­junction to stop AnMed from enforcing the mandated policy until a hearing is held on the suit. He said, “the state constitution provides that “citizens shall be free from unreasonable invasions of privacy’. Being forced to have an injection or something forced up one’s nostrils is clearly an invasion of priva­cy”.
Go to site for Constitutional support, citations, arguments for personal sovereignty