Psychiatric Drugs, School Violence, and Big Pharma Cover-Up by the Citizen’s Commission on Human Rights (CCHR)
DOWNLOAD PDFCCHR Newsletter-Psychiatric Drugs, School Violence, and Big Pharma Cover-Up
VLA Comment: The powerful activist organization Citizen’s Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), considered the most successful worldwide organization holding the reins for decades on the misuse of psychiatric drugs, appear to be having a mind melt with our powerful Vaccine Movement.
Our Vaccine movement has also been concerned with, and focused on, the rampant misdiagnosis of mental illness foisted on on our infants, children and youths not only by psychiatrists but all doctors, such as pediatricians and family physians, The resultant issuing of psyche drugs and other medications to mitigate what is, in actuality, a physiological assault of 49 vaccine doses by the age of six has been disastrous to our culture. It is causing the disabling of the entire emerging generations of humanity. All Drugs (prescription, vaccine excipient, street drugs) need a mature Cytochrome P450 superfamily of liver enzymes to metabolize. This information has been known by pharmacuetical manufacturers for over 20 years. This field is called PHARMACOGENOMICS, PHARMACOGENETICS, PHARMACOKINETICS.
It is becoming evident from the research in this field, that the early poisoning of generations of children with vaccines containing mercury, aluminum and other vaccine excipients such as formaldehyde, ethanol, polysorbate 80 (never mind dog kidney cells, fetal tissue, contaminants, bovine serum, etc) is physiologically damaging every vaccinated child, leading to a heirarchal range of neurological damage, depression, aggression, etc. In an effort to mitigate generations of depressed and ill-functioning humans, the further use of psychiatric drugs is causing medication induced psychosis (DSM-5), suicidal and homicidal ideations.
The assault of vaccines; the practice of misdiagnosing generations of children as mentally ill; the prescribing of antidepressants and psyche drugs to those who do not have the cytochrome enzymes (by demographic genetics) resulting in this modern day rash of suicides, homicides, depression; labeling such as ADD, ADHD, OCD, special needs education, has resulted in a health crisis from cradle to grave and an epidemic of school shootings by young males.
See – Wake up call – read snapshots of Thousands and Thousands of personal stories of suicide and homicide of children as young as 7 years old on psychotropic drugs hanging themselves by their belt in their closet. One must remember that the suicidal and homicidal ideations are HEINOUS and compelling, unlike decisions to commit suicide by considerable reasoning.
Cyp 450 superfamilies in infants and children.
Synopsis: Infants do not have a mature liver or liver enzyme function such as Cytochrome P450 and its various metabolites until the age of three years old. Hence upwards of 36 vaccine doses by 18 months old containing the above excipients are poisoning the world’s emerging humanity.:
Study #2: Immaturity of Cyp 450 in Neonate boys (book)
Our mutual focus is on PHARMACOGENETICS and the failed ability to metabolize drugs and vaccine excipients. I am so pleased and heartened, at last, to see that CCHR and our the incredibly potent Vaccine Movement are finally on the same page.
Our mutual mission would be well served if CCHR and our vaccine leaders, researchers, MDs, PhDs, etc. unite regarding the evidence presented by Pharmacogenomics. Media has pointed out the all these mass shooters are mentally ill and are on medication. What they are not aware of is that for example, 10% of Caucasians do not have the enzyme to metabolize the medications and have “medication induced psychosis and “heinous” ideation.
Taking a quantum leap together at this critical time in history where Donald Trump has articulated his concern about Opioids and Vaccines, I suggest that we soon create a joint conference with CCHR and the Vaccine leaders and have conversation with experts in the field of pharmacogenetics with the goal of increasing exponentially, in harmony , our mutual momentum.
It is to be noted that several large organizations are now being vocal on the issue of Pharmacogenetics and individualized medicine such as the Mayo Clinic, St. Jude’s Hospital for Children, University of Chicago, etc. Mayo Clinic will be having a conference on Pharmacogenetics Sept. 11, 2018 in Minnesota. I suggest many of us attend.
The easy test for your individual metabolism is available at Genesight, Genelex, etc. or at Healthscope in Australia for $250.00 The cytochrome P450 you need to look at is:
CYP 450 2D6, 2C9 and 2C19, 3A4
Or feel free to contact me at
Donald Trump on Vaccines:
Typo: “mind melt” I think you mean “mind meld”, as in a meeting of the minds.
You are right…oops…will change…thanks
I would like to be in belief that the vaccination saga is just somehow a misguided step of our modern era.In that case, definitely steps would be speedily taken to correct this emerging catastrophe that is humanity facing at this time. Sadly, this by no means can be the case. It is a DELIBERATE plot against the humanity esp. the coming future generations to be damaged beyond any comprehension and remedy. The signs of damages, are so obvious,yet those in commanding authority ignoring what’s worst, persecuting those that dare to refer that damages, including deaths are as a result of bad medicine, namely vaccines.Their arrogant, forceful push is beyond all human ethic. They just care not of the damages, sorrows, negative consequences they are creating. Clearly they are hating humanity and their obvious goal is to destroy, to kill off. They feel no responsibility for their deeds as is no HIGHER AUTHORITY in their opinion.Sadly, they are mistaking and sure they all will face the music and will be held responsible for all this mess they are doing. For it is written;”What man sow is also shell reap”.Make no mistake whoever you are.Retribution is sure to come.