The first shock came when Oliver suffered from rear-end paralysis and died when he was only four years old. Prudence died a slow and agonizing death from leukaemia when she was only six; and Samson had a reaction to his puppy shot and first-year booster, and died of cancer at the tender age of five. All of these conditions are linked scientifically to vaccination. My other dogs were also unable to escape the damage that vaccines can cause. Chappie had thyroid disease, Sophie had arthritis and Guinnevere suffered from allergies. Again, these conditions can be scientifically shown to relate to vaccine damage. Read blog…
Website: Canine Health Concern Read excerpt on RABIES vaccine from Poisoned Needle…
I am so glad my daughter sent me your blog. After a recent vet visit my 10 year old pug went deaf. The vet said that happens sometimes after the antibiotic she gave her for an ear infection. As a kid we did nothing to our dogs and they lived long healthy lives. I don’t believe in children being vaccinated and now after this I won’t give my “baby” any more! The medicine she gave her was just ear drops and she knew it could happen but didn’t tell me until she went deaf!
I took my ~6 year old pug Pearl to get her rabies shot, and she developed a lump at the injection site. I called the vet and they said it’s probably an ingrown hair at the injection site, but keep an eye on it and if it doesn’t go away, or gets larger, or starts to look infected, loses hair, to make sure to bring her in. Well, it ended up going away within a couple weeks, and everything seemed fine… now she is deaf. It happened suddenly. She could hear us, then one day she didn’t respond to us coming home, and doesn’t even give the slightest tail wag when you say her name, or the usual exiting phrases “wanna go for a walk?” or “wanna go for a car ride?” or “dinner time” or “want a treat?” I took her to the vet, and they could find no cause, never had an ear infection, clean ear canals, lymph nodes were fine, etc. I do some research on the net (always dangerous) and now I am worried that it was the rabies vaccine. My other Pug is due within the next 6 months, and I don’t want to risk making him deaf, too. Is there any research that connects rabies vaccinations with deafness? I can’t find anything specific on my own. Thank You.