Peter Konstantinov Deunov (aka Beinsa Douno) was born in 1864 and grew up in the Ottoman Empire (now Bulgaria). In 1888 he traveled to America where he studied theology and medicine for seven years. On return to Bulgaria he refused to become a Methodist or Theosophic preacher, positions that were freely offered to him.
Some days before his departure from this planet in December 1944, he is said to have been in a profound mediumistic trance and made this extraordinary prophecy. READ 1944 PROPHECY…
The world at this point is so riddled with bad energy, greed, treachery, enslavement of good people and generally a truly diabolical energy that change is very needed.
I enjoyed this immensely, but the brief bio is way off (at top) – subsequently taints the whole enterprise – a shame – you want to edit that and re-post it – thanks…