Meanwhile, parents, grandparents, friends and neighbors of both children testified they were developmentally normal, if not advanced for their age when they developed seizures, spiking fevers and other adverse reactions to their vaccines. According to these eyewitnesses, the children never fully recovered, and instead began losing vocabulary, eye contact and interest in others around them, all classic symptoms of regressive autism. READ MORE…
CDC Talking Points From Senator Al Franken, “Vaccinations are critical to public health and have nearly eliminated the spread of many serious illnesses. As you may know, research shows that those who choose not to be vaccinated for preventable diseases put themselves at a higher risk for contracting them, and increase the probability of spreading illness in their communities. Vaccines are one of the best weapons we have against a number of diseases, and while no vaccine is one hundred percent safe, serious side effects are rare with most vaccines.” So We trade one “Preventable” disease for another. In other words it’s ok for some children to get brain damage as long as its’ for the “greater good.” We now have 1:88 Children with Autism. Take a look at the Graph here at VLA and you will see many serious illnesses were already in decline by the time the vaccines were introduced. What about all the recent “outbreaks” of pertussis amongst the highly vaccinated? Oh, The vaccine was not as effective as they thought it was.
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Thank you for this informative website. Things are getting pretty scary when it comes to Big Pharma! The health and well-being of every child is precious and we need to be very careful with these vaccines. It seems like they are causing more harm than people realize.
Autism is a neural disorder which is impaired with social interaction and communication. These patients has restricted and repetitve behavior. Autism affect information processing in brain, which alter the nerve cells and their synpases. There are three disorders, Autism spctrum, Asperger syndrome and pervasive developmental disorder.
This case is an indicator that how medical malpractice should be deal with strictness. These two brothers have to suffer due to pure negligence of concerned medical professional. Such verdict will help medical malpractice victims to get compensation and live their life in a normal way.
Autism affect information processing in brain, which alter the nerve cells and their synpases. There are three disorders, Autism spectrum, Asperger syndrome and pervasive developmental disorder. Autism is a neural disorder which is impaired with social interaction and communication. These patients has restricted and repetitive behavior.
The mission of the Lung Cancer Early Detection and Prevention Clinic is to improve the length and quality of life among patients at risk for lung cancer and other disorders caused by tobacco.