Project Tycho is a new project launched at the University of Pittsburgh funded by Bill & Melinda Gates to strategize future policies to increase vaccination rates. The Project is an enormous multi-tiered undertaking to store mortality data for 56 infectious diseases between 1888 and the present for future data-mining and analysis. Read the plan…
Comments by Gary & Richard:
Excerpt: Before the advent of the measles vaccine in 1963, death rates had already dropped 98.6 percent for the period while mortality records were kept. The new study (Univ of Pittsburgh-CDC study to propagandize vaccines) ignores any potential reason for the 98.6 percent drop in measles mortality before 1963, there is no rationale to conclude the measles vaccine prevented any deaths whatsoever.
VLA comment: So why have we been vaccinating with the Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine which on top of no need for…Dr. Wakefield found the vaccine measles virus in the guts of Autistic Children.
For example, there was never a vaccine developed for Scarlet Fever, however, in the UK it declined from being one of the more deadly infectious diseases with a mortality rate of 160 per 100,000 around 1860 to almost zero by 1940. Likewise, pertussis was already rapidly declining before the vaccine became widely used in the late 1940s.[5]
…and there is a growing body of research pointing to recent whooping cough outbreaks being directly linked to the vaccine.
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