Under WHO’s revised manual on AEFI, only those adverse reactions observed during clinical trials of a vaccine, should be classified as vaccine related. All new serious adverse reactions (like the baby above) including deaths seen during post-marketing of the vaccine should be considered as ‘coincidental’ or ‘unclassifiable’, and the vaccine should not be blamed. Download study Revised WHO Adverse Events
VLA COMMENT: Between Kaiser Permante data (VSD) collection reporting fetal deaths from the flu shot 900X more than VAERS while VAERS had 0 reports, what does that say for the accuracy and reliability of independent researchers using VAERS as source. VSD is unavailable to independent researchers. One thing President Trump might do with the Independent Vaccine Science and Safety Commision is to allow Independent researchers to access the KAISER DATA since the CDC pays for it with Taxpayer dollars.
Thank you for posting an image of the severe Stevens Johnson’s reaction here associated with a totally unnecessary vaccine on the first day of life of this child.