Tag Archives: 5 G

5G: The extinction event – Sterilizing humanity

VLA Comment: MUST WATCH…1/3 in to it…get to it and complete the video

Dr. Martin Pall-Presentation to National Institute of Health – “5G Rollout is Absolutely Insane”

During the “Health in Buildings Roundtable” sponsored by the NIH & co-organized by the US CDC and several other organizations, Dr. Martin Pall from the Washington State University (WSU) concluded that the “5G rollout is absolutely insane”


VLA Comment: If Blumenthal is so against 5 G then, then why would he support the Democrat’s Green New Deal which is smartmeters, 5 G, etc. See Naomi Wolf explain Green New Deal.
Weapons and microwave top physicist VLA Comment: 1 in 8 children in the future will be born healthy.

FCC preempts local control on smart meters and 5 G

Rudolf Steiner (1900s) warning on 5G web and the Eighth Demonic Sphere

Harald Kautz Vella on 5 G and Rudolf Steiner Eighth Demonic Sphere and LiFi (advanced WiFi) LED & GREEN NEW DEAL


VLA COMMENT:  You might think it is a war between consumers and Government corportacy but it is not.  It is a spiritual war.  Individual and collective human greed has resulted the degradation of normal human frequencies of love and compassion.  The indivduals who have been overtaken by “materialsm”, by science, by technology are not only caught in the subphysical web of the Ahriman/Lucifer Archontic frequencies of the “eighth demonic sphere (Steiner) but  are channels for Ahriman as seen by the final blow to humanity of the wide spread 5G spider web network.

The Ahrimanic stream, the force of  materialism and cutting off from the spiritual worlds, works to make things more heavy and dense, until eventually the world becomes so dense that man, and particularily the new man, the spiritual  man of the future evolutionary stages, is unable to  exist on it.

The Luciferic stream is the opposite.  It strives to prevent man from incarnating on the Earth (the true theatre of divine evolution) by creating secondary worlds that are so attractive that people don’t want to incarnate on the Earth.  The Chinese Buddhist concept of the Western Paradise of Amitaba or of Kuan Yin is a good example of this.  So bodies will be born without spirits, because all the spirits are in the Western Heaven (metaphorically speaking).  This would prevent the Earth from having humanity on it; humanity being precisely the carrier of the Christ impulse which is to bring about the spiritualisation of the Earth.

If the double machinations of Lucifer and Ahriman were to succeed, the world would become hard  and devoid of spirit, and would enter a different phase of evolution to the one the Gods intended: the Eighth Sphere rather than the Jupiter stage.  (The term “Eighth Sphere” is derived from Theosophists  like Leadbeater, who refer to a lower and unpleasant realm – a sort of hell or underworld – beneath the seven normal planes of evolution).

5G BEAST SYSTEM Includes very important explanatory letter and template for Freedom of Information request for your town or city as it regards 5G implentation.


VLA Comment: TED talk years ago told us about the plan to put LED light bulbs in lamp poles and basically banish incandescent light bulb via attempted legislation. You can’t find a regular light bulb in Walmart…all LED. Rudolf Steiner prophesied this in the early 1900s. This second video explains how internet will travel through these LED lights. Steiner talks about the web of Ahriman/Lucifer over the earth getting stronger as people are overcome by greed, lowering their vibrations and allowing this subphysical eighth sphere to continue to pervade our systems. It is a manifestation of people’s loss of spirtuality and dependence on matter…the Internet of Things, science, transhumanism.



What if every light bulb in the world could also transmit data? At TEDGlobal, Harald Haas demonstrates, for the first time, a device that could do exactly that. By flickering the light from a single LED, a change too quick for the human eye to detect, he can transmit far more data than a cellular tower — and do it in a way that’s more efficient, secure and widespread.

VLA Comment: This will show the reality of the demonic web deeping and penetrating as if it is a good thing.

United Nations: International plea to stop 5 G rollout  READ GREEN MED ARTICLE

I live in Vienna, Austria, where the 5G rollout is suddenly upon us. Within the last five weeks, pre-5G has been officially announced at Vienna airport and 5G at the Rathausplatz, the main square in Vienna, which attracts tens of thousands of visitors to its Christmas market each December and skating rink each January, which are special treats for children. Along with birds and insects, children are the most vulnerable to 5G depredation because of their little bodies.[8]

Friends and acquaintances and their children in Vienna are already reporting the classic symptoms of EMR poisoning:[9] nosebleeds, headaches, eye pains, chest pains, nausea, fatigue, vomiting, tinnitus, dizziness, flu-like symptoms, and cardiac pain. They also report a tight band around the head; pressure on the top of the head; short, stabbing pains around the body; and buzzing internal organs. Other biological effects such as tumours and dementia usually take longer to manifest, but in the case of 5G, which has never been tested for health or safety, who knows?[10]

Verizon will be first to market in the U.S. with both fixed and mobile versions of 5G technology. We are taking a progressive approach to rolling out 5G, beginning with super-fast broadband service in four markets in 2018, and will follow that with mobile 5G service, with plans to expand deployments in 2019 and beyond.



  • 5G Network Countries: South Korea. Two service providers in South Korea are vying to be first to market with a 5G network. …
  • 5G Network Countries: China. …
  • 5G Network Countries: Japan. …
  • 5G Network Countries: The United States. …
  • Additional “5G Network Countries” Resources.



                  GREEN NEW DEAL EXPOSED

VERY, VERY IMPORTANT…NAOMI WOLF TAKES YOU THROUGH THE GREEN NEW DEAL which includes Geoengineering, private control of the nations’ economy to IT and IP companies like Bill Gates who is the major investor in the IP for the companies who will be taking control of smart cities, 5G, SMART METERS enforced on us, ownership of water by private companies, smart energy in “every” industrial building, etc. And creating a new system of BANKS!!!!

5G is already in a lot of places

Activist Post already reported about the 5G court case that was won in Gateshead, England after 5G was installed in street lamps and people became sick.  Scientist, Mark Steele, was part of the movement to get the 5G removed and Gateshead council members weren’t at all happy about that.


What Naomi is saying already has its deep roots in the deep state.

VLA Comment on Solution: It appears that the momentum is great and that 5G is already installed in many places worldwide.  In the vaccine issue we have never been able to effect change in the establishment but we have been able to wake parents up to the dangers of vaccines to which they had the alternative to request a religious exemption in the majority of states and a conscientious objection in other states. However, California removed all exemptions except medical which is near impossible to get.  Hence, in California no child is allowed to get an education in public or private schools without being fully vaccinated. Without the exemptions all children will be assaulted by nearly 80 vaccinations by the time they graduate high school.  However, what I have come to realize is that debilitating the population from birth is simply a prelude to the 5 G Beast which will kill us all and destroy humanity, leading to the open door of TRANSHUMANISM. The warning of Rudolf Steiner, who stated in the early 1900s that there will come a time when vaccines would preclude the ability to think spiritually has come to pass. The only solution is to raise one’s individual frequency through daily and regular meditation,  Apparently, the Ahrimanic and Luciferian eighth sphere frequency can not penetrate or degrade this higher frequency and so when we shuffle off this mortal coil we will be rather automatically prevented from slipping into the eighth demonic sphere (namely hell). However, as far as health in this incarnation, high frequency will shield to a point, in my opinion, but it doesn’t look good…and with that thought… daily meditation to establish oneself in a higher frequency may fend off some deleterious effect of the 5 G Beast System but at least we know that when it is all done, as Rudolf Steiner indicates….we will go to the Jupiter sphere and continue our evolution in the Light of G_D!