Healthy 4 Month Old Dies of “Natural Causes” A Week After 7 Vaccines
Abigael Portillo is embarking on a journey no mother or parent should ever endure. She’s at the beginning stages of investigating and learning why her healthy four-month old baby girl died within a week of receiving seven vaccines. Vida’s death certificate shows the manner of death is “Natural” and the autopsy findings show “adenovirus with coinciding rhinovirus infection.” (Rhinovirus is also known as the common cold.) However, according to Abigael, Vida “wasn’t even sick. No fever no running nose, no cough, – a normal healthy baby.” Abigael: I took my precious Vida to her 4 month well check and she received Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), Polio (IPV), Pneumococcal (PCV13), Rotavirus (RV), Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis (DTaP). That is 7 shots. Never did I question what they are for. Are they all necessary at such a young age (only 17 lbs) or even all at once? What are the side effects? What should I look for if she has a reaction? Instead, I just held my baby down while all kinds of chemicals, aluminum, mercury, monkey cells (yes, monkey cells) the list goes on…as they were injected into my baby girl’s body.