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VLA COMMENT: Although we contacted the Church to which the man and his wife attended we are unsure whether we were heard. We let them know that it appears that the man had a typical homicidal ideation after taking days of codeine (cough medicine). He should have been gene tested to see if he was polymorphic Cytochrome P450 2D6, of which 10% of Caucasians are .He received a life sentence and from the looks of him he is probably being treated with drugs for mental illness in prison.
The study below is of a young girl (9 years old) that died. She also was not tested to see if she was a “non metabolizer” (polymorphism) of Cyp 450 2D6. In the study you will see due to the autopsy they found out the she was a non metabolizer. They try to call it a GENETIC DEFECT so as to blame her for her own death.
It is not a genetic defect. It is simply a genetic variation depending on race, demographics, etc. The medical cabal and pharma tried to posture it as a genetic defect so as to “blame” the victim. A pharmacogenetic test should always be taken before prescribing drugs. See more in our room pharmacogentics.
There is a defense that is emerging as it regards pharmacogenetics called THE AUTOMATON DEFENSE. This defense should have been used, if and after the gene test. Automatism is a rarely used criminal defense. It is one of the mental condition defenses that relate to the mental state of the defendant. Automatism can be seen variously as lack of voluntariness, lack of culpability (unconsciousness) or excuse (Schopp).
Fluoxetine-related death in a child with cytochrome P-450 2D6 genetic deficiency. READ STUDY Abstract
Review the list of thousands of suicide and homicide cases on

And we can’t find an medical negligent attorney in Iowa who has any knowledge of pharmacogenetics.